7 Things to Do Before You Go into Pregnancy Labour

Often, we notice that expecting mothers around the world spend a lot of time doing things that may not necessarily affect their child's growth. For example, preparing a fancy nursery or repainting the room and such, when ideally, they should be preparing themselves for their big day – the due date. While it's natural to be excited about the arrival of your child, it is more important to learn about signs of labour, labour pains and things to do before labour, especially if you are going to be a mother for the first time.

As you inch closer to your due date, it's important to educate yourself about everything that labour brings with it. What many women may not realise is that their labour is entirely up to them – the doctors and midwife are simply there to assist you. So, before you enter your ninth month of pregnancy, take some time to learn about things to do before going into labour, because a successful delivery will largely impact your baby's future.

7 Essential Tips To Prepare Yourself For Labour Pain

Here are a few tips that may help you in preparing for labour and delivery:

1. Join a Childbirth Class: There are a number of things you can learn from reading, but a few things are important to practise. Therefore, it is a wonderful idea to enrol yourself in a childbirth course, which will not only guide you in the right direction, but also help you ace simple exercises. This will prove to be extremely helpful during your delivery

2. Be Prepared/Have a Practice Run: Preparing for labour and delivery can seem very scary, and it's quite alright to be scared. But, learn to face your fears and prepare yourself by setting the scene at home or try simple methods like labour position changes, or different breathing techniques

3. Know Breastfeeding Basics: Don't expect your baby to do all the work. It may take some time for both you and your baby to get used to feeding. It is advisable to learn about the process that can help ease things. Consider this as one of the most important things to do before going into labour. Learn more about what happens in breastfeeding, its benefits for you and your baby, and how to breastfeed here

4. Learn More about Delivery Options: Before going into pregnancy labour, you may have to visit your OB a lot of times. While it may be an overwhelming experience for you, try to take advantage of your visits and learn about your delivery options. Mention your preferences and ask more questions related to delivery, so that on the final day you have lesser surprises waiting for you

5. Pack Your Hospital Bag: Your maternity bag must contain all the important things you will require right after you are admitted in hospital, such as your clothes, some food items, toiletries, maternity pads, nursing bras and some other things you may require for yourself and your new born baby. Therefore, pack wisely. Explore the maternity hospital bag checklist so that you are all prepared for welcoming your little one.

6. Stock up Your Fridge: Consider this is as one of the most important things to do before labour, especially if you already have kids. It's important to cook a few meals, buy nutritious food items or even bake if you want, to make the first few days a little less hectic for you and your partner

7. Choose a Paediatrician: Besides all this, take some time out to find a good paediatrician for your baby. You should even consult your friends and family members. Do this so that you don't have to compromise when it comes to your baby's health

These are just some of the tips you can follow before going into pregnancy labour, but, if there's any particular thing that concerns or bothers you, make sure to ask your doctor beforehand. Many women do not consider these things important enough, which is why they fail to understand the first signs of labour or know how to deal with labour pains. So, before it's your time to go into pregnancy labour, do enough research, ask questions and most of all, be prepared to do the best for yourself and your baby.

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