Monitoring Weight Gain During Pregnancy: A Month-by-Month Guide

Pregnancy is a journey marked by a plethora of physical and emotional changes, including weight gain. To have a healthy pregnancy, it is essential to know and monitor the weight gain during pregnancy month by month. In this guide, we will explain why a woman gains weight during pregnancy, what is normal and share some practical advice for moms-to-be.   

Why Do You Gain Weight During Pregnancy?  

Your body changes in a significant way to accommodate the growth and development of your baby during pregnancy. The weight gain during pregnancy month by month is not only for the baby but also for increased blood and fluid volume, the growing uterus and placenta, amniotic fluid, breast tissue and fat stores are preparing the body for breastfeeding. All these contribute to the total weight gain during pregnancy month by month.  

It is also important to note that not all pregnancy weight gain is fat. The average baby will weigh around 3.5 kilograms when born, which is a significant portion of the average weight gain during pregnancy. Some factors that may contribute to your weight gain during pregnancy month by month in kg include:  

  • Larger uterus (about 0.9 kilograms) 

  • Placenta (about 0.7 kilograms) 

  • Amniotic fluid (about 0.9 kilograms) 

  • Larger breasts (about 0.5 to 1.4 kilograms) 

  • Increased blood volume (about 1.4 to 1.8 kilograms) 

  • Increased fluid volume (about 0.9 to 1.4 kilograms) 

  • Extra fat stores (about 2.7 to 3.6 kilograms) 

 You will lose most of the pregnancy weight when your baby is born, but you will need those extra fat stores to fuel breast milk production.  

Does Everyone Gain Weight During Pregnancy? 

Yes, during the time of pregnancy, any woman tends to experience some pregnancy weight gain month by month. The amount differs from person to person. This again is greatly influenced by individual pre-pregnancy Body Mass Index, one's metabolism, diet and perhaps genetics and lifestyle.  

What Is Considered Normal Pregnancy Weight Gain? 

No two mums-to-be are the same, which is why the recommended weight gain will mostly depend on your pre-pregnancy weight and BMI.  What is the BMI? It's short for body mass index, which is a ratio derived by calculating your weight (in kilograms) divided by your height (in meters), squared. In most cases, it offers an estimate for measuring body fat.  

When it comes to weight gain during your pregnancy, the general rule of thumb is that if you have a low BMI, then your recommended weight gain will be more than that for someone with a higher BMI. If you're uncertain about what's right for you, talk to your doctor about the healthy amount of weight to gain throughout your pregnancy.  

Pregnancy weight gain should be individualised based on your pre-pregnancy BMI. Understanding these ranges can guide you in achieving a healthy pregnancy weight gain that aligns with your unique health profile. Here’s a BMI Table with generalised data to help you roughly track your progress:  


BMI Range 

Recommended Weight Gain (pounds) 


< 18.5 


Normal Weight 

18.5 - 24.9 



25 - 29.9 



≥ 30 


Gaining Pregnancy Weight Gradually 

Resist the temptation to ‘eat for two' – when you're pregnant, it's important to gain weight gradually. In fact, during the first trimester, your body won't need any extra kilos to support the baby. Considering you may also be struggling with morning sickness, gaining weight may actually be quite difficult in the first few months anyway. But, as your pregnancy progresses, you can expect weight gain during pregnancy month by month steadily and gradually in the second and third trimesters. 

This is a rough breakdown of how many extra calories you should take in for healthy pregnancy weight gain by trimester. 

  • First trimester: No extra calories needed. 

  • Second trimester: Around 340 extra calories per day. 

  • Third trimester: Around 450 extra calories per day. 

These extra calories are based on the recommended baseline intake of 2000 calories a day. Remember, these guidelines may vary depending on your BMI and other factors, like if you're expecting twins or multiples. 

These are general guidelines and it's important to consult with your healthcare provider to tailor these numbers based on your specific health needs. There is no need to force yourself to exceed your caloric intake if you're not hungry. Instead, listen to your body. Follow a healthy pregnancy nutrition plan and discuss your calorie needs with your doctor if you're still unsure. 

Do not diet while you're pregnant, but also, be mindful of the foods you consume. Make sure you have lots of nutritious, healthy food – you definitely don't need to indulge in double portions of chocolate and ice cream to nourish your growing baby. 

If you're over- or underweight, your doctor can give you some nutrition advice so both you and your baby stay healthy throughout your pregnancy. 

Potential issues with too much or too little weight gain during pregnancy

It is important to keep appropriate weight gain during pregnancy. Too much weight gain increases the risk of gestational diabetes, hypertension, backache and more likely caesarean delivery. However, gaining less than recommended may lead to preterm birth, low birth weight and even developmental problems for the baby. Thus, it is crucial to have a healthy diet and check your weight gain during pregnancy month by month to ensure a smooth pregnancy.

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