What Is Cradle Cap and How Can I Soothe My Baby’s Skin?
Are you noticing scales or flakes of skin on your baby’s head (or elsewhere on her body)? This may be infantile seborrheic dermatitis, or cradle cap, as it’s more often known. This skin condition is quite common, and although it can look a little unpleasant, it isn’t harmful to your baby. In fact, it usually clears up within just a few months. Unfortunately, there aren’t any quick cures for cradle cap, but there are some things you can try to help soothe your baby’s skin.
What Is Cradle Cap?
Cradle cap consists of thick, crusty, oily, or scaly patches that appear on your newborn's scalp. It can sometimes be accompanied by mild redness or a rash on her head. Cradle cap may also appear on your baby’s face — including the ears, eyelids, and nose — and in the groin area. The good news is that this condition isn't contagious, and it generally isn’t painful or itchy. Plus, it won’t leave any scars.
Cradle cap can be easy to confuse with conditions such as eczema or dandruff, but your doctor can help confirm a diagnosis. Unlike baby eczema, cradle cap usually isn’t itchy or uncomfortable.
Sometimes cradle cap appears past the newborn stage, when a baby’s a little older or is even a toddler. It tends to last for only a few months, and often clears up on its own. In some cases, cradle cap may last a year or more, and a medicated shampoo or cream may be required to help it clear up.
Cradle Cap Causes
It’s not known what causes cradle cap, but experts say it's not caused by poor hygiene or an allergy to something you’re using. One factor may be that the mum’s pregnancy hormones are passed onto the baby before she’s born, triggering the production of too much oil (sebum) in the oil glands and hair follicles, trapping dead skin cells. Another contributor may be malassezia, a yeast (fungus) that grows in the sebum along with bacteria.
Washing your baby's hair with a mild baby shampoo every few days might help prevent cradle cap.
Is It Possible to Treat Cradle Cap?
These thick white or yellow scales aren't easy to remove, but these cradle cap treatments may help:
Wash your baby's hair once a day with a mild baby shampoo as you bathe your baby. You can ask your doctor to recommend a shampoo specifically designed for cradle cap.
Gently comb any hair and brush over the scales with a soft bristle brush to loosen flakes of skin. Don’t scratch or rub the skin, and wash loose flakes away with water.
If the scales don’t loosen, consider massaging petroleum jelly onto your baby's scalp to help lift any stubborn, dry skin. Wash your baby’s hair afterward with shampoo.
When to See Your Doctor
See your doctor if shampooing doesn’t help, if the cradle cap seems severe, or if it has spread to your baby’s face or body. Your doctor may prescribe a medicated shampoo or cream, or an anti-fungal treatment. Although you might have heard of natural or home remedies for cradle cap, it’s best to ask your doctor before trying any of these.
Cradle cap can look unpleasant, but in time, it will clear up. You may also be interested in reading more about general baby skin care tips and how to treat diaper rash.