9th Month Of Pregnancy - All You Need To Do
Yes! You're in your last month of pregnancy, and your baby could arrive at any time. Most women give birth between weeks 38 and 42, but very few babies arrive exactly on their due date.
Nine Months Pregnant: Common Symptoms
In the final month of your pregnancy, some of the normal pregnancy symptoms you might experience include:
Frequent urination
Mucus plug being expelled
Increased vaginal discharge
Itchy skin
Pelvic pressure
Lightening' — your baby drops lower, which makes it easier to breathe
Some of these symptoms are common across third trimester. Explore other third trimester symptoms & remedies to ensure the well-being of mother & baby in the last stretch of pregnancy
9 Months Pregnant: Baby Development & Body Changes
Your Baby's Development: At 9 Months pregnant, your baby will drop lower into your pelvis as she gets ready to be born. She'll gain weight until she's born, mostly accumulating fat around the elbows, knees, and shoulders.
By the 9th month of pregnancy, your baby should be positioned with her head down. If she's in a breech position with her feet or bottom down, your doctor may attempt to turn her around or you could be offered a caesarean birth.
Changes to Your Body: At 9 months pregnant, you'll be feeling big, tired, and impatient — you might even feel fidgety sitting or lying down because nothing feels comfortable. Some mums-to-be also experience a surge in energy, as your body prepares for the birth.
One positive is that as your baby drops lower in your pelvis, this will take some pressure off your lungs, making it a little easier to breathe (though urgency to urinate may increase).
If you're feeling cramps or contractions at this late stage, remember that there's a difference between practice contractions and actual contractions, so jot down the intervals between contractions. If you think you might be in labor, call your doctor and report your symptoms. Learn all the signs and symptoms of labor to avoid last minute confusion here.
If your baby is not born by 40 weeks, your doctors will monitor you and your baby even more closely in 41 and 42 weeks. You and your birthing team might discuss whether and when to induce labour. If your baby is not born by the end of 42 weeks, you will likely be offered an induction to reduce any potential risks.
How Is Your Baby Positioned When You’re 9 Months Pregnant?
At some point this month, most babies move into a head-down position, if they haven't done so already. This is called a vertex presentation. If your baby is positioned with her buttocks or feet first, this is known as a breech position. If your baby is breech close to your due date, your healthcare provider may attempt to turn her into a head-down position manually; in some cases, you could be offered a cesarean birth if your provider thinks this is the safest option for you and your baby. It’s also possible that your little gymnast may change positions on her own more than once before she’s born. Your provider will be keeping an eye on her positions at your weekly checkups.
What Does a Fetus Look Like at 9 Months?
Check out these illustrations for a glimpse at what your baby might look like when you’re nine months pregnant:

How Far Along Are You at 9 Months Pregnant?
At nine months pregnant, you’re so close to the end of your third trimester and your pregnancy! You might still be wondering how many weeks nine months pregnant is. There is no simple answer, as the weeks of pregnancy don't fit evenly within nine distinct months. This final month could start anywhere from 33 weeks to 36 weeks and "end" somewhere around 40 weeks with the birth of your baby.
Ninth Month of Pregnancy Quick List
Organise any child care: You might need child care after bringing your newborn home. This could mean a short-term arrangement for your older children, if you have them, or long-term childcare plans for when your newborn is a little older.
Final preparations: At 9 months pregnant, you might also experience pregnancy ‘nesting' — an urge to get your home ready for your baby and for parenthood. Use the remaining days or weeks of your pregnancy to take care of any last minute preparations, and have your home as ready as you'd like it to be. Channel these short bursts of energy, whether it's cooking lots of extra meals and freezing them, cleaning, or stocking up on all of your nursery supplies (like diapers). Also, try exploring our pregnancy calendar for pregnancy, post-pregnancy & baby care tips
Plan hospital visits and the birth announcement: Think about who you want to come see you at the hospital, and how you will handle offers for help and visits. After the birth, you'll have a lot on your plate, so now's a good time to decide how you will make the announcement of the birth to friends and family.
Find the right baby name: If you're struggling to find the perfect baby name or you're having a late change of heart about the name you thought you were set on, try the Pampers Baby Name Generator to find a baby name that's just right.
Get some sleep: Put down your to-do lists, and get as much sleep as you can. Don't just rest, though — indulge yourself, too. This could be your last chance for a little me-time, so get a pampering pedicure, have a foot massage, watch a movie, and spend some peaceful one-on-one time with your husband and loved ones. Enjoy these last few ‘baby-free' days.
FAQs at a Glance
At this point in pregnancy, your healthcare provider will measure your fundal height, which is the distance between the pubic bone and the top of your uterus. When the fundal height is measured in centimeters, it usually correlates to how far into your pregnancy you are. So, for example, if you're 35 weeks pregnant, it's likely that your fundal height will be about 35 centimeters.
Checklist for When You’re 9 Months Pregnant
Ask your healthcare provider under what circumstances your labor might be induced.
Find out whether you’ll have access to things like a birthing bed, stools, chairs, balls, and pools during labor.
Pack your hospital bag and practice your route to the hospital. Download our hospital bag checklist for tips on what to pack.
Put any finishing touches on your baby’s nursery, double check you have all of these baby gear essentials, and finish any early baby proofing work you want to get out of the way now.
Read up on what may happen in the moments after you give birth like skin to skin contact with your newborn, and the APGAR test.
Start preparing for what you’ll need in the first few weeks and months after you bring your newborn baby home. Consider freezing some meals for later, asking friends and family for help with chores, and organizing child care for your older children.
By the time your baby is born you’ll have been through a lot with pregnancy, labor, and childbirth all behind you. Read up on postpartum recovery so you’ll know what kinds of things are in store for you as your body heals after bringing a new life into the world.
Learn more about the diapers and wipes you’ll need when you bring your little one home. Our diaper size and weight chart can help you decide what to buy and how many diapers you’ll need when your little one makes her debut.
Check out the baby products that Pampers Parents recommend.
Because you’ve got a lot of diapers in your future, download the Pampers Club app to make sure you’re getting benefits from all those diapers you’ll be buying!