Guide on How Often Should You Change Your New Born’s Diaper?
Among the many, many questions that perplex new parents, there is one particularly confusing question that doesn’t necessarily have the right answer. The question is, ‘When, and how often must you change your baby’s diaper?’
Unlike a lot of things in life, this one does not have a definite answer, and knowing when your baby needs a diaper change is never an exact science. Now we cannot tell you when to change the diaper, but what we can do, is guide you. This way, you can make the right decision every single time, and since a parent is only as relaxed as their baby is, knowing the diaper change time is quite literally a superpower all parents need. Diaper changing can be a challenging process if not done correctly. Learn how to change a baby’s diaper the right way.

Knowing the answer to the above question is a combination of understanding the following:
How Often to Change a Newborn’s Diaper
Newborn babies may not excrete too many times, but they do urinate with a considerably higher frequency than most children and adults. Since it is both wasteful and an expensive proposition to change your baby’s diaper every time they urinate, the trick is to either rely on a self-created system. Changing a new-born’s diaper can be tricky keeping the umbilical cord care in mind. Learn how to change a new-born’s diaper while taking care of the umbilical cord.
Make it a point to check your baby’s diaper every hour, and once you understand how often they urinate, you can devise a system that works for you and your child. So after how many hours should the diaper be changed?
It depends, although a safe duration could be every two to three hours. Disposable diapers have a far better absorption limit as compared to cloth diapers, and could save you a lot of time and trouble providing valuable comfort to your baby.
Sure there could be situations where you could have to change the diaper sooner if they urinate with a higher frequency, but as we said earlier, it isn’t an exact science.
The other strategy you could employ is vigilance, which would require you to not rely on a fixed bi-hour change but instead rely on regular checks and instinct. Disposable diapers do better in these situations as we mentioned earlier due to their superior absorption capacity and soft texture.
It could be tedious to rely on touching to check whether your baby needs a diaper change. It would be ill-advised to wait for them to let you know by displaying signs of irritability and crying.
Thus, a combination of both these strategies could be immensely helpful to find out when to change the diaper, or even help you create a Diaper Change Frequency Chart. This could help you deputize a family member or friend with diaper changing duties when you are away.
Diaper Change Emergencies and Signs to watch out for
You cannot say when your baby might require a diaper change, even after creating a Diaper Change Frequency Chart. Thus, you must watch out for certain signs that can help you swoop in and defeat the soiled diaper without it affecting your precious new-born’s playfulness.
Poo Poo
It is diaper change time immediately if you notice a poo in your baby’s diaper. Staying on the lookout will help you understand your baby’s poo routine, which shall most often a little while after feeding time.
It depends on your baby
Over a period of time, parents get the hang of how often their baby might require a diaper change. Smaller infants require a change more often as compared to bigger baby.
Bedtime Diaper Change

The night time must always be considered diaper change time right before you put your baby to sleep. This helps them sleep peacefully, without feeling any wetness and irritability. Of course certain situations may arise from time to time when the baby soils their diapers during the night and might require a change. Changing a diaper pant can be very helpful in these kind of situations, as it is a very quick and easy process. Learn how to change a diaper pant correctly.
Another helpful tip that can make things easier for you is changing your baby’s diaper before feeding time since most babies fall right asleep after feeding. This allows you to not disturb them since they are already changed and ready for a good night’s sleep.
There are certain things a parent should keep in mind when changing their baby’s diapers during the night as listed below:
First of all, make sure you always use a diaper that offers extra absorption during the night since dryness is paramount and means an undisturbed sleep for both, the baby and the parents. Pampers Dry Diapers holds an exceptional absorption capacity.
If at all you do end up having to change your baby’s diaper at night, do it as carefully as you can to avoid waking the baby up completely. This will help them fall back asleep after the diaper change, and you too.
Change the baby’s diaper in the night under minimal lighting and as swiftly as you can. Ensure as little physical stimulation as you can.
It is also advisable to apply a mild anti-diaper rash cream before putting on their night-time diaper as a precaution. If the diaper gets too wet, the diaper rash cream will protect your baby’s skin acting as a necessary barrier until it is diaper change time again.
How many diapers should you prepare to use in a day?
It depends on how old your baby is, since they tend to soil more diapers when they are younger and tend to use lesser diapers as they age. Newborn babies may end up requiring diaper changes at least 8-10 times a day.
As the baby grows older, they might require a diaper change less often and the number of diapers you might need to change could dwindle to 5-6 times a day. Track your baby’s growth with the help of our baby growth chart.
If you notice your baby ends up using too few diapers, it could be a cause for concern and you should see a paediatrician to help understand if there is a problem. Any number below 8 diapers for a newborn baby must require the attention of a licensed medical practitioner to alleviate any concerns for your child.
If you think your baby is soiling diapers too often, you have no cause for concern since newborn babies tend to learn bladder control and communicating as they grow older.
All parents’ diaper changing skills require time to develop, and these skills include knowing after how often to change the diaper, creating a diaper change frequency chart and understanding the time frame between mandatory diaper changes. Don’t worry, you got this!
How Often to Change a Baby’s Diaper After Introducing Solids
As your baby gets older and you adjust his feeding schedule to include solid foods, he may produce fewer wet diapers than before. Though diaper changes may be less frequent now, continue to check his diaper every few hours to ensure he’s not too wet. Always change him after he's had a bowel movement.
A diaper change is required with every soiled diaper to prevent skin irritation, especially when babies become more active and mobile. As your baby reaches developmental milestones such as rolling over and crawling, he'll be moving a lot more often. Avoid any messy situations with a diaper that moves with him, like Pampers Cruisers 360° Fit®, and make sure to change him as often as needed.
As your baby grows, his diapering needs evolve with him. You may be starting to get a handle on just how often you should be changing his diaper and when to expect a bowel movement. You can get additional help with Lumi for a better grasp on his ever-changing diapering schedule. Plus, you can even get personalized insights into his overall development and daily routines.
Diaper changes can’t be avoided, but you don’t have to go it alone! With Lumi you’ll be able to track his diapering needs, feeding schedules, and even sleep patterns. Plus, tailored tips and diaper alerts deliver help along the way, at any stage in your baby’s development—from infancy to toddlerhood.
Diaper Changing Tips
Have never changed a diaper yet? Don’t worry; with a few tips and some practice you’ll be a pro in no time. Start by gathering all the diapering supplies you will need.
A clean diaper in just the right size. Check out the diaper size and weight chart to learn which diaper fits best for your little one.
Baby wipes. Pampers® Sensitive Baby Wipes are a great choice for your baby’s delicate skin.
Changing pad (you can find disposable pads for added convenience when on-the-go!)
Diaper rash ointment to prevent skin irritation. Speak with your baby’s healthcare provider if you have questions or for recommendations on rash prevention.
It helps to keep all the diapering essentials in one place for easy access; after all, you will be changing diapers quite frequently! Once you’ve gotten all the diapering essentials together, it’s time to change your little one. Here’s how you can change your baby’s diaper:
Remove the used diaper and throw it out
Clean your baby’s diaper area
Apply a diaper rash ointment or barrier cream if your baby has diaper rash
Carefully lift your baby’s legs and place the opened diaper underneath. Then place your baby down onto the diaper and pull the front of the diaper up between his legs, and place it on his belly
Close the wings of the diaper, and seal the tapes so that they are symmetrical. Run two fingers between the diaper and his stomach to check that the diaper isn't too tight.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Should I wipe my baby after every diaper change? Not every diaper change may require a wipe. If your baby has only urinated, then you can probably skip wiping to avoid unnecessary irritation. However, always wipe after every poopy diaper, and always wipe front to back to help prevent the spread of bacteria. Should I change a poopy diaper if my baby is sleeping? No one wants to wake a sleeping baby, but if your baby has a poopy diaper then you should change her. A soiled diaper can lead to irritation or worse—see your baby’s healthcare provider if you have any concerns about diaper rash irritation or a possible infection. How often should I change my 10-month-old’s diaper? Change your baby as often as needed, keeping in mind that a 10-month-old may go through about 5 to 7 diapers a day. The Lumi by Pampers™ system comes equipped with an activity sensor that alerts you every time your baby needs a diaper change.