4 weeks pregnant
4 Weeks Pregnant: Your Baby’s Development
The most evident sign that tells you, you might be pregnant is when you miss your periods. Unless you have irregular periods cycle, it should have started after 4 weeks of your last period.
So, if it has been 4 weeks and you have still not got your periods, congratulations, you might be pregnant.
The results are in.
A home pregnancy test should show a positive result, thanks to the hormone HCG that's released by the brand-new placenta. This same hormone is largely responsible for the nausea that many women experience in the first trimester. You can know more about the most important pregnancy hormones during first trimester of pregnancy & how they might make you feel, in this guide. Most home pregnancy tests are accurate after your first missed period, but false negatives could also occur. If you have missed your period but show a negative home pregnancy test, you may want to consult your doctor. Therefore, the first thing that you should do now is to go for a prenatal examination to confirm your pregnancy.
Ultrasound At 4th Week Of Pregnancy
While you go for a 4 weeks pregnant ultrasound, you would witness a small black gestational sac within the uterus lining. In the 4 week pregnant ultrasound, the gestational sac looks just like a tiny black dot. You might also note that the embryo or the baby at 4 weeks is just the size of poppy seeds which is practically microscopic.

Pregnancy Symptoms At 4 Weeks Pregnant
Signs of life: A missed period, frequent urination, morning sickness etc. are some of the early signs of pregnancy. However, the pregnancy symptoms at week 4 differ from woman to woman and therefore, you might feel more than that too.
During 4th week of pregnancy, you might experience the following symptoms –
1. Spotting:
You might have light bleeding or a pink or brownish discharge during pregnancy which indicates that the fertilized egg has implanted into your uterus. This light bleeding is known as implantation spotting and it's completely normal. However, consult your doctor if it lasts for a long time or gets heavier like your periods.
2. Morning Sickness:
Another common symptom at 4 weeks pregnant is morning sickness & nausea. You might feel a little uneasiness throughout the day and not necessarily only in the morning. However, you need not worry as almost 85% of pregnant women experience morning sickness. The intensity of this may vary from women to women where some feel mildly nauseated and others vomiting. Here are some of the tips to cope up with the morning sickness during pregnancy.
3. Sore breast:
You might experience a sudden change in your breast like a slight soreness in them. This is due to the hormone changes in your body which is for the healthy growth of your baby. You might also experience blue veins just below your breast skin.
4. Fatigue:
While your body is working hard to grow the little cells into an embryo you would might feel tired and exhausted. Fatigue is a normal part of pregnancy which could also be due to the iron deficiency in your body and you should consult your doctor for iron rich diet.
Some other 4th week pregnancy symptoms are dizziness, heartburn and mood swings. You might also experience bloating and mild cramping.
4 Weeks Pregnant Belly & Baby Development
Great divide:
As implantation occurs, the embryo rests itself into the walls of the uterus to draw nutrition from it. Once that is done, when you are 4 weeks pregnant, the fertilized egg divides into layers of cells and officially becomes an embryo. These cell layers will grow into different parts of your little one's body, such as the nervous system, skeleton, muscles, and organs. The baby at this stage is called blastocyst which is a teeny ball of cells. In your baby, or blastocyst, three layers starts developing- ectoderm, the mesoderm, and the endoderm, if we talk scientifically.
Support System Under Construction:
At 4 weeks pregnancy, the placenta, a disk-like organ that connects your body's systems to your baby's, begins to form and attaches to the uterine wall where the egg is implanted. Right now the baby gets its nourishment and nutrition from the yolk sac, which is also simultaneously developing. This yolk sac also produces blood cells, until your baby's liver is grown enough to do so. Around at the end of the first trimester, this yolk sac disappears as the baby's liver and placenta is matured enough to take over.
The umbilical cord comes out of one side of the placenta. The amniotic fluid, which will cushion your little one throughout the pregnancy, is already forming inside an encircling membrane sac. Your baby at 4 weeks pregnancy is safe from bumps and injury in this amniotic sac.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. How do you feel at 4 weeks pregnant?
Many women still fine and almost nothing unusual during fourth week of pregnancy. While some might experience fatigue, sore breasts, frequent urination and nausea.
2. Is it normal to have cramps at 4 weeks pregnant?
Pregnancy cramps are a sign of implantation and are very normal. Cramps when you are 4 weeks pregnant are associated with some normal physical changes which your body undergoes as a preparation for the baby's growth. However, if you experience severe or unnatural cramps or pain, consult your doctor.
3. How many weeks pregnant are you at implantation?
In the fourth week of pregnancy, the fetal age of your baby is 2 weeks and during this time of the week, implantation occurs.
Precautions & Tips At 4th Week Of Pregnancy
Schedule a pregnancy confirmation appointment, if needed
Keep eating a healthy diet and avoid junk food, caffeine, smoking and alcohol.
Start exercising to keep yourself active that will also keep your body and baby healthy. Maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Drink a lot of water and juices to keep yourself hydrated
Share the good news with your partner, and maybe a few close family and friends
Start taking your prenatal vitamins. Include iron and folic acid in your medications which prevents birth defects in unborn baby.
Early stages of pregnancy are crucial. Always consult a doctor before taking any medicines. Avoid self-medication
Also you should try herbal medications and natural medicines instead of painkillers. Pain killers can have a negative impact on your developing baby.
Get week-by-week expert pregnancy tips to keep track of your baby’s development & to ensure well-being of both you & your baby during entire nine months journey!
You might also need to check a medical insurance and what all it covers.
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