Baby Cough & Cold: Home Remedies, Treatments and Tips

It is a moment of heartbreak when parents realise that their little one is fighting a cold or cough. Newborn babies are very vulnerable to common colds, as their immune system is still in a developing stage. Although over-the-counter medications are not recommended for babies, there are some effective home remedies for colds in babies that are considered safe and effective. This blog will take you through the symptoms of common colds in infants and what home remedies for infant cough can be used to treat them. 

Understanding Common Cold In Babies 

When the nerve endings in the throat, windpipe or lungs sense the irritation, a reflex causes air to be forcefully ejected through the passageways.  

The most common irritant is mucus. When a lot of it is secreted – during a cold, for example – this fluid accumulates in the back of the throat and can trigger a cough. Baby coughs are usually associated with respiratory illnesses such as colds, bronchiolitis and flu but can also be caused by allergies or swallowing a foreign object.  

Signs And Symptoms Of Cold In Babies 

Knowing the symptoms of a cold in infants enables you to take measures for early treatment and care. Normal symptoms and signs of cold in babies include the following: 

  • Runny or stuffed up nose 

  • Sneezing 

  • Slight fever 

  • Cough 

  • Fussiness 

  • Irritability 

  • Restlessness 

  • Lack of appetite 

Despite these symptoms, they are usually not severe and can be treated with simple home remedies for infant cough.  

Home Remedies for Cold In Babies

Most coughs will go away on their own, but until then, you can do the following home remedies for cold in babies to help them feel comfortable:  

  • Encourage extra fluids to keep the airway moist and your child well hydrated. 

  • Turn on a humidifier or vaporiser, especially if your home is very dry. 

  • Sit with your child in a closed bathroom while a hot shower is running; the steam can loosen and ease any cough, especially before bedtime. 

  • Breast milk is a powerhouse of antibodies and nutrients that can help strengthen your baby’s immune system. Frequent breastfeeding can provide essential fluids and nourishment, aiding in quicker recovery. 

  • Elevating your baby's head while sleeping can aid nasal congestion and ease their breathing. You can do this by placing a rolled-up towel under the crib mattress. 

  • A warm bath can relax your baby and help loosen his mucus. Adding a few drops of eucalyptus oil to the bathwater can also clear nasal passages, relieving cold symptoms. 

Why Don't All Baby Coughs Sound The Same? 

Most often, the location of the infection determines the sound of the cough. For example, an irritation in the windpipe or bronchi sounds deeper and raspier than when it's located in the larynx. Most common colds are accompanied by a dry or wet cough that may last even after other symptoms are gone. 

Precautions To Prevent Cold In Babies 

While home remedies for colds and coughs in newborns can be effective, here are a few precautions you can take to avoid them: 

  • Avoid feeding honey to babies under one 

  • Do not use over-the-counter cold medications unless prescribed by a doctor. 

  • Keep your baby away from sick individuals to prevent the spread of the virus. 

When To See A Doctor 

Call your healthcare provider immediately in the following cases: 

  • If your infant is younger than three months, has a cough and a fever of 38 °C or higher or is breathing erratically. 

  • If a child older than 3 months has a fever of 38 °C or higher that lasts for more than 48 hours. 

  • If coughing makes it difficult for your infant to breathe. 

  • If your infant is breathing fast – 40 to 50 breaths per minute – and they 'suck in' between the ribs with each breath. 

  • If coughing is painful, persistent and/or accompanied by a 'whooping' sound. 

  • If your infant coughs so hard that their lips turn blue or dusky. 

  • If coughing appears suddenly and is associated with fever. 

  • If coughing begins after your child chokes on food or another object. 


Always consult your paediatrician if you feel that your baby is sick or if the symptoms are persisting. Through these home remedies for colds in babies, you can help your baby feel more comfortable and become healthy and happy once again. If your baby’s health is your priority, stay informed on the common health issues in babies and make smart decisions for yourself and your baby. 

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