Advice For New Moms: Making time for yourself

As a new mom it can be hard to get time back for you, here are a few tips:

New moms need to be realistic

Give yourself time-frames of different lengths, taking steps rather than leaps. Short-, medium- and long-term promises to yourself can keep you motivated through the summer and help you sprint towards the finish in the winter.

New moms need to make time to workout

Getting fit is nearly everyone's favourite goal. It's one of the hardest to carry out, though, especially for new mothers. To make your quest towards fitness more manageable, break it down into short-, medium- and long-term benchmarks.

New moms need to live more for themselves

This idea may seem counter-intuitive with a new baby in the house, but making this promise to yourself will actually help you spend more quality time with your little one. Being able to do as you like actually frees you up to spend time with your family on your own time under your own terms.


Use an app, a big calendar or even an old-fashioned diary to set schedules and make plans. Once you get all your obligations down on paper, you can see if you need to ease off on anything.

Visit our healthy pregnancy section for more tips & guide to staying healthy during pregnancy.

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