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When do babies roll over?

Even before your baby learns to crawl, sit or stand, the very first milestone is that of a baby rolling over. It’s the first time that your baby makes a big move that enables him/her to see the world from a different view. For parents, this moment of independence may surprise and even stir some emotions.

Most parents wonder about the timeline, often searching for ‘when do babies start rolling over?’ in search engines. But one mustn’t pay too much heed to the timeline unless absolutely required. Rolling over requires adequate strength in the upper body muscles and arms. Babies can roll over as early as four months: and once that’s accomplished, you can expect your baby to roll back on their tummy by the time they’re six or seven months.

How do babies learn to roll over?

Making babies lie down on their tummy, under supervision always, helps strengthen their upper body strength. You’ll wonder when to start with tummy time? You can start it as early as the first week by placing baby on your lap head down for a few minutes when your baby is completely awake and alert. Always make sure to keep an eye on the baby. The little one will slowly be able to lift his head by himself and use his arms to prop his chest up. Eventually, at around three to four months, he will be able to roll over from front to back. Although, a baby rolling over from front to back is the first step, its completely normal if the baby flips the other way first.

When Do Babies Roll Over? 

You may be wondering when “should” your baby be able to roll over? Since every baby is unique and will reach various development milestones at their own pace, the age at which your baby starts rolling over can vary. Read on to learn more about this aspect of childhood development and find out when you can start seeing your baby mastering the milestone of rolling over. When Do Babies Start to Show Signs of Rolling Over? You may also be wondering how do babies roll over? Well, it starts with a few noticeable signs of development. At around 5 months old, your baby may start to show the following signs that rolling over is on the horizon: 

  • Using their arms to lift their chest and arch their back 

  • Rocking on their stomach 

  • Kicking or twisting their legs 

  • Swimming with their arms. 

Developing these kinds of gross motor skills is necessary for your baby to be able to eventually roll over. When Do Babies Roll Over From Belly to Back, Back to Belly? So, which way do babies roll first? Most babies will roll over from belly to back first, and then later from back to belly. Here’s why: 

  • Rolling from belly to back is easier because it only needs a small change in gravity. 

  • Rolling from back to belly requires more complex movements, like rocking, arching the back, and twisting the legs. 

So, when can babies roll over in both directions? By around 7 months, many babies may be able to roll over in both directions. 

At What Age Do Babies Roll Over Easily? 

So, how old are babies when they roll over? Rolling over often happens anywhere between 4 and 7 months. But this “rolling over” milestone, like other developmental achievements, could happen at a different time for an individual baby. 

You might be wondering if your baby has begun rolling over too early or too late. Although it’s unlikely for a baby to begin rolling over before 4 months, for example, it doesn’t mean it’s impossible. And looking at it from the opposite perspective, don’t be disappointed if your baby is not rolling over at 5, 6, or 7 months because every baby develops differently. Be patient—there’s still time. 

What can you do to help baby roll over?

To begin with, ensuring your baby gets plenty tummy time to strengthen the upper body is a good start. Rolling over the first time can be quite alarming for the young one, so try to encourage by smiling and appreciating the little one’s attempts. Try coaxing her to roll by motioning her with a toy that she loves. Or try lying down beside her and see if she is trying to reach or get closer to you. Encourage her to roll over and similar activities through play.

How to ensure baby is safe once the little one begins rolling?

Once your baby has begun to roll over, you’ll need to be even more vigilant and careful. Most babies are bound to grab crumbs on the floor or reach out for wires and plugs. Ensure you have baby-proofed your home thoroughly. And it’s best to make space and let your tumbling champion practice their somersaults on an activity mat or thick carpet. It will not only allow them to have a good play area that will aid in the development of his motor skills, but also ensure you have some peace of mind.

You must be fretting about your baby rolling over in her sleep, and that’s a plausible concern considering its one of the reasons that increase the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). But you don’t need to keep a hawk eye on the baby every second of the night or plant your ear into the baby monitor. Experts suggest making sure your keep the sleeping area and environment safe by not having any loose bedding, pillows, soft toys or loose blankets that could cover his mouth, and ensuring you place the baby on its back when you put them to bed.

However, if you’re paranoid about baby rolling over in her sleep, and that’s completely fine too, you could try placing your baby on her back with her arms with any one arm extended. That way, even if she rolls over, she will turn on the side that has her arm extended and wont completely flip as the extended arm will play a barrier.

Another important point is that each baby hit developmental milestones at their own pace. It may take longer for your baby to push up on her arm or lift her head. Or even longer to figure out how to roll back on the stomach. It’s absolutely alright. Just give her enough tummy time and opportunities to play around.

How to Encourage Your Baby to Roll Over 

So, how do you teach your baby to roll over from tummy to back? The answer is tummy time! It’s an activity that you can start when your baby is a newborn infant. Encourage rolling over by placing your baby on their tummy for short periods, with you close at hand. Eventually you may start seeing your baby rolling over from tummy to back. 

Here are some tips for encouraging rolling over during tummy time: 

  • Have a dedicated space for tummy time. A good place can be on a blanket spread out on the floor. 

  • Do tummy time two to three times a day for three to five minutes at a time. As your baby gets used to this new activity, you can increase the time and frequency. 

  • During tummy time, encourage your baby to roll over by showing them a favorite toy/rattle or a mirror, or by making noises. You could also lie side by side with your baby and encourage them to roll over. But avoid pushing or pulling them. Congratulate your baby once they’ve managed to roll over. 

  • Make sure not to leave your baby unattended during tummy time, and don't let them play with any small toys or objects as these can be a choking hazard. 

Baby’s begun rolling, what next?

Rolling over is the first of many milestones that your baby will cross. As her neck and shoulder muscles get stronger, and she begins to support her head, she will sit up. Initially she’ll need some help but soon without assistance. Then the crawling and later stand up by herself. Once she’s learnt how to do these two, walking is just around the corner, and within the blink of an eye, you’ll find her running up to you. In case you’re concerned about the timelines of your little one’s developmental milestones, you can always consult the pediatrician. The first year is full of many firsts, enjoy these moments and make the most of it!

What to Do If Your Baby Isn’t Rolling Over 

Your little one may reach certain milestones sooner than others, or they may take a little extra time to master certain skills. This is normal—every baby is an individual and develops at their own speed. 

Your baby's healthcare provider will be tracking your baby's growth and development. If you're concerned your baby hasn't rolled over, if you’re wondering can your baby roll over too early, if you think your baby has stopped rolling over, or if you have any other concerns about your baby’s development, ask your provider at your next appointment. 


Babies generally don’t start to roll over until 4 months of age, which means seeing your baby rolling over at 2 months may be unlikely since they haven’t yet developed the strength to be able to do so. However, since every baby is different, there may still be chance for developing this “rolling over” milestone earlier. 


Consult your healthcare provider for additional advice on your baby’s development and keep reading for more information. 

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