700+ Christian Names for Baby Boy & Baby Girl with Biblical Meanings
Choosing a name for your newborn is both a fun, exciting and important task. Names carry power; it is the first gift you give to your child and one that lingers with him throughout his lifetime. For most Christian families, choosing a name that is deeply rooted in the biblical tradition would be a very meaningful touch. There are so many names in the Bible, with rich history and profound meaning, which could be perfect for your little one. Let's explore a list of Christian baby names and understand their deep-rooted significance through the origins and history of Christianity in India to help you choose the perfect Christian baby name for your baby boy and baby girl.
The most common source of inspiration for biblical names for boys and girls is usually the biblical character, known for their virtue, strength or their faith in God. Names like Joshua, meaning "God is salvation," or Hannah, meaning "grace," are not only beautiful on their own but also carry stories of the personalities who bore them.
In this article, we have compiled 700+ Christian baby names along with their meanings to help you choose the perfect name for your baby boy.
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In this article, we have compiled 700+ Christian baby names along with their meanings to help you choose the perfect name for your baby boy.
Things To Think About When Choosing A Christian Baby Name
When selecting the perfect name for your child, a few considerations can ensure that the biblical name you choose is a blessing throughout your child’s life:
Consider how long your chosen name is. Though long names such as Alexander sound royal, shorter names like Eli or Noah are more practical, especially for small children when they are first learning how to spell.
2. Pronunciation and Spelling
Names should be easy to pronounce and spell. A name like Ezekiel is beautiful, but it might be a challenge for a child learning to write. Opting for a name with clear and straightforward pronunciation will make communication easier for your child when they grow up.
3. Compatibility with the Surname
The first name should be compatible with your surname. Try saying the name along with the surname outline to judge compatibility.
4. Cultural Relevance and Timelessness
A biblical name should resonate with its cultural context and remain relevant over time. Names such as Raphael or John carry a timeless appeal that transcends cultural shifts.
5. Meaning of the Name
Explore what your name means. Names such as Gabriel ("God is my strength") or Abigail ("my father's joy") contain powerful spiritual meanings that your child can carry with great pride.
Unique Baby Boys Names with Biblical Meanings
Sr No. | Names | Meaning |
1 | Aaric | Rule with mercy |
2 | Aaron | Strong |
3 | Abel | A breath |
4 | Abraham | Father of many |
5 | Acacio | Lord holds |
6 | Adam | Man, humanity |
7 | Adonis | God’s blessing |
8 | Adrian | Blessed with immense strength |
9 | Agabus | Locust |
10 | Alexander | Defender of the people |
11 | Andrew | Strong and manly |
12 | Apollos | Destroyer, son of Apollo |
13 | Aristarchus | Best ruler |
14 | Arne | As powerful as an eagle |
15 | Asher | Happy, blessed |
16 | Barak | Lightning |
17 | Barnabas | Joseph |
18 | Bartholomew | Son of Talmay; rich in land |
19 | Benjamin | Son of the right hand |
20 | Brian | Strong and honourable |
21 | Cain | Possession |
22 | Caleb | Faithful, devotion |
23 | Crescens | Increasing, growing |
24 | Dan | God is my judge |
25 | Daniel | God is my judge |
26 | Demas | Governor |
27 | Demetrius | Devoted to Demeter |
28 | Dionysius | Of Dionysus, devoted to Dionysus |
29 | Eli | Ascended, uplifted |
30 | Elijah | Yahweh is my God |
31 | Elisha | God is salvation |
32 | Elon | Oak tree |
33 | Elvin | A noble friend |
34 | Epaphras | Lovely |
35 | Epaphroditus | Lovely |
36 | Ephraim | Fruitful |
37 | Erastus | Beloved |
38 | Esau | Hairy, rough |
39 | Ethan | Strong, firm |
40 | Ezekiel | God will strengthen |
41 | Ezra | Help, helper |
42 | Felix | Happy and incredibly fortunate |
43 | Gabriel | God is my strength |
44 | Gad | Luck |
45 | Gaius | Rejoice |
46 | Gerard | Strong and brave |
47 | Gideon | One who cuts down |
48 | Hermogenes | Born of Hermes |
49 | Hillel | Praise |
50 | Hiram | Benevolent brother |
51 | Immanuel | God is with us |
52 | Isaac | Bringer of joy and laughter |
53 | Ishmael | God will hear |
54 | Israel | Fighter of God |
55 | Jabin | Wise |
56 | Jacob | Supplanter |
57 | James | Replacer |
58 | Jared | Rose; descending |
59 | Jason | Healer, to heal |
60 | Jesse | God's gift |
61 | Jethro | Abundance |
62 | Joel | Yahu is God |
63 | John | Graced by God |
64 | Jokim | That made the sun standstill |
65 | Jonah | Dove, peaceful |
66 | Joseph | He will add |
67 | Joshua | God is deliverance |
68 | Josiah | God has healed |
69 | Judah | Praise |
70 | Jude | Praised |
71 | Justus | Just, righteous |
72 | Kane | The son of a mighty warrior |
73 | Keith | One of the most popular Christian baby boy names, it means spontaneous |
74 | Lazarus | God has helped |
75 | Levi | United |
76 | Linus | Flaxen, blond |
77 | Lucas | White |
78 | Luke | Light |
79 | Malachi | Messenger of God |
80 | Malcolm | Disciplined and devoted to God |
81 | Mark | War |
82 | Matthew | Gift of God |
83 | Matthias | Gift of God |
84 | Meshach | The draws with force |
85 | Micah | Who is like God? |
86 | Moses | To draw out |
87 | Nathan | A gift from God |
88 | Nathaniel | Gift of God |
89 | Nicodemus | Victory of the people |
90 | Noah | Rest |
91 | Norbert | Somebody who is brilliant |
92 | Onesimus | Useful |
93 | Onesiphorus | Bringing profit, helpful |
94 | Owen | Noble and a young warrior |
95 | Parmenas | Constant |
96 | Paul | Small |
97 | Peter | A stone |
98 | Philemon | Affectionate |
99 | Philip | Warlike |
100 | Pudens | Modest, bashful |
101 | Quartus | Fourth |
102 | Ralph | Wise and intelligent |
103 | Reuben | Behold |
104 | Richard | Powerful and brave |
105 | Rufus | Red |
106 | Samson | Sun |
107 | Samuel | The name of a King in the bible, it’s amongst the most popular biblical boy names |
108 | Saul | Question |
109 | Seth | Appointed |
110 | Shane | Gracious and kind |
111 | Silas | Forest |
112 | Silvanus | Wooded, forested |
113 | Simon | One of Jesus’ disciples, it’s amongst the most common biblical boy names |
114 | Solomon | Man of peace |
115 | Sopater | Savior's father |
116 | Stephen | Crowned |
117 | Tertius | Third |
118 | Thaddeus | Gift of God |
119 | Theo | God’s precious gift |
120 | Thomas | Twin |
121 | Timon | Valued, honored |
122 | Timothy | Honouring God |
123 | Titus | Honorable |
124 | Trophimus | Nourished, fostered |
125 | Tychicus | Fortunate |
126 | Vincent | A mighty conqueror |
127 | Wilber | Very bright and smart |
128 | Zacharias | Favoured by God |
129 | Zachary | Remembered by God |
130 | Zechariah | Yahweh remembers |
131 | Zenas | Living, life |
Modern Biblical Names & Meanings for Baby Boys
Sr No. | Names | Meaning |
1 | Aaron | Exalted, mountain of strength |
2 | Abel | Breath, vapor |
3 | Abner | Father of light |
4 | Adam | Man, humanity |
5 | Amos | Burden bearer |
6 | Andrew | Manly, courageous |
7 | Asher | Happy, blessed |
8 | Benjamin | Son of the right hand |
9 | Bennett | Blessed |
10 | Boaz | Strength |
11 | Brion | Valour |
12 | Bryn | Hill |
13 | Caleb | Faithful, devotion |
14 | Clement | Merciful, good |
15 | Collin | A young man, of the victorious people |
16 | Corey | From the hollow |
17 | Cyril | Lord |
18 | Daniel | God is my judge |
19 | David | Beloved |
20 | Dylan | Son of the sea |
21 | Eamon | Rich guardian |
22 | Eli | Ascended, uplifted |
23 | Elijah | Yahweh is God |
24 | Eliott | God on high |
25 | Eliphaz | The endeavour of God |
26 | Emmanuel | God is with us |
27 | Ephraim | Fruitful |
28 | Eric – Complete ruler | |
29 | Eros | Love; passionate |
30 | Ethan | Strong, firm |
31 | Ezra | Help, helper |
32 | Feivel | Bright one |
33 | Fergus | The supreme choice |
34 | Filbert | Brilliant |
35 | Gabriel | God is my strength |
36 | Gideon | Feller, hewer |
37 | Glyn | Mountain valley |
38 | Greg | Vigilant |
39 | Hadrian | Dark |
40 | Hughe | Heart |
41 | Hyman | Life |
42 | Ian | God is merciful and gracious |
43 | Irvin | Fresh water |
44 | Isaac | He laughs |
45 | Isaiah | God is salvation |
46 | Itzak | Laughter |
47 | Jacob | Supplanter, held by the heel |
48 | Jason | The Lord is salvation |
49 | Jeremiah | Yahweh will raise |
50 | Jesse | God's gift |
51 | Joel | Yahweh is God |
52 | Jonah | Dove, peaceful |
53 | Joshua | Yahweh is salvation |
54 | Josiah | Yahweh supports |
55 | Judah | Praised |
56 | Jude | Praised |
57 | Kedem | Ancient |
58 | Kev | Gentle |
59 | Kian | God is gracious |
60 | Leon | Lion |
61 | Levi | Attached, joined |
62 | Lucas | Light, illumination |
63 | Luke | Light, illumination |
64 | Malachi | Messenger of God |
65 | Matthew | Gift of God |
66 | Micah | Who is like God? |
67 | Michael | Who is like God? |
68 | Nacoma | Lovable |
69 | Nathan | Gift of God |
70 | Nathanael | Gift of God |
71 | Nathaniel | Gift of God |
72 | Nicholas | Victory of the people |
73 | Noah | Rest, comfort |
74 | Othello | He has the sound of God |
75 | Peter | Rock |
76 | Reuel | Friend of God |
77 | Rian | King |
78 | Ryan | Little king |
79 | Sachiel | Covering of God |
80 | Samson | Sun |
81 | Samuel | Heard by God |
82 | Sean | God is gracious |
83 | Seth | Appointed, placed |
84 | Silas | Man of the forest |
85 | Simon | He who hears |
86 | Solomon | Peaceful |
87 | Stephen | Crown |
88 | Ted | God’s gift |
89 | Thomas | Twin |
90 | Timothy | Honoring God |
91 | Tobias | God is good |
92 | Ulrick | Power of the wolf |
93 | Vidor | Victorious |
94 | Vincent | Conquering |
95 | Walter | Ruler of the army |
96 | Wilfred | Desiring peace |
97 | Wynn | Friend |
98 | Xavier | Brother |
99 | York | Boar estate |
100 | Zachary | Remembered by God |
101 | Zane | Gift from God |
102 | Zechariah | Yahweh remembers |
103 | Zeph | God has hidden |
Baby Boy Names Based on the Names of Angels in the Bible
Sr No. | Names | Meaning |
1 | Abaddon | Destroyer |
2 | Ariel | Lion of God |
3 | Azrael | Angel of God |
4 | Barachiel | God’s blessing |
5 | Camael | Strength |
6 | Cassiel | Speed of God |
7 | Castiel | Shield of God |
8 | Chamuel | He who seeks God |
9 | Gabriel | God is my strength |
10 | Haniel | God’s gift |
11 | Jegudiel | Laudation of God |
12 | Jeremiel | God uplifts |
13 | Jophiel | Beauty of God |
14 | Kafziel | Speedy one of God |
15 | Lucifer | Light |
16 | Malach | Angel |
17 | Metatron | Messenger of God |
18 | Michael | Who is like God? |
19 | Micheal | God |
20 | Orifiel | My neck is God |
21 | Phanuel | The face of God |
22 | Raguel | Friend of God |
23 | Ramiel | Thunder of God |
24 | Raphael | God has healed |
25 | Remiel | Mercy of God |
26 | Sachiel | Covering of God |
27 | Sariel | Command of God |
28 | Selaphiel | Prayer of God |
29 | Uriel | Flame of God |
30 | Zadkiel | Righteousness of God |
Unique Baby Girl Names with Biblical Meanings
Sr No. | Names | Meaning |
1 | Abigail | Her father’s joy |
2 | Abra | Mother of many |
3 | Ada | Ornament |
4 | Adina | Delicate, gentle |
5 | Adriel | God is my help |
6 | Agnes | Pure |
7 | Ahlai | Expecting |
8 | Aliza | Joyful |
9 | Allegra | Cheerful and lively |
10 | Analia | Grace |
11 | Ancy | Beautiful of all |
12 | Anna | One who gives |
13 | Apphia | Fruitful |
14 | Atarah | Crown |
15 | Athaliah | The time of the Lord |
16 | Bathsheba | Daughter of the oath |
17 | Bernice | A bringer of victory |
18 | Bethany | House of song |
19 | Brea | Noble |
20 | Bridget | Strength |
21 | Calah | Favourable |
22 | Candace | Pure, innocent |
23 | Chloe | Blooming |
24 | Damaris | A little women |
25 | Danica | Morning star |
26 | Davina | Cherished and loved |
27 | Deborah | Bee |
28 | Delilah | Delicate |
29 | Diana | Perfect or full or light |
30 | Dina | Avenged |
31 | Dinah | Judged, vindicated |
32 | Dorcas | Gazelle |
33 | Eden | Delight, paradise |
34 | Elizabeth | God is my oath |
35 | Esther | Star |
36 | Eunice | Good victory |
37 | Eve | Life |
38 | Faith | Trust, belief |
39 | Gabriella | Devoted to God |
40 | Grace | God's favor |
41 | Hannah | Merciful |
42 | Hartley | Deer meadow |
43 | Helena | Light |
44 | Huldah | Weasel |
45 | Jedidah | Beloved |
46 | Jemimah | Dove |
47 | Jezebel | Not exalted |
48 | Joanna | Grace |
49 | Judith | She will be praised |
50 | Julia | Youthful |
51 | Juliana | Youthful and full of energy |
52 | Kaara – Beloved | |
53 | Keturah | Incense |
54 | Keziah | Cassia tree, sweet-scented |
55 | Leah | Delicate |
56 | Lillian | Innocent, pure and very beautiful |
57 | Lisa | Spiritual |
58 | Lois | More desirable |
59 | Lyda | God’s worshipper |
60 | Lydia | From Lydia (a region in Asia) |
61 | Martha | Provoking |
62 | Mary | Beloved |
63 | Michaiah | Humble |
64 | Milcah | Queen |
65 | Miriam | Beloved |
66 | Naarah | Young girl |
67 | Naomi | Beauty |
68 | Olivia | Symbol of peace |
69 | Oprah | Gold |
70 | Oriana | Sunrise |
71 | Penelope | Weaver |
72 | Phebe | Shining |
73 | Phoebe | Bright, radiant |
74 | Priscilla | Venerable |
75 | Quinn | Wise and knowledgeable |
76 | Rachel | Female sheep |
77 | Raelyn | Grace |
78 | Roxanne | Bright star |
79 | Ruth | Vision of beauty |
80 | Salome | Peace |
81 | Sapphira | Gem, beautiful |
82 | Sarah | Princess |
83 | Sera, Sara or Sarah | My princess |
84 | Shiloh | Tranquil, peaceful |
85 | Sophia | Very wise |
86 | Susanna | Lily; joy |
87 | Susannah | Lily |
88 | Tabitha | Beautiful and graceful |
89 | Tamar | Palm tree |
90 | Thea | Goddess |
91 | Tirza | Delightful |
92 | Tirzah | Delight |
93 | Ulani | Cheerful |
94 | Valerie | One with great power |
95 | Vashti | Thread |
96 | Yanet | Merciful |
97 | Zilpah | Jacob’s second wife |
98 | Zipporah | Bird, beauty |
Modern Biblical Names and Meanings for Baby Girl
Sr No. | Names | Meaning |
1 | Abigail | Father's joy |
2 | Amanda | God’s gift |
3 | Belicia | God’s promise |
4 | Beth | God is an abundance |
5 | Bethany | House of figs |
6 | Bina | Melodious; knowledge |
7 | Brielle | God is my strength |
8 | Carly | Most beautiful |
9 | Cassandra | Shine about mankind |
10 | Catalina | Pure |
11 | Celeste | Heavenly |
12 | Celia | Divine |
13 | Chloe | Green herb |
14 | Cora | Maiden |
15 | Dahlia | One who is from the valley |
16 | Daisy | Day’s eye |
17 | Davina | Adored |
18 | Diem | Day |
19 | Eden | Delight, paradise |
20 | Elena | Light |
21 | Elisa | God is a promise |
22 | Elora | God’s light |
23 | Ember | A glowing article representing the remains of a dying fire |
24 | Esta | Star |
25 | Fleur | Flower |
26 | Gali | Fountain |
27 | Gianna | God’s grace |
28 | Giselle | One who pledges |
29 | Halsey | From Hal’s land |
30 | Hannah | Grace |
31 | Imogen | Maiden |
32 | Ina | Queen |
33 | Isadora | Gift of Isis |
34 | Jaelyn | Ambitious; God may protect |
35 | Jenny | God’s gracious |
36 | Joanna | God is gracious |
37 | Joslyn | Supplanter |
38 | Kaia | Earth; pure |
39 | Katherine | Pure |
40 | Kaylee | Who is like God |
41 | Leah | Weary, tired |
42 | Lilith | Night creatures |
43 | Linda | Beautiful |
44 | Luciann | One who is surrounded by light |
45 | Lydia | From Lydia (a region in Asia) |
46 | Makenna | Born of fire |
47 | Naomi | Pleasant |
48 | NIna | God was gracious |
49 | Oda | Praise God |
50 | Olive | Olive tree |
51 | Paisley | Church |
52 | Paloma | Dove |
53 | Pandora | Gifted one |
54 | Rachel | Ewe, female sheep |
55 | Rayna | Pure; song of the Lord |
56 | Rebecca | To bind, to snare |
57 | Remi | Oarsman |
58 | Rhiannon | Great queen |
59 | Ruth | Companion, friend |
60 | Sarah | Princess |
61 | Sena | Moon, blessed |
62 | Tabitha | Gazelle |
63 | Talia | Dew of heaven |
64 | Tirzah | Delight |
65 | Tori | Turtledove; triumphant |
66 | Udela | Wealthy |
67 | Valentina | One who is strong and health |
68 | Vivian | Alive |
69 | Yovela | Rejoice |
70 | Yvette | Archer |
71 | Ziva | Radiance in Hebrew |
Baby Girl Names Based on the Names of Angels in the Bible
Sr No. | Names | Meaning |
1 | Angela | Angel |
2 | Angelette | Little angel |
3 | Angelisa | Messenger, angel |
4 | Aniela | Good’s messenger |
5 | Ariel | Lion of God |
6 | Ariella | Lion of God |
7 | Azraela | Help of God |
8 | Barachiela | Blessing of God |
9 | Cassiela | Speed of God |
10 | Chamuela | He who seeks God |
11 | Charmeine | Singer; fruit garden |
12 | Dara | Wealth; the pearl of wisdom |
13 | Erelah | Holy messenger |
14 | Evangelina | Bearer of good news |
15 | Evangeline | Gospel; good news |
16 | Gabriella | God is my strength |
17 | Gotzone | God’s messenger |
18 | Haniela | Grace of God |
19 | Jegudiela | Glorify God |
20 | Jeremiela | Mercy of God |
21 | Jophiela | Beauty of God |
22 | Mariangela | Rebel |
23 | Metatrona | Messenger of God |
24 | Michaela | Who is like God? |
25 | Micheangela | Who is like God |
26 | Raguella | Friend of God |
27 | Raphaela | God has healed |
28 | Remiela | Mercy of God |
29 | Sachiela | Covering of God |
30 | Sariela | Command of God |
31 | Selaphiela | Prayer of God |
32 | Seraphina | Purifying angel |
33 | Uriella | God is my light |
34 | Zadkiela | Righteousness of God |
Final Takeaway
When selecting a Christian baby name, you are tapping into a reservoir of history, faith and meaning that reflects your spiritual journey and hope for your newest family member. Biblical names don't only keep you connected with your faith but also leave you with a lifetime legacy of values. From biblical boy names that have survived through the ages to unique Christian boy names that bring out something new, the Bible certainly doesn't fall short of these options. In this significant decision-making process, there's a world of Christian names waiting for you, full of meaningful treasures.
Choosing "the best" biblical name is very subjective, depending on personal taste and the qualities you hope to instil in your child. Still, names such as David, which means "beloved," and Michael, which means "who is like God," are favourites that endure, partly because of their rich biblical heritage and the timeless quality they evoke.
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