Wrong Sleeping Positions During Pregnancy That You Should Avoid

During pregnancy, a woman’s body goes through a lot of changes- physical, mental and emotional. While we have medical help to deal with most of these changes, there are a few things that the expectant mother has to take care of. These include regular exercising, eating healthier and avoiding the wrong sleeping positions during pregnancy.  

As your pregnancy advances, positions that you may have previously found comfortable may no longer be viable. Finding the right sleeping positions that are comfortable for the mother and safe for the baby can be challenging. In this blog, we will talk about the wrong position of sleeping during pregnancy that you should avoid and learn about the right ones. 

Anatomy of Pregnancy: Why Sleeping Positions Matter 

As your baby grows, your body will go through a lot of changes. The expansion of the uterus, increase in blood volume and displacement of organs are all done to accommodate your growing baby. This is when it becomes hard sometimes to find a comfortable sleeping position. A wrong sleeping position during pregnancy can result in pregnancy complications such as high blood pressure, preeclampsia, back pain, heartburn and shortness of breath. It is crucial to learn the correct sleeping positions for the safety and well-being of the mother and the baby. 

Left Side vs. Right Side: What's the Difference? 

You would have surely come across a lot of people advising you to sleep on your left, especially during pregnancy. The internet is also filled with articles and videos about sleeping on your left side. Let’s churn out the benefits of sleeping on your left and how it plays a role in safe pregnancy.   

1. Circulation 

Sleeping on your left side promotes circulation and this can be very important in making sure the nutrients get to your baby successfully. This sleeping posture will also help your kidneys excrete waste products from your body efficiently and reduce swelling in your feet and ankles. 

2. Vena Cava 

This is a big vein that carries deoxygenated blood back to the heart from the lower part of the body. Sleeping on your left side will not press on this vein and allow better blood flow to you and your baby. Left-side sleeping also supports the effective functioning of the liver, as sleeping on your right side might press it and interfere with its detoxification function in the body. 

Wrong Sleeping Positions During Pregnancy: What to Avoid? 

Understanding what a wrong sleeping position during pregnancy is will help in making better choices for health and comfort. 

1. Sleeping on Your Back 

This position is uncomfortable and impractical and can put pressure on your uterus and organs, making it a wrong sleeping position in pregnancy, especially after the first trimester. It can also make it difficult to breathe. If you do wake up on your back, you can simply turn over and go back to sleep on your side. Sleeping on your back can be risky for the following reasons.  

  • Reduced Blood Flow: Lying on your back may compress the vena cava with the weight of your uterus, thus reducing blood flow to your heart and your baby. 

  • Breathing Difficulties: The increased pressure on your diaphragm makes it difficult for you to breathe. 

  • Lower Back Pain: This position may increase lower back pain, which is a common issue faced by pregnant women. 

2. Sleeping on Your Stomach 

If you are used to sleeping on your stomach, the later stages of pregnancy can be harder for you. While you can continue sleeping on your stomach in the early stages of pregnancy, as your baby grows, it will become very impractical to continue sleeping like that. Sleeping on your stomach can put a lot of pressure on your womb, making it advisable to avoid this sleeping position during pregnancy.   

3. Semi-Reclining 

Some women find it easy being in a semi-reclined position, especially those who are experiencing heartburn. This is not as effective as sleeping on your left side, although it is better than sleeping flat on your back.  

4. Sleeping on your right 

This position has been linked to a higher risk of stillbirth, reduced foetal growth, low birth weight and preeclampsia.  

Tips for Adopting Left-Side Sleeping Position

It might be a little hard to get used to a new sleeping position, especially if you are a back or stomach sleeper. Here are some tips to make it a lot easier:  

1. Pillows 

Pillows will become your new best friends during your pregnancy. Place one between your knees to help align your hips and relieve some pressure from your lower back. A full-body pregnancy pillow supports your entire body and offers comfort while side-sleeping.  

2. Elevate Your Upper Body 

If you have breathing problems or heartburn, you may want to elevate your upper body a bit. You can place a wedge pillow under your pillow or raise the head of your bed.  

3. Practice During the Day 

Spend some time on your left side during the day. This would get your body used to the sleep position and make the change easier at night. 

4. Inform Your Sleeping Partner 

Sharing a bed with a partner requires you to inform him/her of your new sleeping position. They can be of much help in reminding you of the need to stay on your left side and ensure that your sleeping environment is comfortable and conducive enough for a good night's sleep.  


It is very important to avoid wrong sleeping positions during pregnancy for your health and well-being, not to mention that of your baby. Although it may take some time to get used to, sleeping on your left side greatly affects your overall well-being, from improved circulation to benefiting your organs. Knowledge of the importance of this sleeping position and making changes in your sleeping habits will go a long way in having a healthier pregnancy period.  

Keep in mind that each pregnancy is different, so it's always best to consult with your healthcare provider for advice specific to your pregnancy. Sleep tight and enjoy this precious journey of becoming a mother! 

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