32 Weeks Pregnant: Baby Development, Symptoms & Signs
Hey would-be mom, you are in the final phase of pregnancy – 32 weeks pregnant and a few more weeks to go before you meet your little one! Your baby is almost developed with all the features in place. However, there's still a lot happening inside your womb and hence you may continue to feel the bodily changes. Let's take a sneak peek into what this week of pregnancy holds for you.
32 Weeks Pregnant: Your Baby's Development
Your baby is developing rapidly and is getting closer and closer to looking like the baby you will meet when he is born. Here's how his development will progress this week:
Your baby's eyelashes, eyebrows, and even the hair on his head are now all in place.
Your baby has recently started shedding the lanugo — those fine hairs that covered his body — and most of it will be gone by now, though some babies are born with a little lanugo still on.
Your baby may be standing on his head now, or sometime soon; most babies move into the head-down position at least a few weeks before birth. Don't be surprised, though, if your little acrobat decides to change positions several times before he's born. You might feel him jostling into place as he flips.
More and more fat is forming under your baby’s skin. This has slowly turned your baby’s skin from see-through to its current, opaque state.
Your baby’s toenails have been growing and are now visible. Get those baby nail clippers ready — you’ll be cutting those teeny-tiny nails soon enough!
If you are 32 weeks pregnant with twins, check out our twin pregnancy week-by-week guide.
The Size of the Foetus at 32 Weeks Pregnant
Now that you are 32 weeks pregnant, your baby weighs about 1.7 kgs and measures around 11 inches, crown to rump. At 32 weeks, the average foetus is about the size of a muskmelon! Cute!
The below visual is an illustration of what your little one might look like and how your baby may be positioned at 32 weeks.

Mom’s Body at 32 Weeks Pregnant
During pregnancy, you may experience changes in your mouth, teeth, and gums that might cause some discomfort along with other 32 weeks pregnant symptoms. Check out the list below to know what bodily changes you can expect in this week.
32 Weeks Pregnant in Months
You may be about seven-eight months pregnant at this point, depending on how you're grouping the weeks of pregnancy into months.
32 Weeks Pregnant: Your Symptoms
At 32 weeks pregnant, here are some of the symptoms you may be experiencing:
Sensitive Gums
If your gums feel more sensitive, or if they swell or bleed when you brush or floss, it might help to rinse with salt water and to use a softer brush.
Loose Teeth
Hormonal changes can cause your ligaments to relax, and these same hormones may also affect the tiny ligaments that hold your teeth in place. As these ligaments relax, your teeth may feel looser. However, worry not; it's unlikely you’ll actually lose a tooth for this reason, and this feeling will go away after you’ve given birth.
Mouth Sores
You may get these sores because your immune system is working overtime to remove germs from your mouth. The good news is that the sores typically go away after pregnancy. It’s important to floss daily, brush twice a day, and keep up with your regular dental check-ups every six months. Experts recommend arranging any elective dental procedures to happen in the first half of the third trimester (around about now) if they weren’t taken care of in the second trimester. Your dentist may recommend postponing any major dental work until after you’ve given birth.
Leg Cramps
Have you been experiencing sharp, painful cramps in your calves? You’re not alone! Unfortunately, this is a common symptom of late pregnancy. It’s not known why these leg cramps occur. Try to stretch your legs before going to sleep at night. If you experience a cramp, flex your foot upward and back and massage your calves in downward strokes. Read more about pregnancy aches and pains
It's never pleasant, but you could come down with a bout of diarrhoea at 32 weeks pregnant or at any time. If this happens, make sure to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Sometimes, diarrhoea can also be a sign of preterm labour, so if you notice any symptoms like abdominal cramps, pelvic pressure, low backache, regular contractions, or your water breaking — with or without diarrhoea —contact your doctor immediately.
Shortness of Breath
As your baby is growing, your blood volume increases to accommodate the needs of you and your little one. Your uterus pushes up your diaphragm, crowding the stomach. This may lead to heartburn or shortness of breath.
Dizziness or Light-headedness
Low blood sugar can leave you feeling faint or dizzy. Keep protein-rich and carb-rich snack like soy chips, saltine crackers, fruits in your bag to munch on whenever you feel light-headed.
How Big Is a Pregnant Belly at 32 Weeks?
Although every bump is different, it’s likely that your uterus has grown to about midway between your breasts and belly button this month. Your fundal height (the distance between your pubic bone and the top of your uterus) may be between about 12 to 13 ½ inches (30 to 34 centimeters) at 32 weeks.
What Does 32 Weeks Pregnant Look Like?
For a better idea of your belly size at 32 weeks pregnant, check out the visual below:

32 Weeks Pregnant: Precautions & Things to Consider
While you may be taking all the necessary 32 weeks pregnancy precautions, here are some quick tips that you may want to consider:
Pay Attention to Your Symptoms:
Keep track of symptoms like sudden weight gain, persistent headaches, changes in vision, pains in the upper abdomen or shoulder, and swelling or puffiness. These could be signs of preeclampsia, a pregnancy-related high blood pressure disorder. If you notice any of these symptoms at 32 weeks pregnant, or at any time in the rest of your pregnancy, reach out to doctor right away.
Read Up on the Signs of Preterm Labour:
If you suspect you may be in preterm labour, contact your doctor immediately, as she may be able to suggest ways like bed rest, drinking lots of fluids, or medications to help stop the contractions that can help you avoid a preterm delivery. Keep in mind, that in some cases, a hospital stay may be recommended.
Count Baby's Kicks:
At 32 weeks pregnant your doctor may be asking you to keep an eye on your baby’s movement. She will guide you on this and provide instructions for counting your baby's kicks. This would help you keep track of how long it takes to count 10 movements. Choose a time of day when your baby is typically active — for example, after you’ve eaten a meal. You can also download our printable foetal movement tracker.
Grab the Essentials:
Though you still have days to go until your pregnancy is full term, you'll have a lot on your plate in these final few weeks. To make life a little easier, here are some essentials that you may still need to organise:
A car seat
A stroller
A baby carrier
A diaper bag
A crib or bassinet
The right-size diapers for your new born
32 Weeks Pregnant: Ask Your Doctor
Here's what you can ask your doctor at upcoming prenatal check-up:
What kind of vaginal discharge should you contact your healthcare provider about?
When will your baby be fully developed?
Is it OK to bend over at 32 weeks pregnant?
Will you need to see your doctor more often from now on? If so, when?
Are any of your past pregnancy complications likely to reappear this time around?
What labour pain relief options are available, and which is recommended for you?
32 Weeks Pregnant: Your Checklist
Here's a pregnancy checklist that you can follow this week:
Stock up on any baby gear and nursery essentials you’re still missing. If you haven’t already, start to plan the layout of the nursery, and think about how you'd like to decorate it.
Do a practice drive to the hospital or nursing home so that you can time how long it takes to get there. You might want to plan some alternative routes, should there be a traffic jam or road construction on the day you go into labour.
Ask if you can do a tour of the hospital, as it is a good chance to familiarise yourself with hospital policies and learn about the options that are available to you.
Try lying on your side or changing positions if your baby gets a foot stuck up under your ribcage. Learn more about how to sleep during third trimester of pregnancy to ensure you get the rest which a pregnant woman needs.
Start seeing your doctor every two weeks from 32nd week of pregnancy.
Yes, it’s likely that you’re in your eighth month of pregnancy at 32 weeks, depending on how you group the weeks into months.
The information in this article is based on the expert advice found in trusted medical and government sources. You can find a full list of sources used for this article below. The content on this page should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult medical professionals for full diagnosis and treatment.
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