Choosing the best Diapers for your baby

When it comes to choosing diapers for your little bundle of joy, it is important that you know what is important for you and your baby. It is a given fact that in the initial days after your child’s birth you’re going face a daunting task of changing diapers. Thus, for that choosing and stocking the best baby diapers is highly important.

Although some moms may have different preferences when it comes to diapers for their little ones, it is however important to be aware of the varieties available in the market so that you are one hundred percent sure which is best for your munchkin.

Let’s check a few tips that will help you choose the best diapers for newborns:

Absorbency of the Diaper

A good diaper is that which absorbs maximum moisture and leaves your baby’s skin feeling soft. The ultimate aim of a baby diaper is to keep the baby dry at all times and ensure that there are no allergies caused by it. Hence, absorbency is the most important factor when it comes to choosing best diapers for your little one. Pampers Dry Pants could be the most suitable option when it comes to absorbency of a diaper.

Softness and Stretchiness of the Diaper

Diapers that made from nonwoven fabrics or naturally-found materials are what makes diapers soft and flexible. Since a baby’s skin is sensitive, buying a diaper with ultra-softness will make the baby at ease and comfort all the time. Use Pampers Active Baby Diaper for 5 star skin comfort for your baby.

A Wetness Indicator on the Diaper

This wetness indicator is an extremely convenient feature that Pampers integrates in its diapers. A blue line symbolizing the indicator turns yellow when the diaper gets saturated with urine.

Diaper Shaped for Newborns

Changing a new-born’s diaper can be challenging, learn the perfect way to change a new-born’s diaper while taking care of the umbilical cord. These baby diapers are designed to fit accurately into your child to prevent any leakage. A proper fit ensures that your little one stays comfortable for as long as the diaper doesn’t get soiled.

Now that you know what factors you must consider before choosing the best diaper for newborn baby, here is a small list of quick tips for all the moms:

  • Newborn babies require 7 - 8 diapers on average per day.

  • However, after the initial few weeks have transpired, your little one’s diaper requirements will cut down to 5 - 6 per day.

All in all, bear this in mind that a newborn baby grows out rapidly and it’s only a matter of time that you may find the smallest diaper size fitting the infant, just barely.

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