1400+ Popular Bengali Baby Names for Baby Boys & Girls with Meanings

When it comes to naming a baby, Bengali culture seeks inspiration from the names of gods and goddesses, nature, aspirations of parents, and influential personalities. In every Indian community, the naming ceremony of a newborn is celebrated with great gusto and fun.


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So, if you are yet to choose a name for your baby and looking for some inspiration, you're on the right page! And if you have just found out that you're pregnant – Congratulations!

And if you're a mom-to-be approaching her due date soon, here is a list of some popular Bengali names for babies along with their meanings that you can choose from:

150+ Bengali names for boys (ছেলেদের বাংলা নাম)

Sr No.Baby Boy NamesTransliterationMeaning
1AakashআকাশSky; Space
2AarulআরুলSomeone who is brilliant
3AbanishআবনীশBeing a king
4AbeerআবীরPerfume, The colourful one
5Abhayঅভয়Fearless; Brave
6AbhijitঅভিজিৎVictorious; Conqueror of fear
7Abhimanyuঅভিমন্যুArjuna's son; Heroic
9Abhoyঅভয়One who is fearless
10Abhraneelঅভ্রনীলLord Krishna
11AbirআবিরFragrance; Colourful
12Achintyaঅচিন্ত্যHealer of all worries
13Adityaআদিত্যSun; The Sun God
14AkashআকাশSky; Open space
15Akhilbandhuঅখিলবন্ধুSomeone who is everyone's friend
16Amartyaঅমর্ত্যImmortal; Divine
17AmitঅমিতInfinite; Boundless
19AnikঅনীকBlessed one, or Moon
20Anirbanঅনির্বাণEternal flame; Boundless
21Arindamঅরিন্দমDestroyer of enemies; The mighty one
22Arjunঅর্জুনBright; Shining
23Arnabঅর্ণবOcean; Sea
25AsirআসিরThe chosen one, or the Sun.
26AsitঅসিতSomeone who has no limit or Lord
27AvikঅভিকSomeone without fear
28Ayanঅয়নBright; Energetic
32BarunবরুণLord of the sea; Neptune
34Bhashkarভাস্করThe Sun
36BikashবিকাশDevelopment; Progress
38BinodবিনোদSpiritual happiness, laughter
39Bishwajitবিশ্বজিৎOne who has won over the whole world
40Biswajitবিশ্বজিৎConqueror of the world; Universal winner
41Biswarupবিশ্বরূপUniverse; Form of the universe
42Chanchalচঞ্চলRestless one
43Chandraguptচন্দ্রগুপ্তA king
44ChiradeepচিরদীপThe Eternal Lamp
45ChiragচিরাগLamp; Light
46Chiranjeevচিরঞ্জীবImmortal; Long-lived
47Chitranjanচিত্তরঞ্জনInner joy
48DebabirtaদেববীরতাAnother name of Bhisma
49Debabrataদেবব্রতName of Bhismha; Devoted to Bhismha
50Debanjanদেবাঞ্জনGod's eyes
51DebashishদেবাশীষGod's blessing
52DebashmitদেবশমিতLord of the rings
53DebasishদেবাশীষPleased by the gods; Delighted by the gods
54DebjitদেবজিতConqueror of all Gods
55Debjyotiদেবজ্যোতিGod of light
56DebojitদেবজিতVictory of God; Conqueror of Gods
57DeepদীপLamp; Light
58Deepayanদীপায়নThe one who looks towards the light
59DevদেবGod; Divine
61Dipankarদীপঙ্করLamp; One who lights lamps
62Dipayanদীপায়নLamp; Flame
63DiponদীপনLord of Light
64Diptanshuদিপ্তাংশুBrightness; Luminous
66Ekantএকান্তThe solitary one
67EkrajএকরাজOne ruler
69GatikগতিকFast, Progressive
70GautamগৌতমLord Buddha; The enlightened one
71Gobindগোবিন্দWorld's preserver
73Gyandeepজ্ঞানদীপDivine lamp of knowledge
74Harinakshহরিনাক্ষLord Shiva
75HaritহরিতGreen; Nature
76Himadriহিমাদ্রিPeak of snow; Himalayas
77HirenহিরেনLord of diamonds
79Idrisইদ্রিসOne who instructs, Studious one
81ImanইমানFaith; Belief
82Indraইন্দ্রKing of the Gods; Rain God
84Indrashishইন্দ্রাশীষGod's blessing
86IshanইশানLord Shiva; Sun
87Jagannathজগন্নাথLord of the universe; Lord Vishnu
88Jatindranathযতীন্দ্রনাথLord Shiva
89Jayantaজয়ন্তVictorious; Lord Vishnu
90Jayashishজয়াশীষVictory with blessing
91Jaydebজয়দেবGod of victory
92Jianজিয়ানMan of strength
93Jishnuজিষ্ণুVictorious; Triumphant
94Joyজয়Happiness; Victory
95Joydevজয়দেবGod of victory; Lord Krishna
97KapiকাপিLord Hanuman
99KaushalকৌশলSkillful; Talented
100KaushikকৌশিকSage Vishwamitra; Name of a rishi
101KaviকবিPoet, wise man
102KeshavকেশবLord Krishna; Long-haired
104Lakeshলক্ষেশCinnamon tree
105LikhilলিখিলAnother name of Goddess Saraswati
106LokakritiলোকাকৃতিWorld's creator
107MadhavমাধবSweet; Lord Krishna
108MaheshমহেশLord Shiva; Great ruler
109MainakমৈনাকSon of Mena
110ManikমানিকJewel; Ruby
111MeerমীরChief, Leader
112ModanমোদানGod of Love
113MonoharমনোহরOne who is a great charmer
114MonojitমনোজিৎOne who wins over others' minds
115MounishমৌনিশConqueror of minds
117Mritunjayমৃত্যুঞ্জয়Lord Shiva
118NabarunনবারুণMorning sun; New sun
119NairitনৈরিতSouth west
120Nandishনন্দীশLord Shiva
122NikhilনিখিলWhole; Entire
124NiravনীরবQuiet; Silent
125Nirmalনির্মলPure; Clean
127Omduttaওমদত্তGod's gift
130PalashপলাশFlowering tree; Flame of the forest
131ParashপরশGolden touch
134Prabirপ্রবীরWarrior; Brave
135Prahorপ্রহরAn eighth part of the night or day
136Pramtiপ্রামতিOne who is conscious and aware
137Pranayপ্রণয়Love; Romance
139Probalপ্রবলSomeone adored and beloved
140Prosenjitপ্রসেনজিৎVictory; Winner
141Protikপ্রতীকA symbol for something
142RahulরাহুলEfficient; Conqueror of all miseries
143RajরাজKing; Rule
145RajivরাজীবLotus; Blue lotus
146Ranjitরঞ্জিতVictorious; One who is victorious
147RishavঋষভSaintly; Morally excellent
149RonitরণিতEmbellishment; Charming
150Rudraরুদ্রLord Shiva; The fierce one
151RupakরূপকBeautiful; Handsome
152RupjitরূপজিৎA beautiful and handsome person
153Sahasranshuসহস্রাংশুOne who is like the Sun
154SahilসাহিলGuide; Bank of the river
155SamiranসমীরণBreeze; Air
156Samratসম্রাটEmperor; King
157Sandeepসন্দীপLight; Bright
158Sanjayসঞ্জয়Victory; Triumphant
159Sanjibসঞ্জীবSomeone who will live long
160Sanjitসঞ্জিতTriumphant; Victorious
162Saptarishiসপ্তর্ষিSeven stars in the Galaxy
163Sarthakসার্থকMeaningful; Successful
164Shantanuশান্তনুPeaceful; Calm
165Shayanশায়ানSomeone who is calm-minded
166ShibnathশিবনাথLord Shiva; God of Shiva
167Shubhankarশুভঙ্করAuspicious; Propitious
168SohamসোহমThe presence of divinity; I am that
169SouravসৌরভFragrance; Fragrant
170SouvikসৌভিকLord Shiva; Well spoken
171SubhashসুভাষSoft spoken; Well-spoken
172Subrataসুব্রতDedicated to good conduct; Follower of rules
173SudhanidhiসুধানিধিA boy with the moon in his eyes
174Sujayসুজয়Victorious; Triumphant
175SujitসুজিতVictory; Winner
176SurajসুরজSun; Lord Surya
177Suranjanসুরঞ্জনPleasing; Charming
178Swarupস্বরূপBeautiful; The form of something
179TapanতপনSun; Summer
180TapasতাপসAscetic; Meditation
181Tapasviতপস্বীAscetic; One who practices meditation
182Tiyashতিয়াসThe thirst of something
183Udayanউদয়নRising; Prosperous
184Udaybhanউদয়ভানThe rising sun
185Uddipanউদ্দীপনThe illuminating one; One who lights up
186Ujjalউজ্জ্বলBright; Clear
187Upendraউপেন্দ্রLord Vishnu; An element of Lord Vishnu
188Uttamউত্তমBest; Excellent
189VidurবিদুরWise; Skilful
190Vikramবিক্রমValorous; Heroic


150+ Bengali Girl Names (বাংলা মেয়েদের নাম)

Sr No.Baby Girl NamesTransliterationMeaning
1Aanyaঅন্যাInexhaustible; Limitless
2Aaradhyaআরাধ্যাWorship; Devotion
3Aaratrikaআরাত্রিকাDusk lamp; The one who shows the path
4AarohiআরোহীA musical note; Ascending
5AbhaআভাGlorious, Shining, Rays of the sun
6AditiঅদিতিBoundless; Free; The earth and sky
7AhanaঅহনাDays, Exist
8AishaniঐশানীGoddess Durga; Name of a river
9Aitriঐত্রীJoyful, Happy
10Akankshaআকাঙ্ক্ষাDesire; Wish
13AnamikaঅনামিকাWithout a name; Ring finger
14Ananyaঅনন্যাUnique; Matchless
15AnikaঅনিকাGoddess Durga; Grace
16AnishaঅনীশাUninterrupted; Continuous
17Ankolikaঅঙ্কোলিকাAn embrace
18Annapurnaঅন্নপূর্ণাGoddess Bhagavati
19Anoushkaঅনুষ্কাGrace; Favour
21AradhanaআরাধনাWorship; Devotion
22Arpitaঅর্পিতাDedicated; Surrendered
23ArunimaঅরুণিমাGlow of the dawn
25AvaniঅবনীEarth; Goddess Parvati
27BaisakhiবৈশাখীSpring festival; The month of Baisakh
28Barnaliবর্ণালীA stream of flowers; A bunch of flowers
29BenitaবেনিতাBlessed; Favorable
30BhoomikaভূমিকাEarth; Base
34BinitaবিনীতাModest, the most lovable
36BipashaবিপাশাA River
37BishakhaবিশাখাA star
38BithikaবিতিকাA path between the trees
39BritiবৃতিStrength, Flower
40ChaitaliচৈতালীBorn in the month of Chaitra; Springtime
41Chandanaচন্দনাSandalwood; Pleasant smell
44CharulataচারুলতাBeautiful creeper; Beautiful
45ChhabiছবিA picture
46Chitrangadaচিত্রাঙ্গদাArjun's wife
47Damayantiদময়ন্তীNala's wife; Beautiful
48Debadritaদেবাদ্রিতাLoved by God
49DebalinaদেবালিনাA young girl; Beloved
50DebanshiদেবাংশীPart of God
51Debashmitaদেবাশ্মিতাThe one who makes others smile
53DebjaniদেবযানীWorshipper of the Gods; Devotee
54DeblinaদেবলিনাA young girl; Beloved
55DebolinaদেবোলিনাAdored by Gods
56DeepaliদীপালীRow of lamps; Collection of lamps
57DevikaদেবীকাLittle goddess; Mother of gods
58DipikaদীপিকাLamp; A small light
59Diptiদীপ্তিBrightness; Luster
60Diyaদিয়াLamp; Light
61Doeylদোয়েলA bird that sings
62EashitaঈষিতাThe one who desires
64Ekaprnikaএকপ্রণিকাGoddess Durga
65ElinaএলিনাPure; Intelligent
66EshaঈশাDesire; Purity
67EshanaঈশানাDesire; Wish
68EshitaঈষিতাDesired; Loved
69Falguniফাল্গুনীBorn in the month of Falgun; Beautiful
72GaminiগামিনীGoddess Parvati, to run
73Gargiগার্গীAn ancient scholar; A river
74Gariyashiগারিয়াশিBigger or larger
75GehnaগেহনাSomeone who beautifies
76Gitanjaliগীতাঞ্জলিA collection of poems
77GopaগোপাThe wife of Gautama
78Grahatiগ্রহতীGoddess Lakshmi
79Grishaগ্রীশাGoddess Parvati
80Gunjanগুঞ্জনBuzzing of a bee, humming
81Haimantiহেমন্তীWinter; Winter season
83Himakshiহিমাক্ষীSaviour of the snow
84Hiranyadhaহিরণ্যধাTo give gold
87Indiraইন্দিরাBeautiful; Goddess Lakshmi
88Indraniইন্দ্রাণীWife of Indra; Queen of Indra
89Ipsitaইপ্সিতাDesired; Wished for
90IshaniঈশানীGoddess Durga
93Jayaজয়াVictory; Success
94Jharnaঝর্ণাFountain; Spring
95JhumurঝুমুরFolk dance; Ornament
97Joyaজয়াVictory; Jewel
98Jyotsnaজ্যোত্স্নাMoonlight; Radiant
99KaberiকবেরীRiver Cauvery
101KakoliকাকলীChirping of birds; Pre-dawn melodious sound
102Kalyaniকল্যাণীAuspicious; Beautiful
103Kankanaকঙ্কনাA bracelet; A bangle
104KarabiকরবীA flower
106KaushikiকৌশিকীGoddess Durga; Name of a river
107KaveriকাবেরীA sacred river; Holy river
108Keyaকেয়াFlower, Speed
109Koenaকোয়েনাA river
110Koyelকোয়েলA cuckoo, sweet sounding one
111KritiকৃতিCreation; Work of art
112Labanyaলাবণ্যGrace; Beauty
113LaboniলাবনীGrace; Charm
114Lajwantiলাজওয়ন্তীA sensitive plant; Shy; Modest
115LipiলিপিScript of God
116LopaলোপাThe wife of a sage, Weaver
117Lopamudraলোপামুদ্রাHidden talent
118MahimaমহিমাGreatness; Glory
119Mainaময়নাBird; Nightingale
120Maitriমৈত্রীFriendship; Amity
121MaliniমালিনীGarlanded with flowers; Fragrant
122ManabiমানাবীBeautiful woman
123MeeraমীরাOcean; Prodigy
125MitaliমিতালিFriendly; Sweet
127NamitaনমিতাHumble; Polite
128Namrataনম্রতাModesty; Politeness
129Nandiniনন্দিনীJoyful; Daughter
130Nayonikaনয়নিকাExpressive eyes
131NeelamনীলমSapphire; Blue gemstone
132Neelanjanaনীলাঞ্জনাBeauty in blue
133NeepaনিপাThe one who watches over all
134Niranjanaনিরাঞ্জনাPure; Spotless
135Oindrilaঐন্দ্রিলাAnother name for the wife of Indra; Deepa
136OishiঐশীDivine; Sweet
137Onjoleeঅঞ্জলীA tribute to God
138Oormilaঊর্মিলাDaughter of King Janak
139Pankhuriপঙ্খুরিPetal of a flower; Petal
141ParoপারোMasterful, Knowledge
142PaulomaপাওলোমাPlace of rest
143PiuপিউBeloved, Loved one
144PoojaপূজাWorship; Prayer
145Pranatiপ্রণতিPrayer; Salutation
146Preranaপ্রেরণাInspiration; Encouragement
148PrithaপৃথাThe name of Kunti; Mother of Pandavas
149RaimaরাইমাPleasing; Charming
151RinaরীনাGem; Precious
152RoshniরোশনিLight; Brightness
154SabitaসবিতাSunshine; Radiant
155SamiraসমীরাPleasant companion; Evening conversationalist
156Samudraসমুদ্রSomeone who is like the sea or ocean
157Sanchariসঞ্চারীA traveller in motion
158Sanjanaসঞ্জনাGentle; Soft
159Sayantaniসায়ন্তনীQueen of night
161Shreyaশ্রেয়াAuspicious; Fortunate
162Shreyosheeশ্রেয়শীBeautiful one
163SimranসিমরনRemembrance; Meditation
165SomaসোমাMoon; Beautiful eyes
166SomapikaসোমাপিকাOne who terminates things
168SovhonaসভনাOne who possesses true beauty
169SunitaসুনীতাWell-behaved; Polite
170SuradhuniসুরধুনিRiver Ganges
171SuraviসুরভিA girl who can be compared to the sun
172Suryatapaসূর্যতাপাA woman who worships the sun
173Taakshiতাক্ষীEyes like a pigeon
174Tamannaতামান্নাHope, Wish, Desire
175TaneeshaতনীষাNight, Ambition
176TanishaতনিষাAmbition; Desire
177Tanmoyeeতন্ময়ীWith a calm body; Tranquil
178TanukaতনুকাA slender girl
179Tanushreeতনুশ্রীBeautiful; Lovely
180TapasiতপসীA female saint
181TaraiতরাইA hill where kings met
184Tilottamaতিলোত্তমাa celestial maiden
185TrishaতৃষাThirst; Desire
186Ujjainiউজ্জয়িনীAn ancient city; Eternal city
187Ulkaউল্কাMeteorite, Wealthy
188Urmiউর্মিWave; Wave of the ocean
189Urviউর্বীEarth; Goddess Lakshmi
190VaidehiবৈদেহীSita; Goddess Sita
191Vaishnaviবৈষ্ণবীGoddess Lakshmi; Devotee of Lord Vishnu
192VanshikaবংশিকাFlute; Bamboo
193VidishaবিদিশাProper; Correct
194VidulaবিদুলাMoon; Brilliant
195Vidyaবিদ্যাKnowledge; Wisdom


We understand that it's hard to contain the happiness and the eagerness to choose a baby name. But don't forget to calculate your due date too.

50+ Bengali Baby Boy Names (ছেলেদের নাম) Inspired by Nature

For all the nature lovers and the ones who are appreciative of its blessings, here is a list of baby names all inspired by nature.

50 Bengali Baby Boy Names Inspired by Nature:

Sr No.NameBengali TransliterationMeaning
2Aadyotআদ্যোতSurrounded by light
3AazminআজমিনA star
4Abinaashjotঅবিনাশজ্যোতUndestroyable light
5Adriঅদ্রিMountain; Hill
7Aranyaঅরণ্যForest; Wilderness
9Ardhenduঅর্ধেন্দুHalf moon
12BasavবসবLord of bulls
14Bhrihadbanuবৃহদ্বানুBhringaraj - a bee
15Bijoyবিজয়Victory; Triumph
17BrijrajবৃজরাজRuler of the nature
18Chandanচন্দনSandalwood; Scented wood
19DeepদীপLamp; Light
21Fanikesharফণীশ্বরRuler of snakes
22Gangaraajuগঙ্গারাজুLord of the rivers
23HiranহিরণDeer; Antelope
25Indraইন্দ্রGod of rain and thunder; King of gods
26KamalকমলLotus; Perfection
27KunalকুনালLotus; Of the water
28ManikমানিকRuby; Precious stone
29MihirমিহিরThe Sun
30MohanমোহনOne who captivates everyone
31NabhasনবসBlue sky
32Nabinchandraনবীঞ্চন্দ্রCrescent moon
33Narayanswamyনারায়ণস্বামীRadiant sunrise
34Neelotpalনীলোত্পলBlue lotus
36Ornobঅর্ণবDeep sea
37PalashপলাশFlowering tree; Flame of the forest
38Parthivপার্থিবSon of Earth
39Phalguniফাল্গুনীBorn in the month of Falgun; Beautiful
40Pinkeshপিঙ্কেশSerpent's mouth
41Pralayপ্রলয়Another name for Himalaya
42Prasoonপ্রসূনPretty as a flower
44Provakarপ্রভাকরLord of light
45Pushpenduপুষ্পেন্দুLord of flowers
46RaajeevalochanরাজীবলোচনBlue lotus eyed
47RichanরিচনBright sky
48RonakরোনকBrightness; Radiance
49SagarসাগরOcean; Sea
52Shankhdharশঙ্খধরThe one with conch shell
53ShishirশিশিরA season's name
55Suryaসূর্যSun; Sun god
59Vikramবিক্রমCourageous; Heroic


100+ Bengali Baby Girl Names (মেয়েদের বাংলা নাম) Inspired by Nature

Sr No.NameBengali TransliterationMeaning
1Aamayaআমায়াInnocent, pure, spotless, free from any blemish
2Ananyaঅনন্যাUnique; Matchless
3Anvitaঅন্বিতাGoddess of nature
4Aranyaneeঅরণ্যানীQueen of nature
5Basundharaবসুন্ধরাThe Earth
6Bhargoviভার্গভীBeauty of nature
7BinitaবিনিতাModest; Humble
8Champaচম্পাA fragrant flower; Magnolia
9Chandrimaচন্দ্রিমাMoonlight; Moon-faced
10Chhayaছায়াShadow; Shade
12DeepaliদীপালীRow of lamps; Collection of lamps
13DharaধারাEarth; Constant flow
14Dharmaধর্মাThe laws of nature; path of life
15Diyaদিয়াLamp; Light
16Durbaদূর্বাThe grass
18FizaফিজাBreeze; beauty of nature
19Gajamuktaগজমুক্তাA big pearl
20HaritaহরিতাA friend of nature
21HenaহেনাA flower; Mehndi
22IshaniঈশানীGoddess Parvati; Consort of Lord Shiva
23Jayaজয়াVictory; Success
25Kaashviকাশ্বীShining; Radiant
26KaliকালীBud; A bud of a flower
27Kanakachapaকনকচম্পাScent of a flower tree
28KritiকৃতিCreation; Work of art
29KuhuকুহুSound of a cuckoo bird
30LaboniলাবণীGrace; Charm
31Lajwantiলজ্জাবতীA sensitive plant; Shy; Modest
32MadhujaminiমধুজামিনীUnder moon light
33Maitriমৈত্রীFriendship; Amity
34MalatiমালতীJasmine; A fragrant flower
35MrinaliniমৃণালিনীLotus; A cluster of lotuses
36NainaনাইনাEyes; Beautiful eyes
37NaishaনাইশাLovely flower
38NishaনিশাNight; Darkness
39Oishyariyaঐশ্বরিয়াBeautiful wild goose
40PakhiপাখিA beautiful bird
41Piyaliপিয়ালীA tree
42RadhaরাধাProsperity; Success
43Sanjanaসঞ্জনাGentle; Soft
44Shreyaশ্রেয়াAuspicious; Fortunate
45Snehaস্নেহাAffection; Love
46TamohaতমোহাThe moon
48Urvashiঊর্বশীCelestial maiden; Apsara
49Vaishnaviবৈষ্ণবীGoddess Lakshmi; Devotee of Lord Vishnu
50VaniবাণীSpeech; Voice
51Adrijaআদ্রিজাOf the mountains; Daughter of the Himalayas
52AnamikaঅনামিকাRing finger; Without a name
53Anweshaঅন্বেষাSearch; Quest
55BaishakhiবৈশাখীSpring festival; The month of Baisakh
56Banhiবান্ধীFire; Flame
57Barshaবর্ষাRain; Monsoon
58BaruniবারুণীGoddess Durga; Goddess of strength
59Bijoyaবিজয়াVictory; Triumph
60ChaitaliচৈতালীBorn in the month of Chaitra; Springtime
61Chitraniচিত্রানীRiver Ganga; The name of a river
62DebaratiদেবারতিLine of clouds; Horizon
63Dipanjaliদীপাঞ্জলিRows of lamps; Aarti
64DishaদিশাDirection; Path
65Doyelদোয়েলA bird; The magpie robin
66Falguniফাল্গুনীBorn in the month of Falgun; Beautiful
67Gangaগঙ্গাHoly river Ganges
68Gargiগার্গীAn ancient scholar; The name of a river
69GirijaগিরিজাDaughter of the mountain; Goddess Parvati
70Gitanjaliগীতাঞ্জলিOffering of songs; Collection of poems
71Haimantiহেমন্তীWinter; Winter season
72HeemaহিমাSnow; Cold
73Indraniইন্দ্রাণীWife of Lord Indra; Queen of heaven
74Indulekhaইন্দুলেখাMoon; Moonlight
75Jharnaঝর্ণাFountain; Spring
76JhilmilঝিলমিলSparkling; Glittering
77JhumurঝুমুরFolk dance; Ornament
78KaminiকামিনীBeautiful; Desired
79Kasturiকস্তুরীMusk; Deer's scent
80KaveriকাভেরীA sacred river; Holy river
82Labanyaলাবণ্যBeauty; Grace
83LataলতাCreeper; Vine
84Lavanyaলাবণ্যGrace; Beauty
85Mahashwetaমহাশ্বেতাWhite as the moon; Moonlight
86Mahuaমহুয়াA fragrant flower
87Malayaমালয়াGarland of hills; Mountain
88MitaliমিতালীFriendly; Sweet
89MohanaমোহনাEnchanting; Attractive
90MohiniমোহিনীEnchantress; Beautiful
91NabamitaনবমিতাDew; Morning dew
92NabanitaনবানীতাNew; Fresh
93Nanditaনন্দিতাHappy; Joyful
94Neerajnayanনীরজনয়নThe one with lotus-like eyes
95NiharikaনীহারিকাMist; Dewdrops
96Nilanjanaনীলাঞ্জনাBlue; Blue complexioned
97NilimaনীলিমাBlue; Sapphire
98Oindrilaঐন্দ্রিলাAnother name for the wife of Indra; Deepa
99OishiঐশীDivine; Sweet
100ParulপারুলFlower; Graceful
101Parvatiপার্বতীGoddess of power; Daughter of the mountain
102Prakritiপ্রকৃতিNature; Creation
103PrithaপৃথাEarth; Name of Kunti
104Punyakotiপুন্যকোটিHoly cow's name
105Purnimaপূর্ণিমাFull moon; The night of the full moon
106Pushpitaপুষ্পিতাFlowering; Blooming
107Rabiaরাবিয়াSpring; The fourth month of the Islamic calendar
108RadhikaরাধিকাBeloved of Lord Krishna; Successful
109RaimaরাইমাPleasing; Charming
110RajaniরাজনীNight; Dark-haired
111Ratnaরত্নাJewel; Gem
112RituঋতুSeason; Time
113RupashiরূপশীBeautiful; Attractive
114SamhitaসমাহিতাA collection; A gathering
115Sandhyaসন্ধ্যাEvening; Twilight
116Sanjuktaসঞ্জুক্তাUnited; Conjoined
118Shilpaশিল্পাStone; Sculpture
119ShitalaশীতলাCool; Calm
120Shushminশুষ্মিণীLord of wind
121SohiniসোহিনীMoonlight; Radiant
122SomlataসোমলতাCreeper of the moon; Soft moonlight
123Subarnaসুবর্ণাGolden; Of the color gold
124Suchitraসুচিত্রাBeautiful picture; Beautiful
125SudhaসুধাNectar; Sweetness
126SudhanidhiসুধানিধিMoon in his eyes
127Tanviতন্বীSlender; Delicate
128TapatiতপতীRiver; The name of a river
129TaposhiতপশীA bird; The white-rumped shama
130TithiতিথিDate; Time
131UditaউদিতাRisen; Elevated
132Ujjwalaউজ্জ্বলাBright; Luminous
133Urmiউর্মিWave; Wave of the ocean
134Urvasiঊর্বশীGoddess of beauty; A celestial maiden
135Vaijayantiবৈজয়ন্তীGarland of victory; Garland of Lord Vishnu
136Vanyaবন্যাForest; Gracious gift of God
137Vrishtiবৃষ্টিRain; Rainfall
138YaminiযামিনীNight; Nocturnal
139YamunaযমুনাHoly river; Jamuna river
140Ziniaজিনিয়াFlower; Name of a flower
141Amayaঅমায়াNight's rain
142Fuleshwariফুলেশ্বরীA river
143Jiniyaজিনিয়াA flower
144Kayaকায়াGoddess of nature
145Kshamayaক্ষময়াThe Earth
146MadhabikaমাধবিকাA vine
147Makshiraniমক্ষিরানিThe one like a honey bee
148MaliniমালিনীFragrant; Flower garlanded
149Mrittikaমৃত্তিকাEarth; Soil
150Nabamallikaনবমল্লিকাJasmine flower
151Nabannaনবান্নাFresh grass
152Nandiniনন্দিনীJoyful; Daughter
153OnalikaঅনালিকাName of a lake
154ParomitaপারমিতাWoman of beauty; Perfect
155Pornaপূর্ণাLike a leaf
156Pornolataপূর্ণলতাA betel plant
157Preshtiপ্রেষ্ঠীA ray of light
158Pritiপ্রীতিLove; Affection
159Pushpavatiপুষ্পাবতীDecorated with flowers
160Puspadalপুষ্পদলLike a flower petal
161Puttikaপুট্টিকাA small bee
162RebatiরেবতীA star from the sky
163RimjhimরিমঝিমDrizzle; Light rain
164RinaরিনাGem; Precious
165RosnaiরোসনাইLightning bolt
166Roudriরৌদ্রীSun rays
167SagarikaসাগরিকাBorn in the ocean
168Sanandaসনন্দাJoyful; Happy
169SomaসোমাMoon; Beautiful eyes
170Subarnalataসুবর্ণলতাGolden vine
171SujataসুজাতাWell-born; Of noble birth
172SulataসুলতাA creeper plant
173Swarnaliস্বর্ণালীGolden; Made of gold
174Taniyaতানিয়াSun; Rays of the sun
176TimsyটিমসিBright star
177Tisyaতিস্যাA star from the sky
178Trijamaত্রিজামাThe point where three sacred rivers meet
179Triparnaত্রিপর্ণাLeaves of the sacred Bael
180Triptiতৃপ্তিSatisfaction; Contentment
182Varshaবর্ষাRain; Monsoon
183Vasundharaবসুন্ধরাEarth; Goddess of wealth


100 Bengali Baby Boy Names Inspired by Great Personalities:

Many a times, parents can have aspirations from their kid and wish that he or she grows up to become a renowned personality they idolise. Hence, they may prefer naming their kid based on great personalities or idols. Here is a list of names inspired from top Bengali personalities of different fields.

Sr noNameBengali TransliterationMeanings
1Abanindraঅবনীন্দ্রKing of water, Lord of the waters - Abanindranath Tagore (Painter, Writer)
2Achyutঅচ্যুতImperishable, Indestructible - Achyut Patwardhan (Freedom Fighter)
3AjitঅজিতInvincible, Unconquerable - Ajit Doval (National Security Advisor)
4Amartyaঅমর্ত্যImmortal, Eternal - Amartya Sen (Economist, Nobel Laureate)
5Anandআনন্দJoy, Happiness - Anandamayi Ma (Spiritual Leader)
6Anantaঅনন্তInfinite, Endless - Ananta Singh (Freedom Fighter)
7AnupamঅনুপমIncomparable, Unique - Anupam Roy (Singer, Lyricist)
8AnuragঅনুরাগLove, Affection - Anurag Basu (Filmmaker)
9ArijitঅরিজিতConquering enemies - Arijit Singh (Singer)
10Arnabঅর্ণবOcean, Sea - Arnab Goswami (Journalist)
11ArunঅরুণSun, Dawn - Arun Shourie (Journalist, Politician)
12Ashutoshঅশ্বত্থOne who is easily pleased - Ashutosh Mukherjee (Jurist, Educationist)
13AsokঅশোকWithout sorrow, Happy - Ashoka the Great (Emperor)
14AtalঅটলUnshakeable, Firm - Atal Bihari Vajpayee (Former Indian PM)
15AzadআজাদFree, Independent - Chandrashekhar Azad (Freedom Fighter)
16Bankimchandraবঙ্কিমচন্দ্রCurved Moon - Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay (Novelist, Poet)
17Benoyবিনয়Polite, Humble - Benoy Basu (Freedom Fighter)
18BhabaniভবানীGoddess Durga, Sacred Power - Bhabani Charan Bandyopadhyay (Writer)
19BipinবিপিনForest, Nature - Bipin Chandra Pal (Freedom Fighter)
20Birendraবীরেন্দ্রKing of warriors - Birendra Krishna Bhadra (Narrator of Mahalaya)
21Bishnuবিষ্ণুLord Vishnu - Bishnu Dey (Poet)
22Budhadebবুদ্ধদেবWise, Intelligent - Buddhadeb Bhattacharya (Politician)
23Chaitanyaচৈতন্যConsciousness, Divine Radiance - Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (Religious Leader)
24Chandraচন্দ্রMoon - Chandra Shekhar (Former Indian PM)
25CharuচারুBeautiful, Lovely - Charu Majumdar (Naxalite Leader)
26Debabrataদেবব্রতAnother name of Bhishma - Debabrata Biswas (Singer)
27Debiprasadদেবীপ্রসাদGift of Goddess - Debiprasad Chattopadhyay (Philosopher)
28DineshদিনেশLord of the day, Sun - Dinesh Gupta (Freedom Fighter)
29Dwijendralalদ্বিজেন্দ্রলালPoet, Bard - Dwijendralal Roy (Poet, Composer)
30Gobindগোবিন্দLord Krishna, Protector - Gobind Behari Lal (Journalist, Pulitzer Winner)
31Gopalkrishnaগোপালকৃষ্ণLord Krishna - Gopal Krishna Gokhale (Freedom Fighter)
32GurudebগুরুদেবDivine Teacher - Rabindranath Tagore (Also called Gurudev)
33Hemant Kumarহেমন্ত কুমারGolden, Lord of gold - Hemant Kumar (Singer, Composer)
34Hemantaহেমন্তWinter, Cold season - Hemanta Mukhopadhyay (Singer)
35JagadishজগদীশLord of the world - Jagadish Chandra Bose (Scientist)
36Jibanandaজীবনানন্দFull of life - Jibanananda Das (Poet)
37KabirকবীরGreat, Noble - Kabir Das (Mystic Poet)
38KaziকাজীJudge, Magistrate - Kazi Nazrul Islam (Poet, Composer)
39Kazi Nazrulকাজী নজরুলBliss of revolution - Kazi Nazrul Islam (Poet and Revolutionary Leader)
40KishoreকিশোরYoung boy - Kishore Kumar (Singer, Actor)
41Kishore Kumarকিশোর কুমারYouthful voice - Kishore Kumar (Legendary Singer and Actor)
42LalonলালনName of a Baul saint - Lalon Fakir (Mystic Poet, Singer)
43ManikমানিকRuby, Gem - Manik Bandyopadhyay (Novelist)
44MeghnadমেঘনাদThunder, Roar of the clouds - Meghnad Saha (Astrophysicist)
45MithunমিঠুনTwin, Pair - Mithun Chakraborty (Actor)
46Mukherjeeমুখার্জীSurname, Derived from Mukhya - Pranab Mukherjee (Former Indian President)
47Muktanandaমুক্তানন্দBliss of liberation - Swami Muktananda (Renowned Yogi and Spiritual Teacher)
48Nazrul Islamনজরুল ইসলামIslamic name, Victory of Religion - Kazi Nazrul Islam (Poet, Composer)
49NetajiনেতাজিRespected Leader - Subhas Chandra Bose (Freedom Fighter)
50Prahladপ্রহ্লাদBlissful devotee of Lord Vishnu - Prahlad (Devotee of Lord Vishnu from Hindu Mythology)
51Pramathaপ্রমথLord who causes disturbance or disruption - Pramatha (Indian Philosopher; could also refer to Pramatha Tantra)
52Pranabপ্রণবLord Vishnu, Life - Pranab Mukherjee (Politician)
53Premendraপ্রেমেন্দ্রLove of the king of gods - Premendra Mitra (Bengali Poet, Lyricist, and Writer)
54Prithvirajপৃথ্বীরাজKing of the Earth - Prithviraj Chauhan (King, Warrior)
55RabiরবিSun, Light - Rabindranath Tagore (Poet, Nobel Laureate)
56Rabindranathরবীন্দ্রনাথLord of the Sun - Rabindranath Tagore (Poet, Writer)
57RahulরাহুলConqueror of all miseries - Rahul (Son of Lord Buddha, Known for Wisdom and Compassion)
58Rajendraরাজেন্দ্রKing, Sovereign - Rajendra Prasad (First President of India)
59Ramakrishnaরামকৃষ্ণLord Rama and Krishna - Ramakrishna Paramahamsa (Spiritual Leader)
60RaviরবিSun, Radiance - Ravi Shankar (Sitar Maestro)
61Ravi ShankarরবিশংকরSun God or Light of wisdom - Ravi Shankar (Indian Sitar Virtuoso and Composer)
62RishikeshঋষিকেশLord of the sages - Rishikesh (Sacred Town, Yogic Center, and Hindu Pilgrimage Site)
63Ritwikঋত্বিকPriest, Intelligent Person - Ritwik Ghatak (Filmmaker)
64RohitরোহিতRed, Rising Sun - Rohit Sharma (Cricketer)
65SalilসলিলWater, Ocean - Salil Chowdhury (Music Composer)
66SamareshসমরেশPeaceful and calm - Samaresh Majumdar (Bengali Writer and Novelist)
67Santoshসন্তোষContentment - Santosh (Common Name Reflecting Peace and Contentment)
68SaratশরৎAutumn, Moonlight - Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay (Novelist)
69Satyajitসত্যজিৎOne who conquers truth - Satyajit Ray (Filmmaker)
70Satyendraসত্যেন্দ্রDevoted to truth - Satyendra Nath Bose (Indian Physicist, Known for Bose-Einstein Statistics)
71ShankarশংকরLord Shiva - Ravi Shankar (Sitar Maestro)
72Sharadinduশরদিন্দুMoon of Autumn - Sharadindu Bandyopadhyay (Writer)
73ShibnathশিবনাথLord of peace - Shibnath Shastri (Bengali Intellectual and Educator)
74Shyamalশ্যামলDark or dusky - Shyamal Mitra (Bengali Singer and Composer)
75SouravসৌরভDivine, Fragrance - Sourav Ganguly (Cricketer)
76Srikantoশ্রীকান্তBlessed or fortunate one - Srikanto Acharya (Renowned Bengali Singer)
77SubhasসুভাষElegant, Splendid - Subhas Chandra Bose (Freedom Fighter)
78SubhashসুভাষWell-spoken, eloquent - Subhash Chandra Bose (Prominent Indian Freedom Fighter and Leader)
79Surendraসুরেন্দ্রLord of heroes - Surendra Nath Banerjee (Freedom Fighter)
80Suryaসূর্যSun or light - Surya (Sun God in Hindu Mythology, Representing Light and Power)
81Swami Vivekanandaস্বামী বিবেকানন্দMonk, Enlightened - Swami Vivekananda (Spiritual Leader)
82Swapanস্বপনDream or vision - Swapan Kumar (Bengali Actor and Singer)
83Tanmoyতন্ময়Emotionally balanced - Tanmoy Chakrabarty (Bengali Artist and Culture Enthusiast)
84TapasতপসPenance, Meditation - Tapas Paul (Actor)
85Tarashankarতারাশঙ্করName of a deity - Tarashankar Bandyopadhyay (Novelist)
86Tirthankarতীর্থঙ্করOne who establishes a pilgrimage - Tirthankar (Title of the 24 Spiritual Leaders in Jainism)
87Tridibত্রিদিবOne who possesses three powers - Tridib Chakraborty (Influential Bengali Writer)
88Udayউদয়Rising, Dawn - Uday Shankar (Dancer, Choreographer)
89Upendranathউপেন্দ্রনাথLord Vishnu - Upendrakishore Ray Chowdhury (Writer)
90UtpalউৎপলLotus - Utpal Dutt (Indian Actor, Director, and Playwright)
91Uttamউত্তমBest, Supreme - Uttam Kumar (Actor)
92Vajradattaবজ্রদত্তGift of the diamond - Vajradatta (Buddhist Scholar and Figure in Scriptures)
93Vidyasagarবিদ্যাসাগরOcean of knowledge - Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar (Social Reformer)
94Vijayবিজয়Victory - Vijay (Common Name, Also Associated with Numerous Leaders and Achievers)
95Vikramবিক্রমValor, Bravery - Vikram Seth (Writer)
96ViratবিরাটMighty or heroic - Virat Kohli (Famous Indian Cricketer)
97VirochanaবিরোচনSon of a demon or one who is bright - Virochana (Character in Hindu Mythology, Featured in Upanishads)
98Vivekanandaবিবেকানন্দBliss of wisdom - Swami Vivekananda (Spiritual Leader)
99YogeshযোগেশLord of Yoga or God of Meditation - Yogeshwar (Another Name for Lord Shiva, God of Yoga and Meditation)


100 Bengali Baby Girl Names Inspired by Great Personalities:

Sr noNameBengali TransliterationMeanings
1AmritaঅমৃতাImmortal or nectar - Amrita Devi (Famous for Amrita Devi's sacrifice in Chipko Movement)
2Anandiআনন্দীBlissful or joyful - Anandi (Fictional character from the Indian TV serial Anandi, known for her resilience)
3ArunaঅরুণাDawn or reddish glow - Aruna Asaf Ali (Indian freedom fighter)
4Ashapurnaআশা পূর্ণাFull of hope - Ashapurna Devi (Renowned Bengali writer)
5AsimaঅসীমাLimitless or boundaryless - Asima Chatterjee (Famous Indian chemist known for her work in organic chemistry)
6BakulবকুলA type of flower (Bakul tree) - Bakul Sanyal (An iconic Bengali singer and musician)
7BaniবাণীGoddess Saraswati or speech - Bani (Used in literature and refers to the Goddess Saraswati, symbolizing knowledge)
8Basantiবসন্তীSpring or yellow (color of spring) - Basanti Devi (Mother of famous Bengali singer Manna Dey)
9BharatiভারতীGoddess Saraswati, speech, or eloquence - Bharati (Refers to Goddess Saraswati, associated with wisdom and speech)
10BinaবিনাMusical instrument, flute - Bina Rai (Famous Bollywood actress)
11BinodiniবিনোদিনীBlissful or full of happiness - Binodini Dasi (Famous Bengali actress and dancer)
12BulaবুলাCall or invitation - Bula (Character from Bengali literature and folk tales)
13Chitraচিত্রাPicture or image, often representing beauty - Chitra (Famous Bengali singer Chitra, popular in both India and abroad)
14Damayantiদময়ন্তীOne who tames or subdues - Damayanti (Character from Hindu mythology known for her beauty and virtue)
15Durgaদুর্গাInvincible or the goddess who protects - Durga (Hindu Goddess, symbolizing strength and protection)
16Gayatriগায়ত্রীThe sacred verse or mantra, also a goddess - Gayatri (A revered Hindu Goddess and also a Vedic mantra)
17GeetaগীতাSong or the holy text of Hinduism - Bhagavad Geeta (Holy text in Hinduism, associated with Lord Krishna)
18Gitanjaliগীতাঞ্জলিA collection of songs or offerings - Rabindranath Tagore (Famous Bengali poet, author of Gitanjali)
19GouriগৌরীWhite, fair, or Goddess Parvati - Gouri Ma (Spiritual figure associated with Ramakrishna Mission)
20HansaহংসাSwan or a graceful bird - Hansa (Fictional character in Bengali literature symbolizing grace)
21HemalataহেমলতাGolden creeper or a goddess of wealth - Hemalata (A name found in Bengali literature, symbolizing purity and grace)
22Jayantiজয়ন্তীVictorious, victorious woman - Jayanti (Fictional and mythological characters with this name across Indian texts)
23KabitaকবিতাPoem or a form of literature - Kabita Sinha (Bengali poet and writer)
24Kadambariকদম্বরীA type of fragrant flower - Kadambari (Name associated with a famous Bengali literary figure)
25KajalকাজলEyeliner or mascara - Kajal Agarwal (Indian actress)
26KajolকাজলEye, or one with beautiful eyes - Kajol (Famous Bollywood actress)
27Kalpanaকল্পনাImagination or creative thought - Kalpana Chawla (First woman of Indian origin in space)
28Kalyaniকল্যাণীAuspicious, lucky, or a musical scale - Kalyani (A name used in Indian mythological stories and modern fiction)
29KanakকনকGold or a valuable resource - Kanak Mishra (Bengali actress)
30Kankanaকঙ্কণাA bracelet or a ring - Kankana (A name with mythical and folk connections)
31KiranকিরণRay of light, or beam of light - Kiran Bedi (First female officer in Indian Police)
32Kirtiকীর্তিFame or glory - Kirti (Popular in literature and fiction for characters symbolizing fame)
33Koelকোয়েলA bird or cuckoo - Koel (Common name used in Bengali literature, often symbolizing beauty)
34LataলতাCreeper, vine, or a name for Goddess Lakshmi - Lata Mangeshkar (Legendary Indian playback singer)
35LatikaলতিকাA small creeper or vine - Latika (Character from the Mahabharata and several fictional works)
36LeelaলীলাDivine play or the play of the gods - Leela (Symbolizing divine play, name also linked to Lord Krishna's leela)
37MaharaniমহারানীQueen - Maharani Gayatri Devi (Indian royalty)
38MalabikaমালাবিকাA name of a flower - Malabika (Name used in Bengali culture, symbolizing beauty and purity)
39MausmiমৌসুমীSeasonal or weather-related - Mausmi Chatterjee (Famous actress)
40MeeraমীরাOcean or a devotee of Krishna - Meera Bai (Devotional poet, known for her love for Lord Krishna)
41MiraমীরাOcean or a saint, beloved of Krishna - Meera Bai (Devotional poet, revered for her devotion to Krishna)
42MitaliমিতালিFriendship, or the one who is friendly - Mitali Raj (Indian cricketer, captain of Indian women's team)
43Mohuaমহুয়াA tree or flower, a sweet fragrance - Mohua (Bengali folk and tribal art form; also a common flower)
44MrinaliniমৃণালিনীLotus or a name for Goddess Lakshmi - Mrinalini (Refers to the lotus, associated with purity)
45Muktiমুক্তিLiberation or freedom - Mukti (Common in literature, used to symbolize liberation and freedom)
46NabaneetaনবনীতাNewness or a new beginning - Nabaneeta Dev Sen (Famous Bengali poet)
47NaliniনলিনীLotus flower - Nalini (Symbolizing purity and beauty)
48NamitaনমিতাModesty or humble - Namita Agrawal (Bengali actress)
49Nandiniনন্দিনীGoddess Durga, daughter, or one who brings joy - Nandini (Name often associated with Goddess Durga)
50Padmajaপদ্মজাBorn from the lotus - Padmaja Naidu (Daughter of Sarojini Naidu, associated with beauty)
51Padminiপদ্মিনীLotus or a beautiful flower - Rani Padmini (Historical figure, Queen of Chittor)
52Pramilaপ্রমিলাA name of respect or prestige - Pramila Jayapal (American politician of Indian origin)
53Preetiপ্রীতিLove, affection, or joy - Preeti Zinta (Indian actress)
54Pritilataপ্রীতিলতাOne who is filled with love - Pritilata Waddedar (Bengali revolutionary)
55Priyadarshiniপ্রিয়দর্শিনীOne who is pleasant or beautiful - Priyadarshini (Could refer to a common name in Bengal)
56Purabiপূর্বীEast or eastern direction - Purabi Bhargava (Bengali actress and singer)
57RadharaniরাধারানীGoddess Radha, beloved of Lord Krishna - Radharani (Name for Goddess Radha)
58RaimaরাইমাPleasant or a name for the goddess of beauty - Raima Sen (Bengali actress)
59Rajeshwariরাজেশ্বরীQueen or goddess of kings - Rajeshwari (Refers to a queen, could be linked to regal names)
60RekhaরেখাLine or boundary, symbolizing a defining characteristic - Rekha (Legendary Bollywood actress)
61RenukaরেণুকাMother of Lord Parashurama, or one who is endowed with strength - Renuka (Mother of Parashurama, symbolizing strength)
62RinaরীনাBeautiful, or a short form of names like Reena or Sarina - Rina Ray (Bengali singer)
63Rituparnaঋতুপর্ণাKing of seasons, or the one who is as beautiful as the seasons - Rituparna (A name linked to seasons and often used in Bengali culture)
64Rokeyaরোকেয়াOne who is great or a beloved figure - Begum Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain (Bengali writer and social reformer)
65RomaরোমাGoddess Lakshmi or beauty - Roma (Symbolizing beauty, associated with Goddess Lakshmi)
66Rukminiরুক্মিণীThe queen consort of Lord Krishna - Rukmini (Beloved consort of Lord Krishna)
67Sabitriসাবিত্রীDevoted wife or one who has steadfast devotion - Savitri (Mythological story of Savitri and Satyavan)
68SaralaসরলাSimple or humble - Sarala Devi (Indian freedom fighter and writer)
69SarojiniসরোজিনীLotus flower - Sarojini Naidu (Indian poet and freedom fighter)
70Savitriসাবিত্রীGoddess Savitri, known for her devotion and wisdom - Savitri (Hindu mythology, symbolizing devotion)
71Sayantikaসায়ন্তিকাPeaceful or one who is calm - Sayantika Banerjee (Bengali actress)
72SharadaশারদাGoddess Saraswati, goddess of learning - Sharada (Name of Goddess Saraswati, symbolizing wisdom)
73ShilaশীলাA stone or rock - Shila (A common name in literature and culture)
74ShobhaশোভাBeauty or radiance - Shobha De (Famous Indian author and columnist)
75Shyamaশ্যামাDark or dusky, often associated with Goddess Kali - Shyama (Refers to Goddess Kali, symbolizing dark beauty)
76SitaসীতাFurrow or plow, a name associated with Goddess Sita - Sita (Wife of Lord Rama, symbolizing purity)
77SohiniসোহিনীA beautiful woman or a type of musical scale - Sohini (Fictional name symbolizing grace, also used in literature)
78SujataসুজাতাA woman of good qualities or wealth - Sujata (Name used in Hindu mythology; also refers to several historical figures)
79SulochanaসুলোচনাOne who has beautiful eyes - Sulochana (An actress and a reference in Hindu texts)
80Sunandaসুনন্দাA name that means pleasant or having a good disposition - Sunanda (Fictional name used in Bengali literature)
81Supriyaসুপ্রিয়াBeloved or precious - Supriya Pathak (Indian actress)
82Sushmitaসুস্মিতাOne with good signs or features - Sushmita Sen (Indian actress and beauty queen)
83TaraতারাStar - Tara (Name symbolizing the goddess Tara, often associated with power)
84UmaউমাGoddess Parvati or tranquility - Uma (Refers to Goddess Parvati, symbolizing peace)
85UpamaউপমাLike or similar to something - Upama (Used in literature to describe similarity or likeness)
86Urmiউর্মিWave or a ripple of water - Urmi Dey (Bengali actress)
87UshaঊষাDawn - Usha (Hindu goddess, goddess of dawn)
88Vijayaবিজয়াVictorious - Vijaya (Symbolizing victory, used in various cultures)
89VimalaবিমলাPure, clean, or innocent - Vimala Devi (Bengali actress)
90VishakhaবিশাখাOne with an auspicious star - Vishakha (One of the stars in Hindu astrology, symbolizing fortune)
91ZubeidaজুবেইদাA woman of great charm or a name associated with grace - Zubeida (Famous actress from the early days of Indian cinema)


120+ Bengali Boy Names Inspired by Hindu Deities

If you’re looking for religious names or names inspired by Gods and Goddesses, then here’s a list for you.

Sr No.Baby Boy NamesBengali TransliterationMeaning
1AaravআরবPeaceful; Wisdom; Lord Krishna
2AatbodhআতবোধLord Vishnu
3AbhimaniঅভিমানীSon of Brahma
4Abhimanyuঅভিমন্যুSon of Arjuna
5AbhirajঅভিরাজKing of the Devas; Lord Indra
6AdiআদিBeginning; First; Lord Krishna
7AdinathআদিনাথLord Vishnu
8Adityaআদিত্যThe sun god; Son of Aditi
9AdripathiআদিনাথিSon of Bali
10AgorআগরLord Shiva
11AkashআকাশSky; Lord of the universe
12Aniruddhaঅনিরুদ্ধUnobstructed; Lord Krishna's grandson
13Anirudraঅনিরুদ্রLord Shiva
14Arjunঅর্জুনBright; Shining; The Pandava prince
15Arnavঅর্ণবOcean; Sea; Lord Krishna
16AshutoshআশুতোষOne who is easily pleased; Lord Shiva
17Ashwinআশ্বিনAgile; Lord of the dawn; Lord Krishna
18Bahuleyaবাহুলেয়াLord Kartikeya
19BaldebবলদেবBrother of Lord Krishna
20Balendraবলেন্দ্রLord Krishna
21BasudebবাসুদেবFather of Lord Krishna
22Bhadraভদ্রAuspicious; Gentle; Lord Shiva
23BharatভারতBrother of Lord Rama
24BhargavভাগবLord Shiva; Descendant of Bhrigu
25Bhargvaভাগ্বLord Shiva
26Bhaskarভাস্করSun; Shining; Lord Surya
27BhuvaneshভূবনেশLord of the universe; Lord Vishnu
28Chaitanyaচৈতন্যConsciousness; Life force; Lord Vishnu
29Chakrapaaniচক্রপাণীLord Vishnu
30Chandanচন্দনSandalwood; Lord Shiva
31Chatreshচত্রেশLord Shiva
32Dakshদাক্ষSkillful; Capable; Son of Lord Brahma
33Dakshitদক্ষিতLord Shiva
34DamodarদামোদরTied with a rope around the belly; Lord Krishna
35DevদেবDivine; God-like
36DevrajদেবরাজKing of the gods; Lord Indra
37Dhananjayধনঞ্জয়One who wins wealth; Arjuna
38DineshদিনেশLord of the day; The sun
39Dipankarদীপঙ্করOne who lights lamps; Lord Krishna
40GauravগৌরবPride; Honor; Dignity; Lord Shiva
41GopalগোপালCowherd; Lord Krishna
42Govindগোবিন্দCowherd; Lord Krishna
43Harshadহার্শদHappiness; One who gives joy; Lord Shiva
44Hemantহেমন্তWinter; Early winter; Lord of seasons
45HemkarহেমকারLord Vishnu
46HrihaanহৃঈহানLord Vishnu
47HrishikeshহৃষিকেশLord of the senses; Lord Krishna
48Indrajitইন্দ্রজিতConqueror of Indra; Meghnad
49JagadishজগদীশLord of the world; Lord Vishnu
50JaganজগনUniverse; Lord of the world; Lord Vishnu
51JatinজতিনFirm; Strong; Lord Shiva
52Jayagopalজয়গোপালLord Krishna
53Jayeshজয়েশVictor; Lord of victory; Lord Shiva
54KailashকৈলাশAbode of Lord Shiva; Himalaya mountain
55KamalকমলLotus; Lord Vishnu
56Karnaকর্ণEar; The first born of Kunti; A great warrior
57Karthikকার্তিকBestowing courage and filial devotion; Lord Kartikeya
58KaushikকৌশিকDescendant of Kusha; A sage's name
59KeshavকেশবSlayer of the Keshi demon; Lord Krishna
60KiruthickকিরুথিকLord Murugan
61Krishnaকৃষ্ণDark; Lord Krishna
62KunalকুণালLotus; Lord of the universe
63LalitললিতBeautiful; Handsome; Elegant; Lord Krishna
64MadhavমাধবSweet like honey; Lord Krishna
65MadhavanমাধবনLord Krishna; Attractive
66MahadevadiমহাদেবাদিLord Shiva
67Mahendraমহেন্দ্রLord Indra; The great Indra
68MaheshমহেশGreat lord; Lord Shiva
69ManikমানিকGem; Jewel; Lord of the mind
70ManojমনোজBorn of the mind; Cupid; Lord Krishna
71MohanমোহনAttractive; Charming; Lord Krishna
72Mukundমুকুন্দOne who gives liberation; Lord Krishna
73MuraliমুরালিFlute; Lord Krishna's flute
74Narayanনরায়ণRefuge of man; Lord Vishnu
75NareshনরেশKing of men; Lord of man
76NeelনীলBlue; Lord Shiva
77NikhilনikhিলEntire; Complete; Lord Krishna
78Niranjanনিরঞ্জনPure; Spotless; Lord Shiva
79NitaiনিতাইChaitanya Mahaprabhu's associate; Lord Nityananda
80OmkarওমকারThe sound of the sacred syllable; Lord Shiva
81Padmanabhপদ্মনাভLord Vishnu
82Parthপার্থPrince; Arjuna; Son of Pritha
83Parthaপার্থArjuna; Prince; Lord Krishna
84Prabhuপ্রভুGod; Master; Lord Vishnu
85Prahladপ্রহ্লাদBliss; Excess of joy; Lord Vishnu
86Pranavপ্রণবSacred syllable Om; Lord Vishnu
87Pratapপ্রতাপDignity; Majesty; Lord Krishna
88Premপ্রেমLove; Affection; Lord Krishna
89RahulরাহুলEfficient; Capable; Lord Buddha
90RajanরাজনKing; Lord Ganesha
91Rajendraরাজেন্দ্রKing of kings; Lord Indra
92RameshরমেশLord of Rama; Lord Vishnu
93Ranjanরঞ্জনEntertaining; Pleasing; Lord Krishna
94RihaanরিহানLord Vishnu
95RishiঋষিSage; Saint; Lord Vishnu
96Ritvikঋত্বিকPriest; Lord Shiva
97RohanরোহনAscending; Healing; Lord Vishnu
98Rudraরুদ্রLord Shiva; The roaring one
99Rudraprasadরুদ্রপ্রসাদGift of Lord Shiva; Lord Shiva
100SahilসাহিলGuide; Sea shore; Lord Vishnu
101SamirসমীরBreeze; Air; Lord Hanuman
102Sanjayসঞ্জয়Victory; Lord Krishna's charioteer
103SankarশংকরAuspicious; Lord Shiva
104Santoshসন্তোষHappiness; Contentment; Lord Shiva
105Sarvajitসর্বজিতAll-conquering; Lord Vishnu
106SatishসতীশLord of truth; Lord Vishnu
107SaurabhসৌরভFragrance; Lord of the sun; Lord Krishna
108Shauryaসৌর্যCourage; Bravery; Lord Krishna
109ShivaশিবAuspicious; Lord Shiva
110Siddhantসিদ্ধান্তEstablished truth; Lord Shiva
111Siddharthসিদ্ধার্থAccomplished; Lord Buddha
112SohamসোহমI am He; Lord Brahma
113SubhashসুবাশSoft-spoken; Lord Shiva
114Suryaসূর্যThe sun god; Lord Surya
115TejasতেজসRadiant; Brightness; Lord Vishnu
116Ujjwalউজ্জ্বলBright; Clear; Lord Vishnu
117Uttamউত্তমBest; Excellent; Lord Vishnu
118Uttarakউত্তরকLord Shiva
119VaibhavবৈভবGrandeur; Magnificence; Lord Shiva
120Vajrahastবজ্রহস্তLord Shiva
121VarunবরুণGod of the sea; Lord Vishnu
122Vayuবায়ুWind; Air; Lord Hanuman
123Vikramবিক্রমValor; Bravery; Lord Vishnu
124VishalবিশালHuge; Immense; Lord Vishnu
125YashযশFame; Success; Lord Ganesha


100+ Bengali Girl Names Inspired by Hindu Deities:

Sr No.Baby Boy NamesBengali TransliterationMeaning
1Aadyaআদ্যাGoddess Parvati
2AbiramiআবিরামীGoddess Lakshmi
3Aditriআদিত্রীGoddess Lakshmi
4AhanaআহনাInner light; Goddess Durga
5AjamukhiআজমুখীDaughter of sage
6AkulaআকুলাGoddess Parvati
7Ambaঅম্বাGoddess Durga
8AnahitaঅনাহিতাGraceful; Goddess Saraswati
9Anandiআনন্দীJoyful; Goddess Durga
10Aninditaঅনিন্দিতাBeautiful; Impeccable; Goddess Durga
11AnishaঅনিষাContinuous; Goddess Parvati
12Anjaliঅঞ্জলিOffering; Salutation
13Anjanaঅঞ্জনাMother of Hanuman
14Anjushreeঅঞ্জুশ্রীDivine; Goddess Saraswati
15Annapoornaঅন্নপূর্ণাGoddess of food; Provider of nourishment
16Annapurnaঅন্নপূর্ণাGoddess of food; Provider of nourishment
17AnuradhaঅনুরাধাGoddess Saraswati; A star
18AnuraginiঅনুরাগিনীDevoted; Goddess Lakshmi
19Bageshriবাগেশ্রীGoddess Lakshmi
20BaruniবরুণীGoddess Durga
21BhavaniভবানীGoddess Durga
22BhumiভূমিEarth; Goddess of the earth
23Brahmiব্রহ্মীGoddess Saraswati
24Chaitraচৈত্রGoddess Parvati
25Chakrikaচক্রিকাGoddess Lakshmi
26ChandiচাঁদিFierce goddess; Goddess Durga
27CharulataচারুলতাBeautiful creeper; Goddess Lakshmi
28Dakshakanyaদাক্ষকন্যাGoddess Parvati
29DeviদেবীGoddess; Divine; Divine mother
30Dhritiধ্রিতীCourage; Goddess Durga
31Durgaদুর্গাGoddess Durga; The fierce and protective mother goddess
32Gangaগঙ্গাGoddess Ganga; The sacred river
33GauriগৌরিFair complexioned; Goddess Parvati
34Gayatriগায়ত্রীGoddess Gayatri; A sacred mantra
35HamsiniহামসিনীGoddess Saraswati; Swan-like
36Indiraইন্দিরাBeauty; Splendor; Goddess Lakshmi
37Indraniইন্দ্রাণীGoddess of rage
38IshaniইশানীConsort of Lord Shiva; Goddess Parvati
39IshiইশিGoddess Durga
40Ishwariইশ্বরীGoddess; Divine; Goddess Parvati
41Jayaজয়াVictory; Goddess Durga
42Jayalalitaজয়ললিতাGoddess Durga
43Jyotirmoyeeজ্যোতির্ময়ীGoddess Durga
44Jyotsnaজ্যোৎস্নাMoonlight; Goddess Durga
45Kaavyaকাব্যPoetry; Goddess Saraswati
46KalavatiকলাবতীGoddess Parvati
47KaliকালীGoddess Kali; The fierce and powerful deity
48Kalindiকালিন্দীRiver Yamuna; Goddess Durga
49Kalyaniকল্যাণীAuspicious; Goddess Durga
50Kamakshiকামাক্ষীGoddess Lakshmi; One with beautiful eyes
51KamalaকামলাLotus; Goddess Lakshmi
52KaminiকামিনীDesirable; Goddess Lakshmi
53Karishmaক্যারিশমাMiracle; Goddess Lakshmi
54KarunaকরুণাCompassion; Mercy
55KaumudiকৌমুদীMoonlight; Goddess Lakshmi
56Kavishriকবিশ্রীGoddess Lakshmi
57Kavyaকাব্যGoddess Saraswati
58Kirtiকীর্তিFame; Glory; Goddess Lakshmi
59KritiকৃতিCreation; Goddess Saraswati
60KrupaকৃপাGrace; Goddess Durga
61Lakshmiলক্ষ্মীGoddess of wealth and prosperity
62Lakshyaলক্ষ্যAim; Goddess Lakshmi
63MadhaviমাধবিSpringtime; Goddess Lakshmi
64MahagauriমহাগৌরিGoddess Durga
65MahiমহীThe earth; Goddess Lakshmi
66Maitreyiমৈত্রেয়ীFriendly; Goddess Saraswati
67MaliniমালিনীGarlanded; Goddess Lakshmi
68ManasaমনসাMind; Goddess of snakes
69Mayukhiময়ূখীPeahen; Goddess Lakshmi
70Mayuriময়ূরিPeahen; Goddess Durga
71MedhaমেধাIntellect; Goddess Saraswati
72Meenakshiমিনাক্ষীGoddess with fish-shaped eyes; A form of Goddess Parvati
73MeeraমীরাDevotee of Lord Krishna; An embodiment of love and devotion
74MeghanaমেঘনাCloud; Goddess Parvati
75MeherমেহেরBenevolence; Goddess Durga
76MeshvaমেশভাGoddess Parvati
77MinalমিনালPrecious stone; Goddess Saraswati
78Muktaমুক্তাLiberated; Goddess Durga
79Nandiniনন্দিনীDaughter; Goddess Durga
80Nityaনিট্যEternal; Goddess Parvati
81Padmaপদ্মাLotus; Goddess Lakshmi
82Parvatiপার্বতীGoddess Parvati; The consort of Lord Shiva
83Pranatiপ্রণতিPrayer; Goddess Saraswati
84Prernaপ্রেরণাInspiration; Goddess Saraswati
85Priyankaপ্রিয়াংকাDear one; Goddess Lakshmi
86PujaপূজাWorship; Goddess Lakshmi
87PunamপূনমFull moon; Goddess Durga
88Purnimaপূর্ণিমাFull moon; Goddess Durga
89Purvaপূর্বাEast; Goddess Durga
90RachnaরচনাCreation; Goddess Saraswati
91RadhaরাধাBeloved of Lord Krishna; The embodiment of love
92Rahityaরাহিত্যGoddess Lakshmi
93Ratriরাত্রীNight; Goddess of the night
94RohiniরোহিণীA star; Goddess Durga
95RujulaরুজুলাGoddess Lakshmi
96Rukminiরুক্মিনীConsort of Lord Krishna
97Sanjanaসঞ্জনাGentle; Goddess of chastity
98Saraswatiসরস্বতীGoddess of knowledge, music, arts, and wisdom
99Saumyaসৌম্যাCalm; Goddess Durga
100ShailajaশৈলজাDaughter of the mountain; Goddess Parvati
101Shaktiশক্তিPower; Strength; Goddess Durga
102Shantiশান্তিPeace; Goddess Durga
103Shipraশিপ্রাA river; Goddess Durga
104ShivaniশিবানীConsort of Lord Shiva; Goddess Parvati
105Shreyaশ্রেয়াAuspicious; Goddess Lakshmi
106Shrutiশ্রুতিVedic texts; Goddess Saraswati
107SimranসিমরানMeditation; Goddess Lakshmi
108SitaসীতাWife of Lord Rama; An embodiment of virtue and purity
109SomaসোমাMoon; Goddess Durga
110SonaসোনাGold; Goddess Lakshmi
111SunitaসুনীতাOne with good morals; Goddess Durga
112Supriyaসুপ্রিয়াBeloved; Goddess Durga
114Swatiস্বাতীA Nakshatra; Goddess Saraswati
115TariniতারিণীGoddess Durga; One who helps to cross over
116UmaউমাGoddess Parvati; The consort of Lord Shiva
117VaniভানীSpeech; Goddess Saraswati
118Vinayaবিনয়াModesty; Decorum; Goddess Saraswati


Even More Cute Bengali Baby Names

If you’re looking for cute baby names, then here is a list for you.

Sr No.Baby Boy NamesBengali TransliterationMeaning
2Aayumanআয়ুমানA young mind
3AbaniঅবনীThe Earth
4AbeshঅভেষComplete passion
5AbhinavঅভিনবNew; Young; Novel
6AdhirঅধীরRestless; Lord Chandra (Moon)
8Adrishআদ্রিশLord of mountains; Sun
9AlokআলোকBrightness; Light; Brilliant
10ArinঅরিনSunray; Peaceful
11Arpanঅর্পণOffering; Surrendered
12Aryanআরিয়ানNoble; Civilized; High-born
13AvirajঅবিরাজKing of kings; King of the gods
14AyushআযুষLong-lived; Everlasting
15Balmikiবাল্মীকিA famous poet
16BatukবতুকA young man
17BinobaবিনোবাTalented man
18BishalবিশালHuge; Immense
19BodhiবোধিEnlightenment; Awakening
20Borenyaবোরেন্যA great person
21Chandrachurচন্দ্রচূড়Lord Shiva
22DebদেবGod; Lord
23DebuদেবুSweet; Loving; Lord Shiva
24DevanshদেবাংশPart of God; Divine
25DevanshuদেবাংশুDivine; Part of God
26DeveshদেবেশLord Shiva
27Dhrubaধ্রুবPolestar; Unshakeable; Firm
28Dibyenduদীব্যেন্দুDivine moon; Lord Shiva
29DipudipuLight; Brightness
30EshanএশানLord Shiva; Ruler; The sun
31FeluফেলুNickname for boys
32FulbabuফুলবাবুA dancer
33GrihamaniগৃহমানিA lamp
34HariহরিLord Vishnu; Lion; Monkey; Yellow
35Hironmoeহিরন্ময়A Bengali boy's name
36Indrajeetইন্দ্রজিতConqueror of Lord Indra; Lord Hanuman
37IshaanইশানLord Shiva; Sun; Ruler
39Jayantজয়ন্তVictorious; Lord Vishnu
40Jhareshwarঝরেশ্বরSplendour of flame
41Joeontoজোএন্তSplendour of flame
42Jyotirজ্যোতিরLight; Flame; Brightness
44Kaustubhকৌস্তভA jewel
45KrishকৃষShort form of Lord Krishna; Divine
46Kunjকুঞ্জThe one with sweet voice
48ManavমানবMan; Human being
49MilanমিলনUnion; Meeting; To meet
50MinatiমিনতিA prayer
51MithinমিঠিনThe one who governs wisely
52MohitমোহিতEnsnared by beauty; Charming
55Nandanনন্দনHappiness; Pleasure
56Nemichandনিমিচন্দVery calm
58Nilayনিলয়Home; Abode
59OhitঅহিতBrightness of eye
60OmওমSacred syllable; Lord Shiva
62Ongkarওঙ্কারHoly chant of Om
63Onindroঅনিন্দ্রRomantic person
65Pingakshiপিঙ্গাক্ষীA brown-eyed boy
67Pritamপ্রীতমBeloved; Dear one
68Pritwishপ্রীতবিশGreatest love of all
69PulakপুলকJoy; Happiness; Delight
70RajuরাজুKing; Ruler; Prince
71RiteshরিতেশLord of truth; Lord of seasons
72RupরূপOne with good figure
73Ryanরায়ানLittle king; Young prince
74SahasসাহসBrave; Valiant
75Sanjibanসঞ্জীবনRestoring life
77Shouryaসৌর্যValor; Bravery; Courage
78ShubhশুভAuspicious; Lucky; Happy
79Soumyaসৌম্যCalm; Soft natured; Gentle
80SubhoশুভAuspicious; Fortunate; Good
81SuvanসুবানLord Shiva; Lord Vishnu
82Suvankarসুভাঙ্করGolden; Lord Vishnu
83Swarajস্বরাজFreedom; Lord Shiva
84TalashতালাশIn search of something
86TanishতানিষAmbition; Lord Shiva
87Tanishqতানিষ্কJewel; Precious
88Tanmayতন্ময়Engrossed; Absorbed; Engaged
89Trinabhত্রিনাভLord Vishnu
90Utkarshউৎকর্ষAdvancement; Progress
91UtsavউৎসবFestival; Celebration; Festivity
92VickyভিকিVictor; Conqueror; Lord Vishnu
93VirajবিরাজResplendent; Splendid; Shining
94YuvanযুবানYouthful; Young; Lord Shiva
95Aanshiআন্সিGod's gift
96AarabhiআরাভিFirst ray of sun
97Aarchiআর্চিRay of light
100Aarnaআর্নাGoddess Lakshmi; Water
101Adyaআদ্যাFirst; Unparalleled
102AishiআইশীBlessing; God's gift
103Aksharaঅক্ষরাImmutable; Letter; Alphabets
104Anayaঅনয়াWithout misfortune; Caring; Guardian
105Anushkaঅনুষ্কাGrace; Favor; Flower
106Aparnaঅপর্ণাGoddess Parvati; Leafless
107Aradhyaআরাধ্যWorshiped; Adored
108Ariyaআরিয়াNoble; Honorable
109ArohiঅরোহীAscending; Evolving
110Aryaআর্যNoble; Goddess Parvati
111Aryahiআর্যাহিGoddess Durga; Noble lady
112AshaআশাHope; Desire; Expectation
113Avantikaঅবন্তিকাQueen; Princess; Goddess
114Avniঅভ্নীEarth; Nature
115Ballakiবল্লাকিVeena instrument
116Banditaবান্ধিতাThe one who is worshipped
118BibhutiবিভূতিGoddess Lakshmi
119ChhaviছাভিReflection; Image
120Deeptimoyeeদীপ্তিময়ীEfficient human
121Diaদিয়াLamp; Divine
122EshaniইশানিGoddess Parvati; Close to God
123FularenuফুলারেনুBorne by another flowering plant
125Gandhapushpaগন্ধপুষ্পSweet smell of flower
126HiralহিরালLustrous; Wealthy
127HridikaহৃদিকাJoyful; Cheerful
128Inayaইনয়াConcern; Solicitude
129IshaইশাGoddess; Divine; Power
130Jahnviজান্বীGanga river; Daughter of Jahnu
131JemishaজেমিশাQueen of darkness
134Kampilyaকাম্পিল্যাSmell of perfume
135Kanakaprabhaকানকপ্রভাBright as gold
136KhushiখুশীHappiness; Joy
137Kimayaকিমায়াDivine; Divine illusion
138KomalকোমলSoft; Tender
140KusumkomolকুসুমকমলSoft as a flower
141LabaniলাবনীGraceful woman
142Maanyaমান্যWorthy of honor; Respectable
143Mahalayaমহালয়াNew moon
144MahikaমহিকাDew drops; Mist
145Minuyaraমিনুয়ারাA fish
146Mishtiমিষ্টিCute; sweet
147Nairaনায়রাShining; Glittering
148Navyaনব্যাYoung; New
149Nayaniনয়নিBeautiful ocean
150Neelambikaনীলাম্বিকাBlue sky
152NehaনেহাLove; Rain; Affection
153Nilaprabhaনীলাপ্রভাBlue sparkle
154Oikantikaঐকান্তিকাNoble person
155OlikodiঅলিকোদিVery skilled
157PariপরীFairy; Angel
158PihuপিহুChirp; Sweet sound
162Pranaviপ্রণবীGoddess Parvati; Goddess Saraswati
163Prathamaপ্রথমাDancer of heaven
164Prishaপ্রীষাBeloved; Loving; God's gift
165PrithibiপৃথিবীLover of Earth
166RaashiরাশিCollection; Sign; Wealth
167ReevaরীভাStar; River
168ReshaরেশাStraight line
169Rheaরেয়াSinger; Flowing; River
170Riddhiসিদ্ধিProsperity; Wealth; Success
171RidhiঋধিProsperity; Wealth
172Riyaরিয়াSinger; Graceful
173RupamadhuriরূপমাধুরীGraceful woman
174SaachiসাচীTruthful; Grace; Joy
175SaanviসানভীGoddess Lakshmi; Holy
176SamairaসামাইরাEnchanting; Pleasant
177Sanayaসানায়াEminent; Distinguished
178Sanjibaniসঞ্জীবনীRestoring life
179Sanviসান্বীGoddess Lakshmi; Knowledge
180SaraসারPrincess; Noble lady
181ShaliniশালিনীModesty; Courtesy
182Shanayaশানয়াFirst ray of the sun; Intelligent
183Shimantiniশিমন্তিনীA woman
184Siyaসিয়াGoddess Sita; White moonlight
185Sonakshiসোনাক্ষীGolden-eyed; Goddess Parvati
188Tanyaতান্যFairy queen; Of the family
190VaaniবাণীSpeech; Voice
191Yashasviযশস্বীFamous; Successful
192Yashviযশ্বীFame; Glory; Successful
193ZainaজইনাBeautiful; Elegant
194ZaraজারাPrincess; Flower
195Zoyaজোয়াAlive; Loving; Caring


Be it Bengali baby boy names or Bengali baby girl names, we hope you have found the desired baby name. If you are looking for Bengali Hindu baby names, then this list of 50 popular Hindu baby girl and baby boy names can come handy.

You can also browse through our top 100 popular Indian baby names for quirkier suggestions. If you are looking for anything specific, try out our Pampers Baby Name Generator. Also, don't forget to look for cute baby nicknames for your baby!

Now that you're done with baby name finding task, it's time to move on to the next one. Have you packed your hospital bag yet? Check out our hospital bag checklist page so that you are prepared for your baby’s arrival.

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