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Formula feeding guidelines

Not everyone chooses to breastfeeding, in which case formula milk in a baby feeding bottle can provide a nutritious alternative. What’s involved? You will need several baby feeding bottles, formulae powder and a sterilizing system. It's really important to make sure all equipment is completely clean to avoid bacteria developing. Wash all the equipment in warm soapy water using a specially designed bottle brush to clean teats and the bottles. Then sterilize the equipment to kill off any left behind bacteria. Remember to thoroughly clean the work surface too.

Making the formula

Prepare the formula for your newborn according to the manufacturer’s instructions, using the scoop provided to ensure measurements are accurate. Use boiled tap water that has been boiled within the last 30 minutes; the water needs to be no less than 70 ºC

Bottle Feeding Your Baby

Before bottle feeding your baby, check the temperature by squeezing a couple of drops on your inner wrist, it should feel warm but not hot. Follow your baby’s lead, remember, each baby is unique and will vary their intake from feeding to feeding, and day to day. Don’t encourage your abby to finish a bottle if they seem to have lost interest. Always through away any milk left over rather than saving for later.

Here's a rough idea of how much milk does a baby need, and how often she needs to be fed with the formula feeding chart given below:

Age:Amount per feeding:Feeding Frequency:
Newborn60 to 90 ml (2 to 3 ounces)Every 3 to 4 hours
One month120 ml (4 ounces)Every 4 hours
Two months120 ml (4 ounces)6 to 7 feedings/24 hours
Four months120 to 180 ml (4 to 6 ounces)6 feedings/24 hours
Six months180 to 240 ml (6 to 8 ounces)5 feedings/24 hours
One year240 ml (8 ounces)2 to 3 feedings/24 hours supplemented with baby food


Follow your baby's lead

Remember, each baby is unique and will vary her intake from feeding to feeding, and day to day.

Also, find out tips on breastfeeding here.

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Useful links:

Baby Growth Chart Baby Teething Timeline How to Burp a Baby Benefits of a Baby Massage

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