6 weeks pregnant
6 Weeks Pregnant Belly & Baby Development
Your baby during your 6 week pregnancy is the size of a pea or a pomegranate seed. Now your baby would look more like a tadpole due to a tail and its curved shape.
Closed for business: An important milestone occurs at this time. The neural tube starts to close over what will become your little one's spinal cord.
Face forward: At 6 weeks pregnant, tiny folds of tissue are developing into what will eventually become your little one's chin, cheeks, and jaw. The areas that will be the eyes and nose have started to project as bumps, while the ear structure is pushing inward.
Picking up the beat: The heart tube is gradually growing into four primitive chambers and starts to beat like a tiny drum during 6th week of pregnancy. The heartbeat of your baby at 6 weeks pregnant will be 150 times per minute, twice the rate of an adult heart. Other major organs, such as the kidneys and liver, are also beginning to take shape. The lungs each exist as a single tube and will form into pouch-like structures. They will continue to blossom over the next few months to get ready for your little one's first breathe of air.

Pregnancy Symptoms At 6 Weeks Pregnant
1. Sore breasts:
At 6 weeks pregnant, your breasts may be tingling or tender because of increased blood flow; this is just your body preparing for breastfeeding. In such a case be sure to wear a supportive bra, even at night if it helps.
2. Constipation:
You may experience constipation because of an increase in progesterone, which slows down the digestive tract. To deal with this problem, exercise regularly, eat a balanced diet with high-fiber foods, and drink plenty of water. Here are some of the quick remedies for constipation during pregnancy at 6 weeks pregnant.
3. Nausea:
One of the 6 weeks pregnant symptoms is a feeling of nausea that might continue for the whole day. About 70 percent of pregnant women experience some morning sickness, which is at its worst during the first trimester. Nausea is triggered by hCG, the pregnancy hormone that's secreted right after implantation. Though you can't prevent these symptoms, there are measures you can take to help relieve morning sickness during pregnancy
4. Frequent urination:
You might feel like going to the bathroom more frequently than ever before. It is because the pregnancy hormone hCG causes an increase of blood flow in your pelvic area and the kidney is more efficient in getting rid of the waste in your body. Moreover, your grown uterus puts a pressure on your bladder. These all combined induces frequent urination. It could also disturb your sleep as you might have an urge to pee while sleeping.
You might also feel discomfort and pain during urine, which could be a reason of Urinary tract infection.
Some of the 6 weeks pregnant symptoms also include fatigue, spotting, larger and darker areolas around the nipples, feeling emotional or irritable, mood swings and cramps. You might also experience brown vaginal discharge during early pregnancy, abdominal pain and increased saliva among others.
Ultrasound At 6th Week Of Pregnancy
If your abominable ultrasound do not produce a clearer picture of your baby, the doctor might perform a vaginal ultrasound to look at your baby’s growth. Vaginal ultrasound is done by inserting a wand shaped vaginal machine in your vagina.
During 6 weeks pregnant ultrasound, the doctor will able to check if your baby is rightly placed in your womb or not. You would also be able to see the general size and shape of your embryo. The baby’ shape would be roughly of a bean. Though 6 weeks baby in womb would look just like a blob on the screen, the doctor would measure its size from its crown to rump.
Highlights at 6 Weeks Pregnant
These are some of the key things to anticipate during your sixth week of pregnancy:
Your little one is making big strides in terms of development! During this week, the foundations for major organs and systems are being established.
You might start to feel more pregnancy symptoms at 6 weeks, including morning sickness, fatigue, and breast tenderness.
Don’t forget about the emotional symptoms of pregnancy. There’s lots you can do to keep yourself centered as mood swings come and go, such as documenting your pregnancy journey with a journal or book.
How Many Months Is 6 Weeks Pregnant?
Pregnancy is most often measured in weeks, and sometimes in months, too. Given that the 40 weeks of pregnancy don't fit evenly into months, it gets a little tricky, but at 6 weeks, you’re thought to be in your second month of pregnancy, which typically includes weeks 5 through 8.
6 Weeks Pregnant: Questions for Your Healthcare Provider
Now or sometime soon you'll want to book an appointment with your healthcare provider. Your prenatal visits are usually scheduled about once a month until the last two months of your pregnancy, when they will become more frequent. These regular checkups give you the perfect opportunity to ask questions and express any concerns. Here are some questions you might want to ask your healthcare provider at 6 weeks of pregnancy:
What are some safe options for exercising while pregnant?
Where will you give birth, and what should you know in advance about the facility and its procedures?
If you have a chronic condition (like diabetes or high blood pressure) for which you take medication, how can you manage your condition safely during pregnancy?
Should you be taking folic acid?
Is the morning sickness you’re experiencing considered normal or severe? Some experience a more severe form of morning sickness called hyperemesis gravidarum, and your healthcare provider can determine what you’re experiencing.
6 Weeks Pregnant: Your Checklist
At this busy and exciting time in your life, use this list to stay focused and organized:
If you don’t already have someone, choose a prenatal care provider.
To help with tender breasts, wear a supportive bra, even at night. For more on this topic, read our article on breast tenderness during pregnancy.
Drink plenty of water, eat high-fiber foods, and exercise regularly to help avoid constipation.
Find out who to call if your healthcare provider is unavailable or if it’s after hours and you have a medical concern.
Save your provider’s number to your phone and have emergency contact numbers stuck on your fridge and saved to your contact list, too.
Learn how due dates are calculated and how far along you are in your pregnancy.
Check out the warning signs you should not ignore so that you know what to look out for and what to do if you happen to notice one.
Although this type of pregnancy is rare, it’s a good idea to read up on the signs and symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy, even at 6 weeks pregnant.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What should I expect at 6 weeks pregnant?
When you are 6 weeks pregnant your baby is growing at a rapid rate. You will get increased bouts of early pregnancy symptoms like nausea, morning sickness, frequent urination and fatigue. Your baby will start developing its body parts and you might also witness its heartbeat in 6 weeks pregnant ultrasound.
2. Is it normal to have cramps at 6 weeks pregnant?
Cramps are a normal phenomenon at 6 weeks pregnancy as your uterus and surrounding tissues are making room for your baby. However, if you experiences severe pain more than usual, you should consult a doctor.
3. Can you see fetus at 6 weeks?
At 6 weeks you might be able to see fetal pole, and its heartbeat through a vaginal ultrasound. Sighting your 6 weeks baby in womb could be an overwhelming sight. The baby’s heartbeat at this stage indicates that your pregnancy is viable.
Precautions & Tips At 6th Week Of Pregnancy
To help with tender breasts, wear a supportive bra, even at night
Drink plenty of water, eat high-fiber foods, and exercise regularly to help avoid constipation during pregnancy
Combat morning sickness with smaller meals, herbal tea, or ice packs. Moreover, you should take smaller meals several times a day. Avoid laying down after eating and avoid spicy and greasy food as well.
Avoid chemicals, drugs, alcohol, or any kind of toxins. This stage is crucial for your child’s development and changes.
Skip caffeine and increase the intake of juices and fluids.
Take enough rest through naps while at work or at home too.
Folic acid and iron during pregnancy are extremely critical. So continue with regular doses of the same
Carry snacks every time with you to deal with nausea. Dry salted crackers, sweet biscuits, etc. can give you some relief. However, it will be different for every pregnancy.
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