Marathi Baby Girl and Baby Boy Names Starting with ‘S’

Picking a unique name for your baby is a heartwarming experience. While some parents pick a name during the pregnancy some parents keep shortlisting names till the time the naming ceremony arrives. It is common to choose baby names starting with a particular letter for your baby. Say you pick ‘S’, so then you would need to look for S names for your baby girl or baby boy. In this article, we have curated a list of Marathi baby girl names starting with ‘S’ coupled with baby boy names in Marathi starting with ‘S’. Check out the list of Marathi names starting with S along with their meanings.

Here's a list of baby names in Marathi starting with S. You can also find the respective meanings beside each name, which will help you choose faster:

Marathi Names for Baby Boy Starting with S

SudharmaGood law
SaveraCrystal clear; inexpressible
SaiA flower
SaeInk; paint
SamLord of God; Lord has heard
SanSun; another name of Lord Shiva
ShivAnother name of Lord Shiva; supreme spirit
SomMoon; cute; sweet; religious
SriRespect; God; richness; loyal
SurA musical note
SadaA pure one
SaduSage; holy; saintly
SaeeThe one who makes efforts; a variant of Sae
SajuBeauty; travelling
SamaEqual; time; even; honest
SamiExalted one; high; sublime
SanjAnother name of Lord Shiva
SantSaintly person
ShashiLegend; moon; a lovely person
SenaArmy; sun
SetuSacred symbol; bridge
ShajBeautiful; loving
ShamStrong person; another name of Lord Krishna
ShanPride; prestige; fame
SharArrow; Lord of peace
ShayGift; present; hawk-like; eagle
SherBrave; tiger; the beloved one
SheyCourteous; a variant of Shea
ShodAnother name of Lord Shiva; to search
ShriRespect; love; richness; a variant of Sri
SinhHeroic; powerful one; birth; lion
SinuGod of happiness; love
Siva/SivAnother name of Lord Shiva; silence
SivuAuspicious power; the supreme spirit
SiyaBright; light
SlokMantra; chant
SmitDivine smile; smile
SnehAffection; love; friendship
SonuMorning; God's gift; pure gold
SramA variant of Shram; hard work
SreeWonderful; beautiful; a variant of Sri
SubhGood; auspicious; another name of Lord Ganesh
SukhPeace; happiness
SumaFragrance; sum; total; flower
SuriSun; another name of Lord Shiva; another name of Lord Krishna
SvarAnother name of Lord Vishnu
SwahLord of fire
SyamBlack; dark blue; another name of Lord Krishna
SyonGentle; good luck
SabalWith strength
SabirKind; patient; smart
SachhThe truth
SachiHonest; child of bliss; truth
SadalLuck will come
SadarChief; respectful
SaganAnother name of Lord Shiva
SagarOcean; water; sea; very deep


Marathi Baby Girl Names Starting With S

ShubhadraWife of Arjun
SivaprabhaWife of Lord Shiva
ShambhukantaWife of Lord Shiva
SudakshimaWife of king Dilip
SaiA flower; friend; natural
Sai SreeA flower
SiaGoddess Sita; the one who brings joy
SriDiffusing light; radiance; Goddess Lakshmi
SangamithraSocial; friendly
SaiyeishaGod Sainath
SamanyaThe unknown
SudeviWife of Lord Krishna
SvahaWife of fire God
Sai SuraiA flower
SauryaHeroic; brave; powerful
SarthakaWell done
SadgunaGood virtues
SweekruthiPromising; agreeing
SwedhaWhite; clarity; lovely
SwathikaAuspicious; beginning
SwaranjaliMusical offerings
SwarangiA musical tone
SaraQueen; princess; pure
SatiVirtuous woman; chaste
SaviSun; star; another name of Goddess Durga; sunlight
SayaShelter; shadow; close of day
SemaOmen; to speak
SevaAttendance; care; service
SianPrincess of light
SilaHome sick; achievement; old
SimaLimit; boundary; border; symbol
SimiLimit; gracious; to behold
SiriBeauty; diamond; gold; richness
SitaGoddess; Wife of Lord Shiva; a noblewoman
SivaAnother name of Lord Shiva; the supreme spirit
SiyaBlessings; light; another name of Goddess Sita
SnehaAffection; love
SohaA star; sunrise; princess
SonaBeautiful; gold; pretty; precious
SovaOne's own
SreaProsperity; credit; auspicious
SriaJoy; happiness
StyaTruthful; truth; a variant of Satya
SukiHappy; beloved
SuriLearned one; wise
SwaiA bit; little
SaaviSun; another name of Goddess Lakshmi
SachiWife of Lord Indra; blessed child
SafiaA lion's share; chaste; pure
SagunVirtuous; auspicious
SailaDwelling in the mountains
SailiCarved in the rocks
SainaReflection of Sai; princess
SairaPrincess; a bird


We hope you were able to find your favourite names. But, if you still wish to explore some more options before making a choice, check out our Baby Name Generator tool.

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