Muslim & Islamic Baby Girl Names in 2025

If you’re one of the more than 400 million Arabic speakers in the world—or if your heritage hails from an Arabic-speaking country—perhaps you’re looking for a beautiful Arabic baby girl name for your new arrival. Or maybe you’re looking for Muslim girl names, which are frequently Arabic in origin. To get the inspiration going, we’ve pieced together an extensive list of 250 popular, rare, unique, common, pretty, cute, and more Arabic girl names. Happy naming!


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Popular Muslim Girl Names (مشہور مسلم لڑکیوں کے نام)

You’ll find several Arabic and Muslim girl names at the top of the popularity charts. Perhaps you didn’t even know that a few of these trendy monikers had Arabic origins. If you’re looking for popular names, check out the 10 listed below, which are some of the trendiest Arabic girl names in the United States.

1. Nora. As the most popular Arabic girls’ name in the United States in recent years, Nora is also a commonly used moniker in many other countries. As a Muslim girls’ name, it’s typically spelled Noora, but other alternative spellings include Nura and Norah. It’s the feminine form of Nur, which means “light” in Arabic. 2. Hannah. Another popular Arabic girls’ name that you’ll also find in many countries, Hannah comes from the Hebrew name Channah, which means “favor, grace.” 3. Sara. Not only is Sara a popular Muslim girls’ name, but it’s also one of the most popular names across the world. In Arabic, it’s also spelled Sarah, and the name originates from a Hebrew word that means “lady” or “princess.” It’s the perfect name for your little Arabian princess! 4. Leila. Leila is a variant spelling of the popular Arabic and Muslim girl name Layla, but you can also spell it Laila. It means “night” in Arabic and is one of the more common Middle Eastern female names. 5. Aaliyah. If you’re looking for Islamic baby girl names from the Qur'an, Aaliyah is a very popular option. Keep in mind that spellings can vary; this name is also commonly spelled Alia, Aliyah, and Aliyya. It means “exalted,” “high,” or “sublime,” and you may associate the name with the late singer Aaliyah. 6. Amira. Also spelled Amirah as a Muslim girls’ name, Amira is a beautiful Islamic name that is the feminine form of Amir. Since Amir means “prince,” Amira is another Arabian princess name! 7. Mariam. It’s no surprise that Mariam is a popular Arabic girl name, since it’s a form of Mary. The name Mary is thought to mean “beloved” or “love,” but in Iran, its variant Maryam is the name for the tuberose flower, which comes from the Virgin Mary. 8. Fatima. Pronounced FA-tee-mah, Fatima is another Islamic girl name from the Qur'an, as Fatimah (Arabic spelling) was the daughter of the prophet Muhammad. The name means “to abstain.” 9. Nadia. Variant spellings of this Arabic name include Nadiyya and Nadya, and all have a beautiful meaning for your little girl. Nadia means “tender, delicate.” 10. Yara. As a popular and beautiful Arabic girl name, Yara comes from Persian and means “friend, helper.”

NameUrdu SpellingMeaning
HanahہاناBliss, Happiness
AaliyahعالیہExalted, Noble, Sublime
AmiraامیرہPrincess, Leader
MaryamمریمPious, Devout; name of a prophet’s mother (Mary)
FatimaفاطمہCaptivating; Daughter of the Prophet Muhammad
NadiaنادیہCaller, Announcer
YaraیاراFriend, Helper

Rare and Unique Muslim Girl Names (نایاب اور منفرد مسلم لڑکیوں کے نام)

There’s no shortage of uncommon and rare Arabic girl names. If you’re looking for a name that’s as unique as your baby, you might consider the following: 11. Abla. With its unique spelling of Abla, this rare name has the simple meaning of “full-figured”—but its story is even more interesting. In the seventh century, the famous Arabic poet Antara dedicated the majority of his poetry to a mysterious woman named Abla. 12. Fayruz. Unique and rare, this Arabic girl name has Persian origins and means “turquoise,” as in the gemstone. As a Muslim girls’ name, the spelling Fayrooz is more common; another variant is Fairuz. 13. Husniya. As the feminine form of Husni, the name Husniya means “beauty,” “excellence,” and “goodness.” It’s pronounced HOOS-nee-yah. 14. Khadija. A unique Arabic girls’ name, Khadija is a historical moniker. She was the prophet Muhammad’s first wife, who mothered all but one of his children, and the first person to convert to Islam. The name is pronounced kha-DEE-jah. 15. Naila. Another historical name, Naila was the brave wife of Uthman, the third caliph of the Muslims. Pronounced NA-ee-lah, the name means “attainer.” 16. Rawiya. Pronounced RA-wee-yah, Rawiya is a unique Arabic girl name and has the beautiful meaning of “storyteller.” 17. Rubab. If you’re looking for a truly rare Arabic girl name, you might like Rubab. It’s the Arabic word for a unique type of stringed musical instrument. 18. Samara. A traditional Muslim girls’ name, Samara (also spelled Samar) comes with one of the most unusual meanings. Some believe it simply means “evening conversation,” but we love the Islamic interpretation of “one who converses under moonlight.” 19. Shula. Pronounced SHOO-lah, this name is short and sweet, yet still unique. It simply means “flame” in Arabic. 20. Zulaykha. Another Muslim girl name with a historical context, Zulaykha originates from the Arabic name Zuleika. She was the subject of numerous poems and tales by the Persian poet Jami. The name is pronounced zoo-LAY-keh.

Below you’ll find even more unique Arabic and Muslim girl names to keep the inspiration going!

NameUrdu SpellingMeaning
HanahہاناBliss, Happiness
AaliyahعالیہExalted, Noble, Sublime
AmiraامیرہPrincess, Leader
MaryamمریمPious, Devout; name of a prophet’s mother (Mary)
FatimaفاطمہCaptivating; Daughter of the Prophet Muhammad
NadiaنادیہCaller, Announcer
YaraیاراFriend, Helper

Choosing a baby name can be fun yet also overwhelming. Watch this video for some exciting facts that could help you find the perfect baby name!

Modern Muslim Names for Girls (لڑکیوں کے لیے جدید مسلم نام)

Although not among the most popular names for girls, the following Arabic girl names are common and modern monikers that might appeal to you. Many of these are Muslim girl names that you’ll find in Middle Eastern, North African, Asian, European, and North American countries.

43. Aisha. If you’re looking for common Islamic names for girls with strong meanings, consider this modern Arabic name. Pronounced A-ee-sha, it means “alive” and can also be spelled A’isha. 44. Aminah. A very common Arabic name for girls, Aminah (also spelled Amina or Aamina) comes from a word that means “to feel safe, secure.” However, it’s also the feminine form of Amin, which means “trustworthy.” 45. Anisa. As a fun, modern Arabic name for girls, Anisa has an upbeat sound that goes well with its sweet meaning. As the feminine form of Anis, it means “friendly” or “friend.” 46. Dana. You’ll find the name Dana in many different countries, including those with populations that speak Arabic. In Persian, the name Dana means “wise.” 47. Dina. Another common Arabic name for girls, Dina is simple in its sound and meaning. It means “religion.” 48. Farah. As a beautiful Muslim girl name, Farah has a couple of different meanings. In Arabic, the name means “joy,” but other interpretations specify “happiness” as the meaning. 49. Fatma. Fatma relates to popular name Fatima from above, one of the Islamic girls’ name from the Qu’ran. It’s pronounced FAHT-mah and also means “to abstain.” 50. Iman. Meaning “faith,” Iman comes from the Arabic word amuna, which means “to be faithful.” This is a gender neutral name, though considered feminine in Arabic and masculine in Persian. The Somalian American supermodel Iman bears this name. 51. Samira. Like the name Samara above, Samira has a similarly romantic meaning. Pronounced Sa-MEER-ah, it means “a companion in evening talk.” 52. Yasmin. Yasmin might be the most common Arabic name for girls used in the Western world. Derived from Persian, the name means “jasmine” in Arabic and Hebrew. Of course, jasmine refers to the fragrant flower of the same name.

If you want to discover other common and modern Arabic names for girls, we’ve included a few more below. You may be familiar with celebrities and public figures who bear these names.

NameUrdu SpellingMeaning
AishaعائشہAlive, Living; Name of the Prophet Muhammad's wife
AminahآمنہTrustworthy, Faithful
AnisaانیسہFriendly, Sociable
DanaداناWise, Knowledgeable
DinaدیناJudge; A variant of "Dinah"
FarahفرحJoy, Happiness
FatmaفاطمہCaptivating; Daughter of the Prophet Muhammad
ImanایمانFaith, Belief
SamiraسمیراCompanion in evening conversation
YasminیاسمینJasmine flower
AliaعالیہExalted, Noble, Sublime
AyaآیہVerse of the Quran; Miracle
AzraعذراVirgin, Maiden
DaniaدانیاClose, Near
InasایناسSociability, Affability
JamilaجمیلۃBeautiful, Elegant
KhalidaخالدہEternal, Everlasting
Maryam/MariamمریمPious, Devout; Another form of "Mariam"
MonaموناDesire, Wish; A variant of "Muna"
NadiraنادرہRare, Precious
NasiraناصرہHelper, Supporter
RehanaریحانہSweet basil, Fragrance
SafaصفاPurity, Serenity
SalmaسلمیٰSafe, Peaceful
SamiyaسمیہElevated, Lofty
SawsanسوسنLily of the valley, Iris
ZahraزہرہBright, Shining; One of the titles of Fatimah
ZaynaزینہBeauty, Adornment

Powerful Muslim Girl Names (طاقتور مسلم لڑکیوں کے نام)

Does your baby girl need a strong, powerful name? Whether you’re looking for Muslim, Islamic, and/or Arabic monikers, these names for girls have mighty meanings.

73. Asma. A short female Arabic name, Asma is powerful and comes with a few different meanings. In Arabic, the name means “supreme,” though other interpretations add “sky,” “high,” and “exalted” to the mix. 74. Basira. As the feminine form of Basir, this name means “wise” in Arabic. Basir is one of the 99 names for Allah, the Islamic god. 75. Ikram. A unisex name, Ikram means “honor,” though its root word karuma means “to be generous.” You can also spell the name as Ikraam. 76. Kubra. Kubra might be one of the strongest Arabic girl names, as it’s the feminine form of Akbar, which means “greater, greatest.” Akbar was a powerful Mughal ruler who’s known for expanding his empire into most of India in the sixteenth century. 77. Mumtaz. As a historical name, Mumtaz was the wife of Shah Jahan, the emperor responsible for building the Taj Mahal as a tomb specifically for her. The name means “distinguished.” 78. Nurul. The name Nurul has an interesting and powerful meaning. Compound Arabic names that start with Nur al (Nurul) mean “light of the” followed by the second part of the name. By simply using Nurul, you theoretically have the “light of” everything! 79. Rashida. Meaning “rightly guided,” Rashida is the feminine form of Rashid, one of the 99 names for Allah, the Islamic god. In Arabic script, the name has either a long first or second vowel, so you can pronounce it as RA-shee-da or ra-SHEE-da. 80. Sultana. Another one of the more powerful Arabic girl names, Sultana is the feminine form of Sultan, which means “sultan.” Of course, a sultan can also mean “king” or “ruler” in Arabic. It’s pronounced sool-TAH-na. 81. Taliba. Pronounced TA-lee-ba, this name is the feminine form of Talib, which means “seeker of knowledge” or “student.” Abu Talib is the uncle who raised the prophet Muhammad after his parents and grandparents died. 82. Wafiya. Meaning “trustworthy,” “reliable,” “loyal,” and “perfect,” the name Wafiya might be the best Arabic girl’s name for your “perfect” little baby! It’s pronounced wa-FEE-yah.

Because we know that girls are powerful, keep the inspiration going with still more Arabic girl names and their strong meanings!

NameUrdu SpellingMeaning
AsmaاسماءExcellent, Precious
BasiraبصیرہVision, Wisdom
IkramاکرامHonor, Respect
KubraکبراGreat, Major
MumtazممتازDistinguished, Eminent
NurulنورلLight of, Radiance of
RashidaرشیدہWise, Rightly-guided
SultanaسلطانہQueen, Sovereign
TalibaطالبهSeeker, Student
WafiyaوفیہLoyal, Faithful
FahimaفہیمہIntelligent, Understanding
FaizaفائزہVictorious, Successful
FatihaفاتحہOpening, Victory
JalilaجلیلہMajestic, Noble
HadiaہادیہGuide, Leader
HananحنانCompassionate, Affectionate
HanifaحنیفہTrue believer, Upright
HikmatحکمتWisdom, Insight
KaramکرمGenerosity, Kindness
MubinaمبینہClear, Plain, Evident
NabilaنبیلہNoble, Generous
NajwaنجویٰSecret conversation, Whisper
NashwaنشوہFragrance, Perfume
NazihaنازیہHonest, Pure
RahmaرحمہMercy, Compassion
RaisaرئیسہLeader, Chief
RasimaراسمهCharitable, Generous
ShahiraشاہرہFamous, Distinguished
TaheraطاہرہPure, Chaste
YusraیسرٰیProsperity, Ease

Pretty Muslim Girl Names (خوبصورت مسلم لڑکیوں کے نام)

If you’re looking for Arabic girl names with pretty sounds and/or beautiful meanings, you certainly have quite a few options. The following names would be perfect for your pretty little baby girl.

104. Adila. Pronounced A-dee-lah, this pretty name also has a sweet meaning: “fair, honest,” and “just.” 105. Amal. As far as beautiful Muslim girl names go, Amal is a favorite. It means “hope, aspiration.” You may recognize it as the name of Amal Clooney, a British-Lebanese barrister who specializes in human rights. 106. Aziza. Not only is the name Aziza pretty, but it also has one of the most powerful meanings. As the feminine form of Aziz, it means “powerful,” “respected,” and “beloved” and is also one of the 99 names for Allah, the Islamic god. 107. Basma. Pronounced BAS-ma, this Muslim girls’ name sweetly means “smile” in Arabic. 108. Fajr. Pronounced like the word fair, Fajr has a beautiful spelling, sound, and meaning. In Arabic, this female name means “dawn, beginning.” 109. Halima. As the name of the prophet Muhammad’s foster mother, Halima is the feminine form of Halim, which means “patient,” “tolerant,” and “mild.” 110. Munira. Munira is a beautiful Muslim girls’ name that means “bright, shining.” It’s pronounced moo-NEE-rah 111. Nermin. From the Persian word narm, this Muslim girl name means “soft, gentle.” This unisex name is typically masculine in Bosnian and feminine in Turkish and Arabic. 112. Shaima. Halima (above) was the prophet Muhammad’s foster mother, and Shaima (pronounced shie-MA) was Halima’s daughter. This name has the very sweet meaning of “beauty marks.” 113. Zaahira. Meaning “to shine, radiant,” Zahira has two pronunciations: ZA-hee-rah or dha-HEE-rah.

114. Amani. The cute name Amani is a Muslim name for girls that means “wishes” in Arabic. 115. Basima Pronounced BA-see-mah, and often spelled Basimah, this cute Muslim girls’ name sweetly means “always smiling.” 116. Fikriyya. Along with a unique spelling, the name Fikriyya has a cute pronunciation and meaning. Pronounced feek-REE-yah, it means “to think, reflect.” 117. Janan. Janan has possibly the cutest meaning of all! It means “heart, soul”—perfect for your new baby girl! 118. Khalilah. As the feminine form of Khalil, this cute Arabic girls’ name means “friend.” But if you prefer to spell it Kalilah, it means “darling.” 119. Masuma. This cute name is pronounced ma-SOO-mah and means “innocent” in Arabic. 120. Na'ima. If you’re looking for a cute Arabic girl name that may influence your little one’s temperament, try Na’ima, which means “tranquil, happy” and “at ease.” 121. Nawal. Among cute Islamic names for girls, this name means “gift” in Arabic. It’s common to pronounce Nawal as na-WAL. 122. Shakira. If you’re thankful for your sweet new baby, maybe the cute name Shakira is in order, as it means “thankful” or “grateful.” Perhaps you recognize it as the name of the singer Shakira, who is of Lebanese and Colombian descent. 123. Uzma. Cute, short, and sweet, the name Uzma means “supreme, greatest” and is pronounced OODH-ma.

Pretty names tend to suit baby girls. Here are more beautiful Arabic names with adorable and sweet meanings.

NameUrdu SpellingMeaning
AdilaعدیلہJust, Fair-minded
AmalاملHope, Aspiration
AmaniامانیWishes, Aspirations
AtifaعطیفہCompassionate, Affectionate
AtiyaعطیہGift, Present
AzizaعزیزہPrecious, Cherished
BahijaبہیجہJoyful, Happy
BasimaبسیماSmiling, Cheerful
BushraبشریٰGood news, Glad tidings
FadiaفادیہRedeemer, Savior
FazilaفضیلہVirtuous, Outstanding
FajrفجرDawn, Beginning
FarhanaفرحانہHappy, Joyful
FaridaفریدہUnique, Matchless
FarihaفریحہJoyful, Happy
FikriyyaفکریہIntellectual, Thoughtful
GhadaغادةYoung, Delicate
GhaliyaغالیہExpensive, Valuable
HabibaحبیبہBeloved, Darling
HadiyyaہدیہGift, Present
HalimaحلیمہGentle, Mild
HamidaحمیدہPraiseworthy, Commendable
HanijaہانیجہFlowing, Prolific
HasnaحسنیٰBeautiful, Good
IhsanاحسانGood deed, Benevolence
In’amانعامGift, Blessing
JawahirجواہرJewels, Precious stones
JawdatجودتExcellence, Superiority
KhalilahخلیلہFriend, Darling
LamiaلامیعہRadiant, Shining
LamisلمیسSoft, Gentle
LatifaلطیفہGentle, Kind, Pleasant
MalakملکAngel, Divine messenger
MaramمرامAspiration, Desire
MasumaمعصومہInnocent, Sinless
MennaمنہGrace, Gift
MidhaمدحPraise, Acclamation
MuminaمومنہBeliever, Faithful
MuniraمنیرہIlluminated, Radiant
MunyaمنیہWish, Desire
NafisaنفیسہPrecious, Exquisite
Na'imaناعمہDelightful, Soft, Gentle
NajlaنجلاءWith wide eyes, Bright
NawalنوالGift, Bestowal
NerminنرمینSoft, Delicate
NimaنعیمہBlessing, Comfort
RafiqaرفیقہFriend, Companion
RahatراحتComfort, Ease
Sa’adahسعادتHappiness, Prosperity
SakinaسکینہPeace, Tranquility
SalwahسلوہComfort, Consolation
ShafiqaشفیقہCompassionate, Kind
ShaimaشیماءDark beauty mark, Moles
ShakilaشکیلہBeautiful, Well-formed
ShakiraشکیراThankful, Grateful
UzmaعظمیٰGreatest, Supreme
WahidaوحیساUnique, Singular
ZaahiraظاہرہShining, Luminous

Short Muslim Female Names (مختصر مسلم خواتین کے نام)

Some parents prefer short baby names, and with Arabic, you have lots of options for short and sweet female names. Most of the names on our list are two syllables, but you’ll find a couple one-syllable girl names and the odd three-syllable name, too. Regardless of how these mini monikers sound, perhaps you’ll like one of them for a fun, snappy given name or nickname!

168. Aida. As a variant of the name Ayda, Aida (pronounced A-ee-dah) means “returning visitor” in Arabic. Giuseppe Verdi’s opera Aida features a titular character who, as an Ethiopian princess, was held captive in Egypt. 169. Arij. Pronounced a-REEJ, this short Arabic girls’ name means “fragrance.” As a Muslim girls’ name, it’s commonly spelled Areej, just as it sounds. 170. Dima. Often spelled Dema, Dima is a Muslim girls’ name with a romantic meaning, as the name means “drizzling rain” in Arabic. It’s pronounced DEE-mah. 171. Hiba. Your baby girl is certainly a gift, which is the meaning of the Arabic name Hiba, pronounced HEE-bah. 172. Isra. Isra is the perfect name for an imaginative little girl, as it means “nocturnal journey” or “to travel at night.” Perhaps your little Isra (pronounced ees-RA) will have adventurous dreams! 173. Lulu. You can find the name Lulu as a nickname in many countries, including Germany, Romania, and Sweden. In Arabic, this Muslim girls’ name means “pearl.” 174. Maha. The name Maha means “oryx” in Arabic, which is a type of wild deer. Many believe the oryx represents beauty. 175. Rana. If you have the most beautiful baby girl (which you surely do), perhaps you’d like the Arabic name Rana. It means “attractive, eye-catching.” 176. Ruba. In Arabic, Ruba simply means “green hills” and has the very cute pronunciation of ROO-bah. 177. Suad. Suad is a variant of the more traditional spelling of Su’ad, an Islamic girl name that means “happiness, luck.” It’s pronounced soo-AD.

Believe it or not, there are even more short Arabic female names, all sporting beautiful, unique, or powerful meanings.

NameUrdu SpellingMeaning
AidaعائدہReturning, Visiting
ArijعرجFragrance, Scent
DimaدیمہDownpour, Soft rain
HibaہبہGift, Blessing
IsraاسراءNight journey; Refers to the Prophet Muhammad's night journey
LuluلولوPearls, Precious
MahaمہاWild cow, Moon
RanaرناEye-catching, Delightful
RubaرُبٰیHills, High place
SuadسعودHappiness, Good fortune
AfafعفافChastity, Modesty
AfraافراWhite, Whitish-red, or Dusty
AsraاسریٰTravels at night, One who travels by night
DuaدعاPrayer, Supplication
DuhaضحیٰForenoon, Morning light
HanaحناءHappiness, Bliss
HawaحواءEve; Mother of mankind
HayaحیاءModesty, Shyness
HindہندIndia, Old Arabic name
WahaabوہابGift, Generosity
LinaلیناTender, Delicate
NadaندیٰGenerosity, Dew
NidaنداCall, Voice
NoorنورLight, Radiance
NuhaنہیٰIntelligence, Mind
RajaرجاHope, Expectation
RuwaروايةBeauty, Grace
RuyaرویہVision, Dream
SanaسناPraise, Commendation

Long Muslim Baby Girl Names (لمبے مسلم بچی کے نام)

Long baby names often evoke a sense of elegance. If you’re familiar with Arabic, then you know there are plenty of long names for women!

198. Ashraqat. Pronounced ash-ra-KAT, this Arabic female name means “brightness.” 199. Fakhriyya. The feminine form of Fakhri, this name means “honorary” in Arabic. It looks harder to pronounce than it is! Fakhriyya is pronounced fahk-REE-ya. 200. Jathibiyya. Meaning “charm” and “attractiveness,” this long Arabic girls’ name is pronounced ja-dhee-BEE-yah. There are two variant spellings, Gathbiyya and Gazbiyya, which have the same pronunciation. 201. Mennatullah. The name Mennatullah is a powerful choice. It means “grace of Allah,” as in the Islamic god. It’s pronounced meh-na-TOO-lah. 202. Ruqayyah. One of the daughters of the prophet Muhammad had this name. It has two possible meanings, either “rise, ascent” or “charm, incantation.” Ruqayyah is pronounced roo-KIE-yah. 203. Sayyida. Meaning “lady” in Arabic, the girls’ name Sayyida is pronounced SIE-yee-dah. 204. Shadiya. Shadiya is the feminine form of the name Shadi, which means “singer” in Arabic. It’s pronounced SHA-dee-yah. 205. Shafaqat. Long names don’t always come with complicated meanings. Shafaqat, pronounced sha-FAH-kat, simply means “compassion.” 206. Shahrazad. From the Persian elements that mean “free city,” this Arabic girls’ name is pronounced shah-ra-ZAD. 207. Tabassum. Pronounced ta-BAS-oom, this long but sweet Arabic girls’ name means “smiling,” so it’s a good option for your smiley baby!

Some Arabic girl names sure love their syllables! Here are even more long names with pretty, unique, and powerful meanings.

NameUrdu SpellingMeaning
AshraqatاشرقہShone, Radiated
FakhriyyaفخریہProud, Honorary
JathibiyyaجاذبيةAttractive, Alluring
Mennatullahمنت اللہBlessing of Allah
RuqayyahرقیہRise, Ascent, or Charm, Incantation
SayyidaسعیدLady, Mistress
ShafaqatشفقتCompassion, Kindness
ShahrazadشہرزادFree City
TabassumتبسمSmile, Smiling
BahiyyaبہیہBeautiful, Radiant
DaniyahدانیہClose, Near
FathiyyaفتحیہVictorious, Conqueror
FawziyyaفوزیہTriumphant, Successful
HaniyyaحنیہHappy, Delightful
KhayratخیراتGood deeds, Generosity
KhayriyyaخیریہCharitable, Benevolent
RayannahریاحنہFragrant, Scented
SabriyyaصبریہPatient, Enduring
ShahnazشہنازPride of the king, Beauty
SuhailaسحیلہSmooth, Soft, Gentle; Also refers to Canopus star
SaminaثمینہValuable, Precious
ZubaidaزبیدہElite, Prime, Essence


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Nature-Inspired Muslim Girl Names (فطرت سے متاثر مسلم لڑکی کے نام)

Arabic girl names and their meanings often connect to nature. If you’re looking for nature baby names, you might like the following:

221. Arwa. If you like animals, the Arabic girls’ name Arwa possibly means “mountain goats,” though some Muslim interpretations go with the meaning “nice-looking.” 222. Badr. Meaning “full moon” in Arabic, the name Badr is a great option if you want your baby girl connected to the power of the moon cycles. 223. Hadil. The soft “cooing of a pigeon” is quite a peaceful sound, which is what the name Hadil means. Sometimes spelled Hadeel, this Muslim girls’ name is pronounced ha-DEEL. 224. Hala. For a romantic nature-themed moniker, consider the Muslim name Hala for your baby girl. It means “halo around the moon.” 225. Marwa. Marwa (pronounced MAR-wa) is an Arabic name for a fragrant plant, which shares its name with one of Mecca’s sacred hills. 226. Rawda. Meaning “meadow, garden” in Arabic, this girls’ name is pronounced as ROW-dah. 227. Sahar. Pronounced SA-har, this name simply means “dawn” in Arabic, giving your little girl a refreshing moniker. 228. Tasnim. In Arabic, this name means “a spring in paradise” and is pronounced tas-NEEM. As a Muslim girls’ name, it’s often spelled Tasneem, just as it sounds. 229. Warda. Warda is the word for “rose” in Arabic, a borrowed word from an Iranian language. 230. Zahrah. Derived from an Arabic word of the same spelling, this girls’ name means “blooming flower.”

There are many more nature-inspired Arabic names for girls and women, so why not continue your search by considering the following monikers:

NameUrdu SpellingMeaning
ArwaعروہFresh, Prosperous, Satisfied
BadrبدرFull moon
HadilحدیلCooing of a pigeon
HadeelہدیلSame as Hadil, Cooing of a pigeon
HalaحلاHalo around the moon
MarwaمروہA fragrant plant; Also a sacred hill in Mecca
RawdaروضہMeadow, Garden
TasnimتسنیمA spring in paradise
ZahrahزہرہBlooming flower
BudurبدورFull moons
JinanجنانGarden, Paradise
LubnaلبنیٰStorax tree
NawraنورہFlower, Blossom
RandaرندہScented tree
RashaرشاYoung gazelle
ReemریمWhite antelope
SawdaسودہPalm tree garden
Pampers Arabic girl names


The best Arabic name for a girl is the one you like the most! Choosing a name for your baby is a personal decision, and many people have different opinions regarding what is best. If you like trendy names, consider Nora, Nadia, Aaliyah, Hannah, Sara, and Leila, which are some of the most popular Arabic girl names.

The Bottom Line

Finding the right name for your baby can be a lot of fun, but that doesn’t mean it’s an easy task. We hope this list of Arabic girl names helps you narrow down your choices or at least provides a source of inspiration! If names from other languages pique your interest, consider the following:

  • French girl names

  • Hawaiian girl names

  • Italian girl names

  • Mexican baby names

Remember that whatever name you give your sweet new arrival is a personal choice, so go with your instincts and enjoy the process! In the meantime, stock up on diapers and wipes and get rewards with the Pampers Club App on all your purchases!

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