8 Exercises to Help Reduce Back Pain During Pregnancy

Backaches during pregnancy are common experiences that most women go through, especially in their third trimester. This is because, in the later stages of pregnancy, the body is constantly adapting to the rapid growth of your baby. While pregnancy is an exciting journey, backache during pregnancy can be unbearable at times and affect your day-to-day activities. Fortunately, some exercises can help manage this. In this blog, we're going to explore the causes of back pain during pregnancy, the exercises that help to cure it and the tips for preventing it. 

Major causes of backache during pregnancy 

Backache during pregnancy is mainly because of the following physiological and hormonal changes: 

  1. Weight Gain: Increased weight causes pressure on the back hence it is normal to experience lower back pain and discomfort during pregnancy. 

  2. Shifting Center of Gravity: During pregnancy, the centre of gravity moves forward due to the baby in the stomach, affecting posture and stressing the back. 

  3. Hormonal Changes: Pregnancy hormones relax ligaments and joints to prepare for childbirth, which can destabilise your pelvic area and cause back pain. 

  4. Muscle Separation: As the uterus expands, it can cause the abdominal muscles to separate, which may increase the likelihood of lower back pain during pregnancy. 

Is Back Pain Common In All Trimesters? 

Backache during pregnancy is common and can occur at any stage of pregnancy. However, it is highly prevalent between the second and third trimesters. The increased baby weight and size can cause significant pressure on the back and spine muscles. Although some people experience a bit of soreness, others feel immense pain, affecting their overall life. 

Exercises To Reduce Back Pain During Pregnancy 

It is important to always practice good posture during your pregnancy. Simple tricks like standing straight, holding your chest high and keeping your shoulders relaxed will help you get rid of certain pregnancy pains. Here are a few exercises you can try to reduce backache during pregnancy. 

Speak to your doctor about your health and fitness levels and ensure that you get their go-ahead before you start out on any new fitness regimen.  

1. Squats:

As long as you do not have any pain in your pubic or pelvic areas, squats are among the best exercises for back pain during pregnancy. Remember to always have a workout ball or a friend nearby to ensure that you do not have any accidental falls.

  • Position yourself in an open stance, arms out and your knees and feet turned out. Stick your hips back to the extent that it is comfortable.

  • Keep your weight on your heels as you get down into your squat position, feel your lower belly move up slightly.

  • Repeat (At least 10 sets make a good start)

2. Bridge pose:

This yoga asana is among the most effective solutions for lower back pain during pregnancy as it strengthens your glutes. Use a yoga mat to avoid any slipping.

  • Start flat on the mat with arms down on the sides.

  • Bend your knees and put your feet flat on the ground as close to your body as possible.

  • Now, press your heels to the floor and slowly raise your entire body (remember, your hands stay where they are). Hold, release and repeat.

Read more about 8 perfect yoga poses to practice when you’re pregnant.

3. Child pose stretch:

This stretching exercise is an excellent remedy for back pain during pregnancy because it gives a great stretch to your spine. It also relieves the pressure on all the surrounding nerves.

  • Start on all fours and keep your knees wide apart. Slowly pull your butt down towards your legs while simultaneously lowering yourself until you are as close to the floor as possible.

  • Now stretch your arms out in front of you as much as possible. If your bulging belly gets in the way, rest on your elbows. Hold for 1 minute or as long as comfortable.

4. Seated stretches:

This is another stretch and strengthening exercise to heal back pain during pregnancy. It works by toning your back muscles and ensures instant relief.

  • Sit with your legs crossed and extend your arms overhead. Interlock your fingers with each other if possible.

  • Now, lean in one direction and feel a stretch on the other side. Repeat by leaning in the other direction. Repeat 3-5 times.

5. Stretches while bent over:

The primary reason for pregnancy pains are weak back muscles. This stretch will strengthen your lower back muscles and will significantly reduce back pain during the third trimester.

  • Stand with your knees spread apart and feet firmly planted on the ground.

  • Bend over at your waist until your back is parallel to the ground. Now, join your fingers together and raise your arms until they are also parallel to the ground.

  • Repeat 3-5 times.

6. Cat-cow stretch 

This stretch increases the flexibility of the spine and helps to relieve tension in the back.  

  • Get on all fours in a tabletop position. 

  • Arch your back upwards (like a cat) and then dip it downward, lifting the head and tailbone (like a cow). 

  • Repeat 5-6 times.  

7. Side-leg raises 

This exercise strengths the core and glutes.  

  • Start by lying on your side on a yoga mat.  

  • Lift your top leg until it is nearly at a 45-degree angle above your bottom leg.  

  • Slowly lower your leg again and switch sides on the next set. 

  • Repeat 5-10 times. 

8. Pelvic tilts 

This exercise strengthens the abdominal muscles and helps alleviate lower back pain during pregnancy.  

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.  

  • Engage your deep core muscles by drawing your belly button inwards (towards your spine slightly), while flattening your spine against the floor, then relax.  

  • Repeat as required. 

Tips To Prevent Backache During Pregnancy 

As you enter your third trimester, your body can feel off-balance. Hence, any exercises to relieve lower back pain during pregnancy should be done by following some basic safety tips:

  • Wear loose-fitting clothes and a good support bra

  • Invest in shoes that provide your body excellent support without risking injury

  • Don't exercise for an hour after eating

  • Always exercise in a relaxed and leisurely manner

  • Maintaining a good posture is very important. Stand tall, with your shoulders back and avoid locking your knees 

  • When lifting objects, squat instead of bending at the waist and use your legs for support 

  • Prenatal workout routines have tailored muscle tension relieving exercises. So, opt for a customised prenatal workout plan if you can. 

Kegel exercises have also proven beneficial during pregnancy. If you are interested in running during pregnancy, here’s a quick guide for running during pregnancy. So, what are you waiting for? Get started on the path to a pain-free pregnancy

When to Contact Your Healthcare Provider? 

While most of the time, back pain during pregnancy is normal, common and nothing to worry about, some symptoms require a call to your doctor. If your backache during pregnancy is severe, does not improve with rest or is accompanied by symptoms like fever, burning during urination or vaginal bleeding, seek medical advice immediately. 


Managing backache during pregnancy does not have to be a difficult task. You can achieve relief with the help of a specific exercise and preventive measures. One should always listen to their body and consult with their healthcare provider if they have any concerns regarding any kind of pain management and exercise. 


Yes, it is safe to do some light exercises to relieve back pain during pregnancy, even in the third trimester. However, it is crucial to consult your healthcare provider to ensure the exercises are appropriate for your specific condition. 

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