28 weeks pregnant
28 Weeks Pregnant: Your Baby’s Development
Light show. Last week, your baby opened his eyes for the first time in four months, and he began to see light and shadows. On 28th week of pregnancy, if you shine a bright light against your abdomen, he may open his eyes and turn away from the light.
Loud and clear. At 28 weeks pregnant, your baby's brain wave patterns will indicate that he's responding to sounds in the environment, such as sound of your voice, the growl of your stomach when you're hungry, even noises outside your body. The patterns are also starting to show differences during sleep. These sleep cycles will become clearer and more distinct closer to his due date.
Breathe easy. 28th week of pregnancy is a vital stage in your baby's lung development. When he takes his first breath, his lungs will send oxygen to the blood vessels, which then circulate it throughout his body. Your baby is also manufacturing surfactant to keep the air sacs in his lungs from sticking together, which will allow him to breathe properly after birth. The bronchial tubes are maturing, dividing into smaller and smaller branches.

28 Weeks Pregnant: Your Symptoms
Rh follow-up. If preliminary blood tests showed that you're Rh negative, you'll be given a shot of Rh immune globulin during 28th week of pregnancy in case your baby is Rh positive. This will keep your body from producing antibodies to any of your baby's blood cells that may have crept into your circulation. Your baby will be tested right after birth; if she's positive, you'll be given another shot of Rh immune globulin to protect future pregnancies.
The mark of pregnancy. As your pregnancy progresses, stretch marks may appear during 28th week of pregnancy on your abdomen, breasts, hips, and thighs. Most experts agree that there's not much you can do to avoid getting stretch marks, but applying cream or oil wouldn't hurt. Chalk it up to genetics — if your mother got them, you'll probably get them too. The good news? Stretch marks usually fade after birth. However, here are some tips on how you can avoid pregnancy stretch marks during pregnancy.
Two left feet. Your shifting center of gravity, along with your loosened joints, can make for a lot of bumping into tables and tripping over your own toes. Try and limit the spills by wearing flat shoes and slowing down.
28 Weeks Pregnant: Your Checklist
Apply cream or lotion to help with itching skin
Ditch the heels and stick with flats to help prevent tripping and falling. Get week-by-week expert tips on pregnancy to keep track of your baby’s development & to ensure well-being of both you & your baby during entire nine months journey!
Decide who you would like to be with you for support during labor. Have a look at how to find a perfect doula to help & support you during pregnancy labor.
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