Pregnancy Month by Month: 3 Months Pregnant

Hey, soon-to-be mom! Have you entered the 3rd month of your pregnancy? Congratulations! The good news is that you’ve almost made it to the second trimester. This month, some of the early pregnancy symptoms which you might have been experiencing may slowly start to subside. On the other hand, your baby will be developing in his tiny fingers and toes.

Read on to know what’s in store for the third month of pregnancy, what the 3rd-month pregnancy symptoms are like and how your 3 months foetus would be developing inside your pregnant belly.

Common Pregnancy Symptoms At 3 Months Pregnant

In the third month of your pregnancy, some of the pregnancy symptoms you might notice are pleasant and welcoming, while others are quite challenging. Remember, while all of these 3rd- month pregnancy symptoms are normal during pregnancy, you may not experience them all:

  • Increase in vaginal discharge:

The raging pregnancy hormones coupled with the increased blood supply in your body can cause increased vaginal discharge during pregnancy than usual. Keep in mind that as long as it doesn’t have a bad odour or have a different colour than white, there’s probably no need to worry. To deal with this pregnancy symptom, try wearing breathable cotton underwear and loose clothes. In case you are still concerned about the discharge, consult with your doctor.

  • Nausea:

Nausea or morning sickness tends to subside in the third month of pregnancy. In case, you still feel nauseous, eat bland foods like rice, bananas and drink ginger tea to calm your stomach.

  • Fatigue:

Another pregnancy symptom that may continue in the 3rd month of pregnancy is tiredness and sleepiness. To tackle this, try resting whenever you can and opt for some light exercises that promote sound sleep. Prenatal yoga, walking, and swimming can also be some good choices, but consult your doctor before you go ahead.

  • Skin changes

In the third month of your pregnancy, your body will start producing more melanin, a type of pigment that darkens your skin. It can lead to brown patches on your face called chloasma. Likewise, you would also notice a dark, vertical line that starts from your belly button up to the pubic area. It might start appearing this month as your belly size will start growing. But there’s no need to worry as most of these discolourations will disappear or fade after childbirth.

  • Breast changes:

This month, you would be experiencing changes in your breasts. Your areolas may grow larger and darker, and your nipples may start to protrude a little more. In case your breasts grow and your bra becomes too tight for you, it’s time to go up a size.

  • Constipation:

Certain pregnancy hormones which are induced by your body can slow down your digestive system causing constipation. On the other hand, the extra iron present in your prenatal vitamins can also cause the issue at hand. To resolve it, make sure to drink ample water and eat more fibre.

How Is Your Baby Developing This Month?

At 3 months pregnant, your foetus is developing in exciting ways, in and out! Starting from the inside, your baby’s intestines and muscular system are developing. Some bones may start to harden, but the backbone is soft. On the outside, your baby’s hands and feet are growing tiny fingers and toes, which may even have the beginnings of fingernails and toenails at three months pregnant.

How Big Is Your Baby When You’re 3 Months Pregnant?

At the start of the 3rd month of your pregnancy, your baby will be about ½ an inch long, and by the end of this month, she’ll be almost two inches long and weigh about 14 gms.

Three Months Pregnant: Changes Inside and Out

  • Foetal Development:

During the 3rd month of your pregnancy, your little one's genitals will start to form, and swallowing and sucking reflexes kick in. Sensory development continues, too - your little one will be able to hear muffled sounds from the outside world and the eyes will also be able to move.

  • Changes to Your Body:

It's possible that you might start to project a small baby bump this month, although it varies for every woman third month of pregnancy, your uterus would be grown to about the size of a large orange. Your breasts might also swell. Likewise, your bouts of nausea would subside and be replaced by hunger. Remember to eat well, focusing on quality, not quantity. You might also experience skin pigment changes such as a dark line appearing on the abdomen, or dark patches on the face. Lastly, there’s the pregnancy glow that will make all your worries go away and allow you to enjoy these precious moments!

How Far Along Are You at 3 Months Pregnant?

Wondering which weeks are in the third month of pregnancy? Good question! There's no standard answer, but three months pregnant is often defined as covering week 9 through week 12 of pregnancy or week 9 pregnant through week 13. At the end of this month, you’ll be ready to begin the second trimester.

Checklist for When You’re 3 Months Pregnant

  • Share your baby news:

During the 3rd month of pregnancy, you might feel ready to share the news with family and friends. Think about who you want to tell, and how.

  • Make maternity leave plans:

Start thinking about how to discuss maternity leave at your workplace. Research your options and think about your preferences. Have a plan in place for when you talk about it with your employer. Read here about maintaining a healthy pregnancy while working.

  • Pregnancy exercise:

With a boost in your energy, and before your tummy becomes very big, your second trimester is a great time to get moving. You can do moderate exercise like prenatal yoga. But make sure to speak to your doctor about whether it's safe to do so or not. Taking the necessary precautions during the first three months of pregnancy is essential for you. Hence, consult with your ob-gyn before doing any kind of exercise.

  • Bond with your bump:

Your little one can hear muffled sounds such as the sound of your voice and your heartbeat, so start to bond with her by talking to and singing to your ‘bump’, or listening to your favourite music together. Another way to bond with your child is by practising Garbh Sanskaar - which means supplementing good thoughts and knowledge in your child while he is in your womb. This act helps in augmenting your little one’s psychological and behavioural development inside your womb.

  • Communicate with your husband:

Pregnancy is a role and an experience that can be shared by both parents. Speak to your husband about ways in which he can help. This will help dad-to-be feel more involved and will take some of the load off of you. If you are an Indian woman expecting a baby, there are many more activities or rather ceremonies that you should be looking forward to:

o Godhbharai:

It’s the Indian version of the baby shower ceremony which is celebrated in the seventh month of your pregnancy. In this ceremony, your relatives and friends come together to celebrate the joy that you would be bringing to the world.

o Naamkaram ceremony:

It is a sacred baby naming ceremony that is performed after a few days of your baby’s birth, primarily before the ‘Sutika’ period. While performing the naamkaran ceremony traditional rituals and astrological rules are followed by the family.

o Annaprashan:

The Annaprashan ceremony is performed in different cultures to mark your baby’s first intake of foods, other than milk. In Kerala, it’s called choroonu, mukhe bhaat in Bengal and bhaatkhulai in the Garhwal hills. Every region celebrates this ceremony differently, but it’s essentially performed to capture your baby’s growth towards solid foods. In some cultures, this ceremony is performed in the even months for boys (your child’s sixth or eighth month) and odd months for a baby girl (your child’s fifth or seventh month).

o Mundan:

Mundan also known as tonsure, is a hair shaving ceremony primarily performed by Hindus. It is usually performed when your child is seven, nine or eleven months old.

How We Wrote This Article: The information in this article is based on the expert advice found in trusted medical and government sources. You can find a full list of sources used for this article below. The content on this page should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult medical professionals for full diagnosis and treatment.

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