Pregnancy cravings: Common foods, when they begin, and why they happen

Pregnancy cravings can be a fun part of the pregnancy journey, where expecting mothers often develop strong urges for specific foods, from sweet and salty delights to quirky combinations. The onset of these cravings is usually in the first trimester. However, cravings while pregnant can vary greatly from one person to another, depending on one’s complex interplay of hormones, nutritional needs and emotional factors. Here we will discuss the science that surrounds pregnancy cravings, some common foods that women crave the most and why they start craving in the first place. 

Causes Of Pregnancy Cravings

Experts are not sure what causes these difficult-to-resist food cravings during pregnancy, but they may be your body's way of letting you know that some nutrients, like vitamin C, calcium, or iron, are missing from your diet. Cravings could also be a result of your need for stronger flavors during pregnancy, or a result of your body’s need for extra calories now that it's providing nourishment for your baby. Early pregnancy cravings during the first trimester may also be linked to a surge in pregnancy hormones. It’s also possible that you may be feeling a little overwhelmed, tired, or emotional, and that you’re just longing for your favorite comfort foods.

Does Everyone Have Cravings While Pregnant?

No, not everyone experiences cravings while pregnant. Even for people who experience pregnancy cravings, the intensity may vary from person to person. While some expectant mothers might experience strong cravings, others may not experience any such pregnancy cravings. Several factors like hormonal changes, cultural influences and individual nutritional needs can play a role in whether or not a person has pregnancy cravings.

What Are Pregnancy Food Aversions?

During pregnancy, you might suddenly find yourself unable to tolerate the taste or smell (or both) of a certain food, even if this was something you hadn’t minded earlier; coffee and fish are frequent offenders. Different theories exist as to what triggers these aversions, but it could be that you’re simply more sensitive to certain smells and tastes due to changes in your hormones. Morning sickness may be connected with some aversions, as certain smells may make you feel more nauseated.

When Do Pregnancy Cravings Start And End?

Cravings and aversions can be an early sign of pregnancy, appearing in the first trimester along with all the hormonal changes going on in your body. For many women, food cravings are likely to lessen in the second trimester, and after your baby is born, all those cravings and aversions will be a thing of the past. Some women don’t experience any cravings or aversions at all.

Common Pregnancy Cravings

You’ve probably heard jokes about weird pregnancy cravings. Although you may not be craving dirt or clay, you may still be experiencing other unusual food cravings, especially late at night. Although every mom-to-be has her own story, here are some common pregnancy cravings:

Craving sweet foods and sugar during pregnancy:

Most women experience cravings for sweets during pregnancy like an ice cream and chocolates. Such a desire could indicate that a woman needs to consume foods that give her instant energy or it might be an indication of fluctuations in the blood sugar level. These pregnancy cravings can be easily satiated by healthier options like bananas and berries or yoghurt with a honey drizzle. These foods will help satisfy your cravings while also offering much-needed nutrients.

Craving Salty Food & Salt During Pregnancy:

A lot of women experience a craving for salt during pregnancy. This pregnancy craving is often related to changes in the sodium level in the body. In such cases, the woman may feel the urge to eat cheese, bacon or salty peanut butter. Some healthier options to satiate salt cravings during pregnancy include snacking on salted nuts or hummus with vegetables; even low-sodium popcorn will do. These types of snacks can help moderate intake of salt while still satisfying cravings.

Craving Sour Foods During Pregnancy:

Other cravings that pregnant women like to indulge in include sour foods such as lemons or pickles and spicy items such as chilli peppers. A desire for sour flavours may mean a requirement for more vitamin C or just a liking for strong flavours. Try to satisfy this craving with citrus fruits like oranges or grapefruits or add a squeeze of lemon juice to meals. These alternatives can give that desired sour punch while adding nutritional value to your overall diet.

What To Do About Food Cravings During Pregnancy

When a craving hits, it’s all you can think about, and you’ll accept no substitutes. As long as the food you're craving is reasonably healthy, it is OK to go ahead and have some. In other words, if all you want is chocolate, then eat a piece of chocolate! Sometimes, it may not even be that you crave something in particular, but you can’t bear the thought of eating anything else. In fact, you may feel nauseated just thinking about going near any other food.

Cravings and aversions are a normal part of pregnancy, even if no two moms' cravings are the same. Maybe you can’t get enough salty bites, or you really want something sweet. Perhaps you want to reach for something cold and crunchy, or you’ve suddenly found yourself pairing foods that normally you would never dream of eating together. Some old wives’ tales say that craving sweets means you’re expecting a girl, whereas salty cravings mean you’re having a little boy. Of course, there is no scientific basis for this. In fact, no one knows what leads to craving salt or sweets during pregnancy.

PICA Pregnancy Cravings: And When You Should Tell Your Doctor About Them

Some pregnant women may crave non-food items like clay, laundry detergent, dirt, clay, ashes, paint chips or even ice. This is a condition called pica, which may be a sign of a nutritional deficiency. If you have the urge to eat non-food items, talk to your healthcare provider, and do not give into these cravings, as it may be harmful for both you and your baby.

Pregnancy cravings are normal and can even be funny sometimes. You’ll probably even have a few amusing craving stories of your own. If you want to learn more about food, nutrition and your pregnancy. Check out our pregnancy food guide for expecting mothers.

Final Takeaway

Pregnancy cravings, although at times baffling, are a part of the transforming journey that the body goes through during pregnancy. These cravings while pregnant signify the delicate balance between physiological and emotional changes. Understanding the reasons behind cravings can help pregnant women monitor their cravings and ensure that they maintain a well-balanced diet throughout the period. Whether due to physiological needs or emotional demands, these cravings are an example of the major changes happening during pregnancy.

Enjoying the foods you crave during this time in moderation while maintaining a healthy balance can make the whole experience even more extraordinary. Keep in mind that as long as you’re getting all the nutrition you both need while you’re pregnant, treating yourself here and there is totally fine. Listen to your body and enjoy the ride.

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